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Everything posted by vsb

  1. we’ve had server maintenance at the same time on the same day every for almost a decade now, i’d think it’s pretty obvious
  2. yeah it really irritates me that apb has dozens (maybe even hundreds) of ingame brands and instead orbit decided to randomly add this dark tower crap, it feels like something that belongs more in fallen earth than apb to be fair g1 did this too, all the random guns (norsemen, pathfinder, etc) and the two newest cars used completely new brands as well (io and whirlwind iirc) as a lore goon it really makes me salty
  3. yeah cj actually affecting burst fire weapons was broken af
  4. the obeya has surprisingly low max bloom, cj3 is more about making the obeya competent at close ranges but there’s no reason you have to fire at max rof all the time - i’ve had plenty of times where a faster last shot has nabbed me a kill before an enemy could get to cover, land his last shot, etc and ir3 is kind of redundant with the high overdamage and forgiving dropoff i figured a veteran player such as yourself would understand how semi automatic weapons work after 8 years
  5. the ursus is just as viable in most situations it just lacks mod versatility since hs3 is locked in
  6. it’s the same as a carbine just slower, idk how anyone could have issues with that
  7. apb has had tens of thousands of players over the years, and salvick has been around since obt at least - that’s almost 9 years of free money via symbols its not like there’s much to spend apb$ on anyway, idk why this matters
  8. yeah unless someone is really set on using an AR, most people will just use the obeya - it’s insanely good and it’s f2p
  9. you don’t like spawning directly in enemy fire? casual
  10. salvick makes and sells symbols and clothing iirc, that’s basically a free money printing press
  11. if you can’t say it straight why even bother? this isn’t 11th grade language arts, no one’s here to analyze the deep symbolism of your posts
  12. lmao idk about you but i’m willing to wait as long as it takes to get a solution, can’t believe you’re actually advocating for shittier/no support responses just get quick let response time
  13. i think it was the other way around, i’m sure g1 would have loved to keep getting free money from innova and a major reason for innova not wanting to renew the license could have been poor profits, which could have been caused by allowing f2p players too much access to armas items
  14. this is the least shitty matchmaking i’ve seen in a thread complaining about matchmaking lol
  15. but the more people participating in fc the larger that 10% ratio can be, no? so more people going for gold challenge tier should theoretically cause the average activity number to go down
  16. afaik there are no longer any fc rewards except for jt i know for me personally, once i reach the gold challenge tier i just keep going until my play session is over, the different requirements force me to change my gameplay which helps a lot with boredom
  17. considering it takes more effort for any player with a functioning brain to game the threat system than it does to maintain gold threat, your “no effort” excuse kind of falls through you know what the actual low effort way to avoid “social politics”? just don’t talk in /d
  18. i think its too high orbit should add a function where you actually lose jt after a mission and then change the random reward to be from -5jt to 5jt
  19. yeah it would be nice if there was pop 24/7 but there's not idk what use repeatedly posting lobby screenshots is, do you think orbit is somehow unaware of the current population?
  20. i stand corrected, xneat has never been bannable by a functional anticheat
  21. it started off toxic op wants to think he's disliked because he's the bronze jesus spitting cold hard facts at the evil gold devil, but in reality its just because his posts are a mess to read and he has no concept of logical discussion
  22. xneat has never been bannable afaik, although there have been several (idiotic) large forum debates about how its somehow unfair macros are a use at your own risk kind of thing programs like ahk or autoit can be detected by anticheat software (and they can also do far more cheaty things than a macro) so i'd steer clear its super doubtful that the anticheat will "detect" mouse software since that would put significant portions of the community at risk of ban just for owning the wrong gaming peripheral, but its technically still possible
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