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About vsb

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    taking up your precious time

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  1. if you don’t trust that the devs are banning cheaters, why would you trust that the devs would post legitimate ban statistics?
  2. anyone still playing needs a mandatory detox anyway
  3. you can’t actually stop stretched res players, because you can’t stop players from changing their monitors resolution its the custom crosshair “debate” all over again
  4. nothing has changed about grenade use since low yields were nerfed
  5. something has to be done, the gun is inferior to the scout in all actual gameplay scenarios a 4stk gun with a passable jumpshooting ability already exists, increasing the enchantress's stk (and lowering ttk) isnt going to suddenly break the game
  6. i’d rather not add even more guns to the problematic gambling system just buff them instead, altho the oblivion probably shouldn’t be touched
  7. crosshairs should always be linked to the accuracy of your weapon, otherwise there’s no point in having one frankly i don’t have a problem with this since the meta is ca3 anyway (and imo ca3 is the way default health regen should be, but that’s another discussion) the current 30% damage minimum will likely prove to be too high for accurate weapons, so damage ramp downs will have to be adjusted i didn’t list it initially but punt the awful curve system into the infinite void as well
  8. ah, didn’t recognize you whichever direction would be better than the abomination we have now orbit really getting their money’s worth from the unpaid intern
  9. all this would really be is an accuracy boost across the board realistically guns wouldn’t actually play all that much differently, players would just have more control over rng vs ttk
  10. i can only repeat myself so many times per decade in short: -weapons should all have perfect accuracy for at least the first shot, bloom and spread used to encourage (but not force) optimal rof and range -vehicles should all be able to reach max speed, acceleration and handling used to balance different archetypes, health values should be evened out (but not made equivalent) towards the median across the board -remove faction based matchmaking limits, or, implement fixed anarchy/chaos districts (objectives must be added for this mode to work) -rebalancing of score system to improve threat calculation and matchmaking -massive revamp to all progression systems, generally reducing the requirements/time to unlock items
  11. espacio meta is back to 100% strength, snoozefest patch
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