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Everything posted by iRawwwN

  1. Thanks Matt, looking forward to seeing it in action. I doubt you guys are gonna spank streamers, unlike RIOT dev's did to fl0m, shroud etc. but it'll be fun to see. Glad to see the EU is almost here.
  2. alright last wednesday you fixed the stuttering issue and now you reintroduced it again nice game man really nice game im so glad i can get 80fps and constant fps drops on a 10 year old game man really
  3. game is for mature players only; The forums are like PG-13 or some shit. get the fuck over it and go back to erping with your bud in social and afking missions.
  4. Why would you disable blowtorch but not explosives? edit; 2nd game now where the launcher spawns and then I get within 150m to it and my game crashes. NEATO i guess i wont be playing the event then! nice one
  5. Oh wow, so by that logic Valorant isn't going to be a competitive game because it doesn't say it is? Listen, if two people are competing against each other to win a match there is some form of competition happening. These two players are trying to be better than the other. It doesn't matter if the only reward is basically to FLEX on the loser. The person who wins over and over will make a name for themselves, and will become renown on the game... even if it's only a 1k pop game. It doesn't matter that he has PREVIOUSLY cheated, Flaws still knows the game. He's put enough hours into the game to know how to play, how to counter etc. He's still a high-ELO Gold. Of course it's not competitive, they're clearly expoliting the games ELO mechanics and should be banned. Yet, if that same 4 man was in the correct district vs'ing players of equal skill then it'd be competitive. You need to step back from the computer, take a shower and clear your head. You are not getting ANY of the points that have been said in this thread.
  6. com·pet·i·tive /kəmˈpedədiv/ Learn to pronounce adjective adjective: competitive 1. relating to or characterized by competition. com·pe·ti·tion an event or contest in which people compete. Players COMPETE against each other. Every single match you partake in is an event where you compete against another player. So long as you're not a DETHREATER or a "play for fun" type of person, each match, each fire fight is a type of competition. I'm sure once LO completes the APB EU and get everything figured all those will be added YET you'll still probably be the person to say "oh apb isn't competitive". Just because you can't be good at a game doesn't mean no one else strives to be top. Good job, if the ELO system in this game worked as it should you'd be artificially inflating those poor players ELO causing them to play against better players faster... which could possibly end with them leaving the game. That is, if it happened constantly, 1 win against a low ELO gold/silver shouldn't match them with high ELO Golds.
  7. Whether you like it or not, APB is a competitive game. Two players PvP'ing each other, both trying to COMPETE and WIN. It might have the Open World aspect and might be more random than other games, but there is STILL a competitive edge to the game. Not everyone is cheating. ?_? Maybe take the time to learn the game and you'll see.
  8. MRT was broken for a long patootie time. I'm pretty upset about it being removed though, hopefully it comes back. Nice update to the JT Store though, always good to get ARMAS weapons available to the F2P players.
  9. lol? I smoke some crazy-eye opening shit, but I want what you're having. Only two legendaries are worth having and can compete at a high level; Sitting Duck and Ursus. Neither of which are meta weapons? Nah, the ONLY people who need to be 'protected' by the company are NEW players. Players who are new to the game and are still figuring out the ins and outs of the game should be protected and have their hand held. Protecting garbage Silvers/piss-plated Golds only serves to hamper the game in the long run. Enjoy playing your Hello Kitty-type game if LO listens to Silvers/Bronzes.
  10. (sry for crude colouring) No shit that Silvers and Bronzes are the main playerbase of the game, but that does NOT mean they know play the game. They don't know how to balance the game via weapons or even spots/timing etc. They're here to have fun and spend money, not to be competitive. The don't choose meta weapons to win missions, they choose the garbage ARMAS weapons because they look/sound cool or powerful. LO should 100% focus on weapons to make for these players, but whoever balances/creates the stats for these weapons should take the top x% of Golds opinion on how the gun should perform. LO can make skins/clothing for these Silvers/Bronzes to buy because it doesn't affect gameplay. LO catering to Bronzes/Silvers will end with this game dying; FURTHER. I'll die on that hill.
  11. hahahaha what a garbage excuse hahahaha
  12. I thought the H-9 Curse was a good weapon? Last I knew putting cj3 on it was better than an OCA. never used it though
  13. get good bud? just learn how to play the game and frag B) then u wont need to be in the bronze districts and u will have fun!
  14. Will this fix the recent issue of the game freezing and then the server ms goes to 36/37? Happens now every two or so minutes, worse for some.
  15. Also, the players who abuse the warping when getting out of a vehicle that is sliding against the character... which bugs them out. Some players intentionally abuse this.
  16. yeah, vets say they want new content and what that means is APB content. i doubt any one who wanted apb content wanted BR content. many a game done it better than apb could have ever. missions. contacts. districts. all the stuff we fell in love with when first discovering this amazing game.
  17. Little of EAC, little of low population. Game is the same as it has been since 2013/2014, just with fewer players. Besides a few weapon balances/nerfs, nothing is different.
  18. apb needs more pop so new players can vs new players and accounts that have more than 100hrs in game time should not be able to vs new players throw all the silvers that plague the bronze servers in with the big boys )
  19. Skimmed the post and saw this; you're delusional. Most Rust servers are like maybe 200-300 pop... a lot of ones that aren't 'mains' have sub 150. Plus, there is more than 1 developer working on Rust. nice thread lol
  20. i still have a fond love for my nokia 3310 midi tunes
  21. [size=14] text pls edit: makes sense as to why everything is all over the place wrong wrong, again that's a long rant about... cheaters? abusive gms? GM's should not be messing with players, unless the GM makes their intentions clear AND the player is okay with it. Under no circumstances should they intervene in a mission that is currently in progress, it's just poor form.
  22. yo are you like best buds with that socks dude? its a sunday morning on an Canadian thanksgiving weekend / US 'Columbus Day' thing (neither of which are an EU holiday) what do u really expect ?_? go be with ur family
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