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Everything posted by -Rachel-

  1. She's still a sexy car.
  2. This isn't off topic. You should be submitting a ticket to support.
  3. "Hope is a waking dream." -Aristotle
  4. So I wasn't the only one who thought that? Yours looks bloody 9/10
  5. She's a D&D character.. Fighter 2/Warlock 2/Sorcerer 4/Wizard 7. She has two swords because she dual wields when she runs out of spell slots, and I liked the witcher position more than one on each side, thought it looked cooler. There's an older version of her too, this one got de-aged by wild magic. ON TOPIC: Your avatar is still great/10.
  6. Granted but you lose all your files in a freak accident. I wish the world was more purple.
  7. -Rachel-


    Is this acceptable? I tried to match the background with the color of the forums but something is being lost. ^Better
  8. Yeah I feel optimistic about the game in general, I'm definitely going to try to get my friends to play again, maybe resurrect my clan.
  9. -Rachel-


    Do you have a larger version of it?
  10. Aw Granted, but carrots now have a 50/50 chance of tasting like soap or particle board. I wish I had a PS4, just for the exclusives.
  11. Yeah I'm waiting to play any more until it comes out, I'm pretty excited.
  12. I very much hope so, I'm honestly optimistic, but past experience has tempered that somewhat.
  13. As long as they keep updating it. G1 never updated punkbuster or fairfight.
  14. Very true and I agree, but I still hope it's soon, as long as what we get is of high quality.
  15. I can't even get it to work in the first place lol.
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