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Everything posted by -Rachel-

  1. I'm hoping Little Orbit will make this stuff account wide as it always should have been.
  2. That too, you can never convince me the pre-nerf Trouble Maker wasn't intentional.
  3. Because car spawn and car det were terrible ideas in the first place and just unbalance the gameplay (and toxify it).
  4. I don't have an issue with the number of weapons in game, but I certainly agree with removing certain mods. If mobile spawn point and car detonator were removed, I'd be a very happy girl.
  5. Except it's common decency not to expose them in public.
  6. Let's be real, guns, cars, clothes, etc. should cost 1/3 of what they do.
  7. And how do you even see them if you're the first car to stop at the red light? They're directly above you, you wouldn't be able to see them as shown in APB.
  8. Why are people legit unhappy about losing tiddies? I mean, half of all humans have them and you can easily see them by either looking in a mirror or searching "tiddies" on google. This isn't some horrible giant thing.
  9. Feels like the 80s all over again. 7/10
  10. They're both good, how am I supposed to choose?
  11. Advertisement for a clan/10
  12. Granted, but they unify in their hatred for you. I wish I could go back in time and fix my childhood.
  13. Considering all we've learned, I'm shocked they ever managed to release the game on consoles.
  14. No kidding. He did say they were about 2/3 of the way done though.
  15. The user above me shouldn't joke about that kinda thing.
  16. Pocket Heart is a separate account I made at the time. It was a complicated and emotional time, and I don't want to get into it, but I appreciate your question.
  17. I really wish more detail had been afforded on threat and matchmaking, but it was a good Q&A session.
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