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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. What do I care if it's an alphabet I can't read, or a language? Welcome to global online gaming.
  2. I would never claim to know what happened in your case. There's no way I could know. It wasn't my intent to say you did anything wrong. (Also, I am just a player. I am in no way a part of LO)
  3. LO never banned the advanced launcher and allow config changes up to a point. The unbans had nothing to do with bans occuring after that. The only "launcher" that resulted in bans was a Russian one that allowed you to cheat. Ban discussions usually aren't allowed, but basically you will be told by players that you can't know if someone else was falsely banned. You can only know what you have or haven't done, and we have no way of knowing if you are being honest. tl;dr support is your only avenue for this
  4. Perhaps we should just agree to disagree. I'll continue to encourage them, you are free to complain.
  5. Yes. Shotguns only outshine in defense with corners, or with exploitable cover. As for shotguns tending to get off the first shot... unless defending I don't know what he's talking about.
  6. It does not. But these are the facts: Company A made promises they could never keep. Company A milked the game instead of developing it, and ran the game into the ground. The game should have been abandoned. Company B sees potential and buys the game. Company B finds out the engine needs far more work than advertised. Players blame Company B for stuff Company A did. Aside from that, LO is working as hard as possible on the engine. They need it to be completed for the game to even hope of generating a profit, which it certainly isn't doing now. I guess keep complaining if that's your thing, but it will have no effect other than discouraging them from giving it their all. Up to you.
  7. You do understand this is a new group of people, right? Who have been working on the game less than 2 years?
  8. I dunno, $261,000,000 for a game thats been in alpha for over 5 years is pretty memetastic. You... You think they forgot about it?
  9. Ok, but only if you get it through your head that others don't.
  10. Players really need to stop assuming that their concerns or wants are the same as everyone or even anyone else's.
  11. Sadly, yes. Depends... what are "our" concerns? wym there's video too No. That would take several more years to do.
  12. You should not. Seems someone makes a thread like this every couple weeks.
  13. Its almost like not everyone can be good at everything. ... weird
  14. There's no way for the anti-cheat to detect them... and yet all these players are so sure THEY can spot one.
  15. You misunderstand. He wants to remove threat from segregation and use groups vs solo instead. So even if all my friends are bronze and use the Coroner, if we wanted to group it'd be against the "gold tryhards" everyone talks about.
  16. I am a bad player. Under this proposal, I can only play with friends if I want to go up against the "tryhard premades"?
  17. Interesting that you think someone who has admitted on this forum to "purposefully manipulating his threat" in order to play in bronze instead of silver districts as not toxic.
  18. I think we have some leeway. As it stands to unlock every weapon in the Joker store (currently 80+ listed iirc) would take you well past 2030. (CBA to add all the Joker Ticket prices for 80+ weapons)
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