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Queen of Love

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Everything posted by Queen of Love

  1. Experience in game is priceless, and Veterans should be listened always. Good experienced choices for the game carry new players, not hazardous choice that need a rework every 2 weeks. since 2012 (after 1y of daily playing): what about new emotes? Never ,Impossible, L2p what about new contacts? 2 for faction (Elforcer/event contact doesnT count) what about new items but not armas-stored? Santa Claus hat and item's events that need Ascetic devotion to APB 24/24h what about new vehicles? 1 (enfoshada is a bishada, enfomicro is a micro, coywolf is a nice hanveo , doesnT count) what about new map? 1=Asylum. (luckyly found for error during a server maintanance in some RP dusty archive. ) what about new forum? destroyed first time with all national sections with all the fun and history of real golden age of apb deleted, for ever. what about new new forum? luckily restored as should be, but is like a candle in front of sun memoryes that it was. what about a trade system? OHHHHHHHHH finally LO . (100% of community asked this ,maybe more than an EU ) what about new kit for low tier cars? Nobody care, except that Ceresco is the most used car by new players (expecialy by crime looting), and could love it more if some kind of customitation could be added. And a cabrio calabria could be the most cute kawaii friendly vehicle in game. (FAQ: ehy driver&passengers should be hitted as in real! A: is a videogame, not a CSI simulator) is 2019 i still play my favourite game, but after looking riot mode i feel that the project is mutilate APB of its originality and create a red vs blue boring shooter. TLDR: Is community listened? Not really. i canT use NinjaRipper
  2. In Warframe forum there is not a limit to emote-vote, and this allow better to autodetect who spam downvotes/upvotes. Daily Limit should be removed . I dont care about vote moderation ,(useless), but the segret vote is like the Internet of 1995 where every user of every single chat room was total anonymus, the heaven of haters. I would see not who constant use their 2 neurons for downvote me as sport, but for see the opposite, who rarely emote-vote (up/down/lol) and care about interesting user opinion vote. Fast example: a suggestion is largely downvoted by veterans = consider suggestion as wrong or bad planed. Supersonic example : upvoted the most stupid thing i ever posted = maybe the idea is not so stupid. Quantic ex: <+n/-n>= { QoL}+ FTL ex: - - Ty </name> TLDR: i upvoted ur analysis
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory An old post of a veteran (Sho.) explained it very well. The game has been a bit vandalized (G. Co.) And is hard restore the damage (OOB,N-bug,Threat Locking,Teamkick) Also with all effort possible (ty LO ) it still appears ruined. Solution: Clean and Fresh Air first. Add something funny after restore the good old APB. 1st thing to do : This:
  4. Could be nice see (again) the fans that upvote post
  5. deploy yellow ammobox is the best claymore if used with percs :3 every oppo like free ammo until it explode
  6. No. New players need discover all maps as they prefer and for the time they like. Old players have to relax sometime just for have fun like the APB golden age of 2012 after OOB does will be introduced Out Of Game? again, No. and Social is not funny for RolePlay. before Loitering we should do something about dethreating and team kick.
  7. Love Boat More on discord channel and site Order your uniform today (citadel and jericho)
  8. i canT export my New Navy Royal Admiral??? Kelly canT never drive a Fresno without sink entire team at first turn!! Who i can put now as supreme marine warfare tutor for command the fleet? u,,U/ this not a cooperative action, restore NR NOW!
  9. Ok, in short: negative: respawn is stressing ,waiting more than 10 sec was ok in 1994. not today. open world like APB need cars, restore them . this is worst than OOB. i canT use directly my ALIG RDIII marvellous overpriced?? i have to 'unlock' it??? worst than weapon drop. social map is ruined, remove the priest from top fence cause that place is the best view for relax. positive: map is perfect for a zombie apocalypse, put some one random here and there and game is safe. is nice find cool weapons randomly. grey area: where is RH crew? a complete desert map doesnT help to have an immersion or a story. new contacts on mission district could help to have nice item to be used in riot district. (like a car, for example)
  10. Ok, in short: respawn is stressing ,waiting more than 10 sec was ok in 1994. not today. open world like APB need cars, and here we have not, add horses or restore car. i canT use directly my ALIG RDIII marvellous overpriced?? i have to 'unlock' it??? what did u drink?! i want one too!! map is perfect for a zombie apocalypse, put some one random here and there and game is safe.
  11. i can see the map and spawn point but after selection loading circle is infinite still stucked on spawn map
  12. Majestic Queen of Love could consider to make some act of royal mercy if you add FE horses during downtime. Note: Yes, she is watching you. Note2: Go Matt! Whip em all! (here works)
  13. Yesterday, in 2 min we organized 1h of Amazing ferryboat racing with cecohz new Friends, racing Is Always the top while waiting oppo they should confirm a district Just for race
  14. i am playing in jericho now just for meet someone with this sound nvm, is local file audio T_T me sad
  15. @PersianTiger Project need Organitation. Organitation need Gerarchy Gerarchy need Subordination Subordination need Leader. Leader require Duty,KnowHow,Relation,Coordination skills. Basically Is hard find some one with all these skills togheter. And obvius also with a charismatic project manager the crew result in final job is not warranted. Cause is hard manage creative people, and mostly they rarely find the need of cooperate. TL:DR Why i should begin to code something for this bunch of crazy wild horses ? git gud nubs !
  16. "Nobody cheats in APB, git gud noobs." F. (Common response of a well known banned&rebanned^3 to any legit doubt in any Silver district chat ) OP: depends. Mostly are so bad that cheats could be considered a good support for their mental deficit. In other case there are nice people that stop cheat forever if they discover how much they are really apprecciated . cause sometime cheaters are nothing else than people that need popularity. TL:DR for stop abusing cheats,first rule is stop join who abuse cheats. PS: remove out of bounds, nobody of Stunt's club of friday night has never been banned. Recover the good old people of APB and cheaters will decrease.
  17. mmm can we have mission district exclusive for some kind of g1c pass ? i am tired to read cyrillic.
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