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Everything posted by SLICKIEM

  1. ai in that case would just be a stopgap for the very serious issue of low playerbase. that's just treating the symptoms, not the disease. just wait for 3.5 when matchmaking system is reworked. i have a really good feeling about that
  2. please add some kool fortnite emotes too!?!??!?? hehe xd
  3. and add the Silverado back fucking love the Silverado
  4. bro that gives me legit anxiety, i can't even handle letters/numbers on my shortcuts lmao
  5. dude you got enough shit pinned to your taskbar and desktop???? omg lol
  6. i remember samp, that shit was awesome. i used to play on crazybob's cops and robbers, best samp server 10/10.
  7. that video looks like a mouse hardware issue, but there really is a marksmanship bug that untoggles you from marksmanship mode. i've experienced it before, it's rare. it just acts like you released RMB, that's it. you gotta re-aim to fix the bug.
  8. it's been like this for a very long time. most outfits in the gold crowd are really similar, it's like a culture thing. a few really good golds looked like this, so all other people who want to be like them dress similar. at least that's how i think this particular style happened
  9. there already is camera shake when you begin sprinting. it's very light but bothers the absolute fuck out of me
  10. and they are always max rank with silver somehow.
  11. i doubt you could use it accurately past 500 yards even with a lot of experience
  12. ahhh ok, so i'm right technically but wrong applicably? yeah that's not how it works. i've used both quite extensively and regardless of the stats and analyzing them, i'd avoid recommending FAR over NTEC for a newer player. it has less ammo, less bloom recovery AND more recovery delay, less accuracy. all these are VERY important figures for a "newbie friendly" weapon. and let me reiterate, i've used both guns for hundreds of hours. REGARDLESS of the stats it feels less forgiving than NTEC does, because it is.
  13. not really. if you mess up the timing of tapfiring it is slower to recover the bloom on FAR than it is NTEC. the only "newbie friendly" mechanic of FAR is that it has a tighter full-auto/max bloom. plus it has less ammo per mag, so it's quite a lot less forgiving in general.
  14. FAR as a whole is pretty unforgiving compared to N-TEC. but, if you can make it work, it is a pretty capable gun especially in closer ranges
  15. i gotchu fam and heres some meme these are all done without xneat, just a phone to look at for reference pics. the Com Truise - In Decay symbol has a few askew little nodules that i'm too lazy to touch up
  16. why are 90% of symbols containing oversexed women or edgy indie postmodern art this shit aint tumblr come on
  17. the game has become almost a private-server like community, with names you will see daily and then "all the others", the people who play once a week or month or year. getting this game out of that population zone is going to be extremely difficult, mostly because of the skill gap more than anything else. a silver will run out in the road with reckless abandon and not understand what's important about cover then get pissed when they die. repeat this 100 times and you have a player that just quit the game. this isn't even counting the people who load into the game, IGNORE the tutorial, then complain the game doesn't tell them how to do missions and quit. fixing the skill gap issue could be done by doing a better job with threat/matchmaking, but it's still gonna cause issues till the population increases. we're caught in quite a severe catch-22 currently that no one has offered a real resolution for. an ad campaign for a re-brand of the game might be a good start, paired up with the matchmaking changes with ue3.5, but again no one has a crystal ball and i think we'll just have to ride it out and see
  18. dude i really hope this is a 150iq mega-troll. hey Siri, define "weeb"
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