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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. RNG is an issue because it exists, and in fact is the top of this thread. The amount of RNG we have could be adjusted in either direction while maintaining "balance" so long as changes are applied universally. RNG is a tool that is neither inherently good or bad, its just a tool... I'm simply saying I would prefer it were applied differently. I enjoy playing well and getting kills because of it. I don't enjoy winning because of RNG and I don't enjoy losing because of it either. If you feel different, that's cool. I'm just giving my preference.
  2. There are a lot of misconceptions about the SPCT. We have a wide range of skill represented in the team, and while some members are very good, there is a wide range of abilities and reasons for playing represented. On top of that feedback from the forums is also a big part of the decisions being made. This was just a first go, Im sure balance will continue from this point forward. It will take a while for the new Meta to settle in. Feedback is important, nothing is set in stone. Ive been trying both the Fresno and the normal Vegas... takes some getting used to.
  3. Now that HBF 4x4 is only 977 HP Ive been driving other things, which I think was the point.
  4. Concs do 1108 damage, which means MORE cars can survive a conc now, rather than less.
  5. On the upgraded engine my fps is a little lower but the game feels smoother overall.
  6. Never once did I say that. It's as viable jump-shooting as the scout. No need to get upset.
  7. They haven't removed themes and you will still hear them unless you choose to turn them off.
  8. But this is an argument based upon the opposite, not low skill but rather high skill gameplay. Are you sure you meant to quote me?
  9. Anyone with decent aim really, Im not sure what you mean.
  10. 2 shot is 530 damage in one jump by comparison the Scout does 550 in one jump
  11. windows updates can trigger it was well as some other things besides hardware
  12. That'll show us, the only people who wouldn't have heard your themes anyways.
  13. The Dog Ear was just too good at too many things. (imo) I still find it to be an exceptionally versatile weapon, even with the loss of its former AV capability, so I'm ok with the nerf.
  14. I wont pretend to know what that amount actually is, but it would be cool to know.
  15. Bro, that's why I'm there. There are exactly zero players spending that amount. How much do you think ARMAS has to sell?
  16. If you are going to run a clan expect people to come and go. You can ask that they return things, but it's not always gonna happen.
  17. For the record, I think all dethreaters should be banned.
  18. Lol the community isnt killing APB, the game has had a terminal illness since launch.
  19. Why would time be factored? An r255 bronze with 5k hours is still bad, and a gold with 20 hours is still better.
  20. That was some word soup to me. We aren't discussing damage drop off range beyond the semantic argument of which is the effectvie range, the one where you have less accuracy, or the one that effects weapon damage. What we are discussing is RNG and what our opinions are about it. I would like to see less RNG than we have now as I really don't enjoy losing fights because of RNG. If I can aim well, I feel like I should be rewarded for that and not get shafted by RNG.
  21. Are you planning to quit after reaching r255? (I hate playing without progression myself, btw)
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