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Everything posted by -Rachel-

  1. Yeah 50/50 or more would be great, if the servers can do it without committing sudoku.
  2. -Rachel-


    Hi, welcome! I hope you have a wonderful time!
  3. I wish we could lose those damned joker machine annoyance files.
  4. I don't feel like a sale would be inappropriate, but I understand what you mean.
  5. The user above me is not purple enough!
  6. A classic, actually good music but I think we're all sick of hearing it 6/10
  7. 7/10 Not my kinda thing, but surprisingly catchy.
  8. Matchmaking is the area of the game I think needs the most work, the system is just broken as it is now. Solving it won't be an easy task however, we would need cross-district matching or phasing technology of some sort to really make it work.
  9. Intense, which is good, but there's no siiiinging.... So 7/10
  10. Now convince someone to add queues
  11. Yeah Little Orbit bought GamersFirst and is still using the brand.
  12. Agreed, hopefully they will tweak whatever they have to and send it out.
  13. I think it's kinda cute and girly, so I like it. Also we had to put another $2000 into it after the fact, but it's running great and is pretty reliable. It went a long time without a timing belt change and didn't self-destruct, so that's always good.
  14. The user above me is so much more.
  15. -Rachel-


    Now let's find some way to abuse it so they have to take it away.
  16. He really was. I had a brief correspondence with him once many moons ago, and I was really impressed by him. I cried a little when I heard this.
  17. It's not a shock that G1 was running so many sales right before Little Orbit bought them.
  18. -Rachel-


    I've lost my spanish, or I would ask you what the hell you're talking about.
  19. My 2002 PT Cruiser.. and my finger. It rattles when I drive it, it has 142k miles, and its miles per gallon is crap but it only cost me $1000. I love her anyways.
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