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Everything posted by iRawwwN

  1. GUYS JUST STOP CHEATING srsly like never got false ban, u guys got some hardware issues that u need to figure out
  2. how about you add blacksky to the in game menu, now that most ppl are using it and you don't seem to be bannering for it its soft on the eyes, i love it
  3. its so you have time to reflect on your purchase and realise how much of a waste it was
  4. HAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA bro im smoking some hippy crippler but whatever u got is better come share it
  5. the IP/Lore is yes, whatever LO sold to UNIT GAME. shows their belief in the game
  6. idk bro theres some pSilent players that can make kevlar 3 work and they stream their gameplay too so u know it works
  7. you cant call anyone a cheater, i heard u play apb with ur toes
  8. does this mean we are getting those yucky discord names or have LO decided not to proceed with that dumb idea ps. thanks for the mm update, im not redownloading OTW. gonna be interesting to see how it functions on live
  9. they went nexon then i guess to papaya, you're a few years late to that also 1v1 me red clover n00b
  10. i will only settle with weapons being able to be used in the rear of the montane or the t-25, but i won't ask to gimp it by adding any mount/dismout time.
  11. apb would be better reverted to a 2013 version. apb would be better if yellow consumables were never a thing (yes and shield too, losers) i love getting in my Macchina Cosenza or Cisco and getting followed around ... or even pickup pickup... car surfer is a bad mod for the game. It's not a BAD MOD, it just shouldn't be in the game.
  12. theres not a single player other than myself that does not use macro or triggerbot or some other performance enhancing drug such as adderall. all apb players are cheaters
  13. bring back actual movement. bring back jumpscout bring back sprint shooting #makeAPBfunagain
  14. sorry bro inflation has hit some of us hard i had to choose bread this week over the csg
  15. people that use overlay program are the same as people that use macro.. noob gg eac undetec
  16. oh u guys were watching kemps stream about unique weapons too lol poor tobiidk doesnt have the rarest gun anymore (unless his was a 2slot)
  17. I said discuss, not just say no. Quit being a *****. Because STAR is not a good default weapon and everyone uses N-Tec anyway. If you do anything to the STAR you just make another N-Tec. Why have more n-tecs? ? You need a base rifle to then balance the weapons around it. You say this, but we're at 300 pop and nothing you/SCPT has done has helped this game. (I know you are just testers, and LO needs to listen but you are still "them". meh It's "easier" but you still get trampled by an N-Tec. It's hard to balance these guns with such little data to go off I can only assume, but the STAR just doesn't work, imo.
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