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Everything posted by iRawwwN

  1. APB has been the most enjoyable game I have played over such a long period, even though it has its frustrating moments. I can't make myself spend any more on this game though until I see concrete proof that LO are actually improving the game in a positive way. (No, I don't think RIOT will be positive until they sort out the mess that is the current engine upgrade.) It's been said so many times over the 9 years this game has been running, there is so much potential with the APB IP, but RTW and old G1 squandered it. I'm afraid that LO will meet the same fate.
  2. I heard the public theme duping cheat was patched but there was a private one. It could also be someone trading/selling notes to songs.
  3. Only played two rounds this time around, while it's neat it's not something that I feel is going to be good for APB. The population really isn't large enough for it. Unless somehow Jericho/Citadel players can do RIOT together I don't see it working out well for the NA population. It's nice to start with the FBW, grenades needs to be looked at. I spawned with grenades once at the start (very first round) but never again after that. Grenades should be taken out to be honest. Weapon loadouts should also be removed.
  4. no then it's harder for me to join a FC because no one is gonna join a 5/5 fc and they'll do something else bring 30v30 baylan please
  5. If you are talking about the little plaza area between the GA5 station and the ammo vending/crim contacts all you gotta do is just give the obj a tap with a car or something and it will unbug it. WF is a snooze fest when people pull hvrs
  6. just always make sure u get out ur car while it's in a powerslide so it messes with your character and fricks ur enemies aim up!
  7. I thought during old G1 they messed up the rewards, maybe I'm wrong.
  8. Question, with the rework of Premium, will they be fixing the rewards for APB$ and Standing bonus'?
  9. ye they can depending on their ego - source; me most good cheaters are just really good players with a little extra 'ompf'. - source; not me
  10. chill my dude it's just an event lmao
  11. i really wonder how you get the ideas to post and how you go about getting the arguements/points to debate do you realise that you're looking at an evening time in EU while NA people are in school/college/work at that time you're a sperg with that being said: NA is dead and most NA players went to EU.
  12. watch your video again bud, enemies spawn when you're like 34m/33m away from an item so they probably got the spawn when you were 35m away. (i agree that sometimes it bugs out and ppl can spawn like 10m away but pick a better video thanks)
  13. scaleform is the login and i think the tutorial section, but that is it. it hasn't replaced everything else as it was suppose to
  14. Will Scaleform ever become a thing? Or will that be scrapped to allow a new UI in 3.5?
  15. no snakes in ireland p.s. if anyone calls it "patty's day" i will actually noose them
  16. dont feed the troll ?_? i do see more players without premium than with premium these days. if they make all the cooldowns take as long as they do without premium the game will feel very slow.
  17. "You've spent 70,444 G1C resulting in a total of US$880.55" and possibly another like $100 or so on another account. 2013-2015 90% of that, 1 year break then 2016(ish) 'til now the rest.
  18. Tap is a R255 Gold, I'm not sure why he's spouting such shit tbh.
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