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Everything posted by SLICKIEM

  1. I can feel the jadedness through the monitor
  2. Are you using a controller? Also, good song. but that edit at 1:27 is going a little too far plus it's not in time with the song.
  3. The tempress/huntress is incredibly deadly at close/medium range, since it can fire much faster than a full-auto NTEC at close to medium distances. Slap Cooling Jacket 3 on it and you'll see what I'm talking about. It kills a whole 100ms faster than a full auto NTEC, and is more accurate at max fire rate, especially in 6 to 7 round bursts. It's also got one of the highest strafing speed in the entire game when in marksman mode. If you want a 5-shot gun try the Obeya CR762 for longrange, PMG for closerange, AR-97 "Misery" for medium range.
  4. It's 6 bullets to kill within it's effective range, just like N-TEC and many other guns unless your opponent wears kevlar. And for the record, I'm routinely stomped by "Tryhards" and it's physically impossible for me to dethreat to silver to even humor going to bronze to "feed off noobs". It'd take me 6 months of dethreating. (Which is a waste of time)
  5. You seriously have the audacity to tag staff personally for this? Do you think this will make them listen to you?
  6. For people who don't know, even with a 60hz monitor, higher frame rates improve responsiveness in-game (with diminishing returns at 60hz, of course). It's negligible for most people, but I can tell the difference between 58fps and 60fps, or v-sync and non-v-sync 60fps. So it really makes me feel more comfortable. Try it out! It also gives me less screen tearing without needing v-sync.
  7. I recently had a guy with 10 hours playtime spamming me about the "Crosshair not shooting true" and how the "Bullets dont be flyn straight". This feels like that. Please stop
  8. I use a stock i7-6700k without Advanced Launcher and get 120fps in all scenarios with minimum in-game settings, at 1920x1080. It might be your graphics card which is causing the issue. Try turning the godawful bloom off, see if that helps. My AMD card really doesn't like Ambient Occlusion or bloom.
  9. Can confirm SSD makes a gigantic difference with stuttering and loading textures/zones.
  10. Yeah that clip is pretty funny, a perfect showcase of the worst luck possible. Lol. If only you had Flak!
  11. I don't think the spawn fucked you, just bad luck. The spawns are way worse on Baylan, IMO.
  12. Whatever happened to the OCA Iron Reaper SD? I think I've only seen it once EVER. Is it only trialable from joker boxes or something?
  13. If you can find some database entry for it like Air Control has, I'd want it to be put back in. But as a new mod? I dunno about that. There's gotta be some downside to it as well
  14. That's just a DMR-SD with extra vehicle damage and no suppressor. That's it. I already said that. With Heavy Barrel a DMR-SD will stun guaranteed'ly. That's what people remember as the "stun sniper".
  15. Did that actually exist? People seem to remember a "stun sniper" as well but that was just the DMR with Heavy Barrel. I don't think it's needed even if it did exist at one point. One way to remove the toxic behaviour associated with being arrested is to black out the arrested player's screen until they are saved/respawn. Would also prevent post-arrest ghosting since enfs get a penalty for killing an arrested target and won't kill him.
  16. I've had this happen to me occasionally since way back in the day, but it does seem to be happening A LOT more now
  17. Nice! Works like a charm. Though you should add under step 2a): "Pick your in-game resolution when creating a "Standard Resolution" entry."
  18. The people who are continuing to bring the game down are probably the people who were closet cheaters before LO took over, and are too scared to closet cheat now. Maybe some super-top-secret-sp00ky group of people. Either way it's working, I've had two friends uninstall the game over it after years of playing. Really wish the LO guys luck on that front, it's a tough fight
  19. Late to the party on this comment, but the reason you get accused more on your enforcer is likely because it's lower level. People like to equate rank with skill ceiling for some reason.
  20. You basically use it as you would an N-TEC except it's in slow motion, for lack of better description. Aiming from sprint is slower, strafing is slower, time between shots is slower, etc. It's also slightly less accurate than N-TEC. The advantage is it's a 70m gun. It's also worse than the ALIG for vehicle damage, I bought the VAS Empire which is a re-skin of the N-SSW, I like that gun model more. It's fun to use with HS3, HB2, MP3.
  21. When you have to request songs on your own twitch stream. Silver life is rough, my dude.
  22. You can rent 195 mods for quite cheap from the Joker ticket store for a week at a time, which lower ranks can use. You're not even limited on that front. So what's the purpose of the complaint?
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