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Everything posted by iRawwwN

  1. no it sucks old bounty with a rework is the only logical thing to do bounty system was fun
  2. Just because you cannot figure a way to make it happen does not mean there is 'no actual way'.
  3. Well yeah, I'm not wasting 20 minutes waiting for opp only to get teammates that use their toes to play.
  4. 1) They're a private company, whatever you do they can just terminate your account. Surely a perm. ban is on the table when you try skirt/break ToS. 2) I'm not bent out of shape over anything? You think I'm somehow upset with you using SS symbols... I don't really care what you do you can have your freedom of expression but don't get so bent out of shape when a company takes action against something in their ToS. 3) Just because you believe it to be a joke maybe not everyone agrees that your joke is "funny"? gg B)
  5. you must have thrown your head against a wall at least 15 times before commenting that. no way you can realistically say something like that and not have negative braincells.
  6. It's interesting. Being part of this community now near 12 years and watching people grow up and out of certain things... yet somehow 'triggering' people is TOP of people's to-do-list. Sure egging people on is funny but idk man. Dressing up my character in an SS uniform to trigger people, surely there is another hobby out there that is more fulfilling.. more educating... a little less incel-y? Maybe I've grown with the times a little too much to be still with these HSers playing a TPS that should have be canned 5+ years ago. XD
  7. gg ez no re You're a dumbass. You have the ability to create near anything you can imagine with the editor and you proceed to make some SS symbols to RP as a Nazi? It's not "funny" to a LOT of people, your actions have consequences. Not that I'm saying those things should have happened to you but what did you expect? Would you be okay with your account getting totally nuked? At least then you wouldn't get blueballs... having your character there but.. not there.. LOL GGNORE You should explain to us why the SS uniform was so important to create, and why it's so humorous that you would knowingly risk ToS? Please, explain the joke.
  8. jeez maybe LO could do some actual moderation to quell the hatred among players... nah lets just keep everything anonymous ezpz less headaches
  9. Is this some sort of community game we must play? Where do we start looking for the letter?
  10. some cheaters are so dedicated that closing registration won't do much, they'll just go buy an account and play on that 'til it gets banned and then buy another after. new players find this game everyday, but they might stop playing due to the player base. this is solely on LO as they have seemingly done everything in their way to alienate their community.
  11. guy on Twitch said 150 cheetermen on 1 service... not even that many opp xD Fewer cheaters than you think tbh.
  12. I'll make sure to send this to every bronze & silver i frag in game.
  13. are yellow mods a mechanic? if so, ill take a complete down-grade of apb to the 2013 version with 255contacts. apb would be fun again
  14. Threats are important for many reasons, and tossing new players in with veterans of the game isn't going to help ANYONE. Having optional threat-districts with the population as low as it is now will just further increase times between opposed missions or limit Gold players opposition. Merged. cant add ur quote to my post above... ur actually dumb. There are cheaters yeah, but there aren't as many as you think there are. Not every Gold is cheating, not every Gold cheese wins. You just refuse to improve as a person, you're a fucking BOOMER. get good. P.S. It's a video game and ur crying about "letting you guys into bronze is Fraud" and that "These purchases were made with the idea that threat segregation was a permanent thing.". No, you spent money on a video game from a private business that you in no way - shape or form - signed a contract with that the game had to remain the way it was. Insults removed. - Azukii
  15. same issue, didnt know if it was because i had a config installed or not. makes changing characters to look at activities a PITA. add it to the list of everything else that is ABSOLUTELY BORKED with this game
  16. AndyJames is the best player NA has ever seen. Oscar legend, you could learn a thing or two from him, kid.
  17. apb has always had potential but none of the companies took care of it. people dedicated to the game have a feel for how the game could be and were able to make those changes.
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