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Everything posted by -Rachel-

  1. Granted, but I eat it. I wish I had a drink to go along with it.
  2. My favorite gun is the ATAC Bodyguard. I like the way it shoots, and I also think it's the coolest looking gun in the game. I do my best work in the short-medium range that the ATAC shines in. My favorite car I think is the IO Growl. It's fast, zippy, easy to drive, and looks badass.
  3. He's asking for several things that were changed for balance reasons. He wants Clotting 3 buffed back to where it was, he wants to drop the (admittedly useless) notoriety system, and I assume wants a more detailed /fps command. Clotting is fine how it is, even after being nerfed a little, it's still basically the best character mod. Notoriety I agree is worthless, especially because your notoriety level no longer matters for 99% of the game. I don't think the notoriety system should be outright removed, but I do think it should be re-imagined and take a different form.
  4. It needs to do fractional damage at short range, and maybe (maybe) have it's damage reduced from 850 to like 775 or so.
  5. Easy excuse, why don't you be real with us? I used to be gold, now I'm silver half the time. It's because I suck more. I'm guessing it's the same with you.
  6. It's insane, right? But sadly, the community has proven again and again we will buy them anyways.
  7. I've taken multiple photoshop classes, I'm good. I didn't put all that much effort into my sig. Just enough to be pretty by my own standards. 8/10 well arranged.
  8. I like the colors and animation 8/10
  9. Really nice. You two must have good jobs.
  10. Granted, but they're so severely reversed, you're not even sure they were. I wish someone would buy me a pizza.
  11. This one is true, I am on a drug that causes memory ... "issues".
  12. The user above me doesn't realize no one cares.
  13. I think the real problem with the Obeya is the NTEC, since what he said was true, the NTEC beats the Obeya at all but the most extreme ranges. NTEC needs to have a real niche. It is versatile, but doesn't really pay for that versatility, even after the nerf.
  14. I've never understood this mentality. I know there are a lot of people who are better than I am, so if they kill me, what's more likely, that they cheated? Or that I simply got outplayed cause I can't aim for garbage? I'll take the second in almost all cases.
  15. At least when it comes to things like this.
  16. The user above doesn't realize I've never missed leg day because I don't have one.
  17. Sugar causes hyperactivity.
  18. What the HVR needs is a damage curve so that it does massively reduced damage within 35 meters. It's supposed to be a long ranged gun, you should feel stupid for using it at short range, not rewarded.
  19. Yeah I forgot how warped their brains are, where some might consider being punished an achievement.
  20. Again I'm more thinking about future bans, that will hopefully be conducted more ethically. But I won't lie, I think cheaters are scum of the earth, and if they get punished for ruining things for other people, I'm going to feel good about it.
  21. I refuse to believe the majority of FF bans were corrupt just because some of them were corrupt. I'm actually happy that they're adding BE and unbanning everyone for a second chance at the same time. But when I was talking about bans and feeling vindicated, I was thinking about any potential future bans, which will likely be legit. So tell me, if someone actually cheated and ruined the game for other people, why the hell should I not feel great that they lose their account?
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