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Everything posted by Kiida

  1. Lixil had people banned only in her own stream due to the drama they were bringing up over said formerly-banned players. She simply doesn't like naming and shaming.
  2. Thanks, Matt. Glad to see it's not completely off the board.
  3. Exactly this. The Runescape dev teams build SO much hype for future updates through their dev streams. I tried suggesting this in-game during one of the FC events with the GMs recently. There's obviously not much to work on in terms of content right now but it's something I'd love to see after the engine upgrade has rolled out.
  4. No more streaming at all? Gotta say I'm pretty disappointed by that decision, but I can understand it due to today's drama. GM/dev streams are one of the things APB has always needed though, I hope you look into it again for the future. Edited after clarification
  5. are we sure it is DDOS attacks, just seems to be a constant issue with Jericho, not sure if Citadel has this issue ALL the time. At this point I have no idea. NA has had these server issues on a near constant basis since 2013, through different server locations (Joker on east, then Jericho in central). It is something they're trying to figure out though.
  6. I downvote you because you get aroused by pets. And you wonder why everyone teamkills you, Katchwi?
  7. Yes it is name and shame. Edit: Don't downvote me because you're an charming person and don't know the rules.
  8. They're getting through tickets but still have a LOT to do. Just try to stay patient and they'll get around to yours. If you feel it's been too long you could reply to the same email your ticket was submitted under to try to get a new response, I believe.
  9. Citadel doesn't really lag that much unless there's a DDoS attack. I've no idea why NA has consistently had it so bad since 2013. Engine upgrade will fix most performance issues though. Hopefully not too long now.
  10. APB never had a problem bringing in new players. We see them all the time. It could just never hold onto them due to a lack of tutorial and balance. And it's not the Removed Inappropriate Language ~@mayii 'veterans' that are the main issue, it's the casual max rank silvers who want easy opposition and so dethreat to stomp said newbies.
  11. I've never had this happen to me after maxing out Cop role on 4-5 different characters. Just saying.
  12. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/2002-we-are-banning-for-hacking-and-cheating/
  13. Who gives a shit about forum ratings tbh
  14. Well you can disable pedestrians without disabling civilian vehicles pretty easily I'd assume.
  15. Doesn't work if it comes from player vehicles.
  16. There was on Citadel :s A few familiar names around that I see are still cheating, somehow already have that BE bypass but LO are implementing anticheat features one by one I think? So not too concerned anymore.
  17. They should remove Reloaded from the name anyway tbh.
  18. lol if you think it's annoying on PC I dare you to try consoles
  19. No No Yes please, broken af Fang needs slight range reduction imo, IR3 makes it too strong N-TEC just needs less hipfire/movement accuracy so the corner jump lean meme isn't meta
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