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Queen of Love

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Everything posted by Queen of Love

  1. Ty, i did an APB 2019 Calendar ,check it on my discord channel gallery, i canT post any image cause are too hot and calientes, especially August & November.
  2. Queen of Love

    game crash

    i did it, now looks fine, but at the begin after splash screen wouldnot start now is ok.
  3. Queen of Love

    game crash

    it happens every time, usually after 20-30 minutes of game. before patch was really rare, now is for every match /playgame / session. i guess is related to spawn system and server connection. is boring have a mission of 25 minutes fun to play and then crash...
  4. how to fast change a normal map with green pattern to blue pattern? i use "tint" with Gimp2.0 but i would know if there is a fastest mode.
  5. dressing shield could be better.
  6. is a 3 way light position it works (plus the gggirls spot colored neon) do u have some window classic? i found just tourist image and then i crop them the windows on wall are a Firenze spot zoomed x4 edit: i have to fill same post with different images also if they are 2 different subject prepare to a collage ,mark it as a gallery
  7. I guess Kevlar could be made also as a deployable invisible steel plate around body Kv1 Deployable- 1 steel plate that absorbs 1 shot of Ntec Kv2 Deployable- 1 steel plate that absorbs 1 shot of DMR Kv3 Deployable- 1 steel plate that absorbs 1 shot of HVR with a reasonable cool down ,while equipped, Kv/CA canT be used.
  8. now should appear better :3 merged. Gambling Addiction? Click image to ask help.
  9. @Nite is just a sys for entry in a pve mission, with an amount of lifes until game over, for continue the game, the player will spend another "coin" with a JT price.
  10. i would really like this benefits for JT , they are really understimated, but earning jt is a common activity for all maxranked . a revamp of Joker Store,, plus a solid workshop with user contents could save the boat for other 5 years. crazy idea: JT available on armas. are you asking why? for join the future pve district! 10 JT: 3 lifes and entry mission, 300 JT: freegame for a day. 2000JT: free game for a week. 5.000 Jt : for a month, and so on... like a coin up
  11. just remove car surfer, /solved.
  12. dethreating is the problem hyphotesis: have a nice 4 vs 4 perfectly MM. have just 1 player that is going to dethreat normal server mission performance thesis: just 1 dethreater (dt) can ruins both teams gameplay . demostration: one dt in own team means 25% team less, and obvius a solid 25% active more for opponent team if is griefing too. so we have a tecnical difference of 50% also with a perfect MM. on the opponent side, there is an huge probability of raging/harassing cheat incoming in case of district/whisper like "gg ez" ,maybe without any will of offense, but understood by griefed team as it is. also 2 friendly team could become deadly enemy's just for the acting of a single dethreater. and relative equivocal comunication. with this kind of opponent's team, every skill valutation is relative , and for the player become useless learn effectly how to improve itself (quality of future performance ,especialy in coop) or its arsenal (ARMAS market compromised) the dt behaviour could be get as legit by other players. final results: 7 hyphotetic good gamers could have in a mission with a dt the following results: 90% game ruined 50% raging /nervous chat 50% false positive mission results 30% will not consider to improve arsenal. 25% log off for more than 1 day 20% log-off for more than a week (this is nearly a goodbye) 10% will rest ingame for more than 2 missions. (if dt present in oppo) 5% will rest ingame for less than 2 missions ,(if dt present in own) this means 60% of losing a player forever and in just one mission. TLDR: set dethreating until extreme limit. make it near to impossible, is the solution. FAQ: the cheaters are worst! FALSE: the impact to game serenity of a cheater is neither the 30% of damage taken by a dethreater. with same hyphotesis, lets put 1 blatant cheater in a perfect 4 vs 4. in this case, the force balance give only a boost of 25% to only one side and there is no "affection" to oppo side, if a dethreater give a solid 25% help to oppo and a 25% deficit to own team this means a difference of 25+25=50 % of unbalance, the cheater is "just" 25% plus the raging is oriented to cheater mostly, and hardly the rage will affect the remaining team FAQ2: the griefers are worst! FALSE: usually a griefer dont have the purpose of disturb entire time mission, when he get the harass result, for stupid fun, he usually stop, he dont have to get a result, a dethreater instead does, until he dethreated ,one have a limited time of bad behaviour, other have to complete entire mission for dethreating. FAQ3: the MM is worst! FALSE: there are game with a MM ridicoulous ,but there is the will from weak side to show some skill, and have fun is the main goal of entire gameplay, not get the world cup. note that where there is a poor MM the strong player dont act like tryhards, but like a relaxed pro that dont use dirty tricks for get results at any cost, maybe these are not balanced matches ,but are always loyal. a dethreater suppose that use a tricks is legit, a real pro versus noobs hardly will infect his own favourite game. FAQ4: the p2w is worst! FALSE: in APB the coop objective mission dont depends by fire force available, the best gun available is perfectly useless in specific missions, and also the cheapest HVR could save the team, on other side, also the best team equipped is useless with a dethreater in team. TLDR: try to win a deathmatch with a dethreater in team, try to deliver an item with a dt in team, try to turn out by an hide corner while a dt is going straight to enemy and showing your precious tactic position. sorry for my earthquaked english. feel free to correct or launching rotten tomatos. Note_edit_ : the dethreating doesnt finish to be a problem when dt stops acting for dethreat, the real issues begin when he begin to be active where his real skill should not be present
  13. i am sure i miss the scale UV for both, wood is 1024x1024, should looks better, Marble is generated, i have to check sizeUV and also the Nabla, cause dark maculade looks too "large". AAx8 for a 50% jpg compressed, effectly i could post something more detailed
  14. Archimesh works well with "generated" texture cover, a bit less with uv cause mesh are not uv mapped. but with manual mark of uv borders there is some fast result. at least mostly common mesh are stored as unique type.
  15. Nope, it's actually a model of a fluid splash, but I couldn't get it to look right because it kept trying to reflect the blue sky so it ended up brighter and a little more washed out than it was supposed to be. just use a plain oriented to camera, you will save a lot of time and result is quite the same. mostly water fall in my poor, bad,ugly render are made with some plane oriented, but looks good (at least the water look nice! )
  16. sometime i am surprised how i never checked/searched this true golden suggestion i always used just 2 lights on 45/56 , plus the ambient occlusion at 20%, the rear light is a total new concept for me i hope more will read this . cause the various trouble on rendere 90% of times are the wrong light position. (or material specualr wrong settings)
  17. the problem with expression is that :is noT possible use a face expression POSE to different characters and have 100% match. One smile will look good to one, but hoorribly like Joker of Tim Burton to another face, so if i use 1h for pose the lips in one , doesnT means i can reuse it, i will need another 1h for another face, is a new pose at 50%) also one millimeter miss in pose face cause a weird result. for this is extremely hard use complex or raffinate face poses, usually is better keep an expression "seriuos" and slighty move some facebone, or on opposite side, move them more as possible, like "yelling" "shock" where mouth and eyes are compeltely open or completely closed. the "large smile" (in your pciture is in JOY) is still the most complex pose for the mouth, but for eyes expression the true "golem" is the "crying" expression (in your pic is in TERROR ). however in my forum avatar there is a "little heart lips kiss" pose, is the only one that works on universal face even in Zbisc character
  18. mmmh.... -_- really interesting. good job.
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