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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. - Hosting Upgrade #1: No complaints here. Having APB on another platform will help bring in more players. - New Car: I want to say the new vehicle and tweaking the existing vehicles will be a good thing, but I doubt it will be done right going by previous balance attempts. - Hosting Upgrade #2: Sounds like cancer. More loading screens. Longer matchmaking time due to loading screen. More random disconnects due to switching districts. Lower performance over time due to switching districts. Less interactions with other players due to constantly switching districts and never having the same players in the same district. - New Contacts: I don't care for new contacts atm. I rather see currently locked content be added to the lower contacts. I'd also like to see contact random rewards be easier to get. For example, there needs to be an in game way for players to see all the content each contact can unlock. - Hosting Upgrade #3: You need to fix the routing issues before implementing this. Also, reduce the lag compensation so players with high ping (+150ms) do not delay the hit detection of lower ping players. This will encourage players to join servers with the lowest ping. - Anti-Griefing Options / Streamer Mode: Why? Part of APB is getting randomly hit by a dump truck. How about having your moderators do their job for the edge cases. - New Events and Holidays: I don't like those events, I won't play them in the future. - Upgraded Tutorial / First Time User Experience (FTUE): Sounds like a good idea. - Server-side anti-cheat alongside EAC: I have my doubts Fairfight will be implemented properly. Your current dev team can't detect a player running faster than a V20. - Vivox Reintegration: Good. We need a voice system. - DirectX12 Rendering System: You'll lose some players due to hardware/software compatibility, and I'll lose frames. - Xbox and Playstation Ports of 1.30: Drop console support. - Premium Revamp: Other games implement the same thing. and it doesn't work. Cheaters don't care about a paywall. All this will do is split the community into two queues, or everyone will join the free queue so there's no wait times. - Player vs Environment (PVE) Missions: Meh. If I wanted to verse the environment I'd play another game. - Physically Based Rendering Pipeline: Do you have an irrational fear of high frame rates? We better get dong physics if this gets implemented.
  2. tldr: YES EAC technically is compatible with 32 bit, but only the client sided part. The server sided part required 64 bit. EAC was more money than Battleye, but it's not much better than Battleye without the server part, so LO went with Battleye to save money for the time being. EAC's server part functions similar to FairFight. In theory it should be better than Battleye.
  3. There's about 740 different weapons you can unlock according to APB:DB. Some are duplicates, but code wise they're unique. That is a stupid amount of weapons. They need to cut out a lot of the duplicates. Maybe make the different variants into skins that you can select. We most likely wouldn't need an inventory extension. Than again, I don't get why the limit isn't 256 by default. The majority of players wouldn't have that many weapons anyway.
  4. They only crash when I have good hit registration. Then when they come back up the hitreg is so bad it's not worth playing.
  5. Please put more of these new players on my team instead of these useless max rank silvers. The new players stick by you when you push. They shoot who you shoot at. They sneak past enemies and grab the objectives. The max rank silvers and low golds run in solo and die. Then they complain in chat instead of playing out the mission.
  6. BlatMan

    Ignore list

    What they need to do is make the ignore list account bound for both players. If I ignore any character, the entire account should be blocked. Then I would not need to have 10+ characters ignored to block a single person. They also need to make it so you are not searchable if you have "Share location with searching players" unchecked. The search feature is only used to stalk and harass. Maybe it's better to remove it entirely.
  7. The whole problem is providing evidence doesn't do anything. You can have clips from the cheater's own perspective and nothing happens, like that EU player named after an aim trainer.
  8. EAC won't do anything as long as we have the same support staff.
  9. I don't think it's an issue. I think the only problem is clotting agent 1 and 2 are useless in 99% of scenarios. If you have time to wait for those to start healing, you most likely have time to fully heal without them. Flak is used quite often, but few players use it due to it being limited to R195. Maybe we'll see some more usage now that it's in the joker store, but I really doubt it since joker tickets are slower to earn at lower ranks, and you can't rank up in fight club.
  10. I have experienced the opposite. Windowed Fullscreen worsens over time. Switching to Fullscreen fixes it. At some point my framerate will go from 150fps average to 70fps. It remains stuck there until I switch to Fullscreen.
  11. When east is running properly it shows about 20ms and the IP geolocation shows US east.
  12. Yes. It's poor routing on Little Orbit's side or they're spinning up servers in the wrong location.
  13. I had no crashing issues in the beta or the previous live patch. This current patch I have had multiple issues. No changes on my end other than updating the APB client. Client Sided: - 2x General Protection Fault - BSOD 0x00000050 - BattlEye lost communication to the server. Server Sided: - 2x Action district crash. - 2x Social district crash. - Action district server hosted in wrong location. I still have BattlEye blocking the Xbox audio codec. I did not have this issue in the 32 bit version, nor is this file blocked in other Battleye protected games.
  14. Currently, the district "Missions-Waterfront-2-US-East" is not located in US east. It is located in US west or Europe. The district server IP address's ( geolocation is in California. The second to last hop ( has multiple locations. Some sites show California, others show Germany. District latency shows about 71ms. I am located on the east coast. My normal latency is about 20ms to east servers. I'm using this site to lookup IP addresses: https://www.iplocation.net/ip-lookup Traceroute taken from the in game /latencytest command. I removed IPs from first two hops for privacy reasons. Time,Entry type,Hop,IP Address,Latency,Status,Message 25/02/2023 22:14:10,CLIENT_FRAMETIME,,,0,,Outlier Stats:,10,1 25/02/2023 22:14:10,SERVER_FRAMETIME,,,33,,Outlier Stats:,39,1 25/02/2023 22:14:10,DISTRICT_SERVER,,,74,,Packet loss:,0,CCU:,50,47 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED, ,0,11013, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,1, ,4,11013, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,2,,14,11013, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,4,,10,11013, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,5,,71,11013, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,7,,71,0, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,8,,71,0, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,9,,71,0, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,10,,71,0, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,11,,71,0, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,12,,71,0, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,13,,71,0, 25/02/2023 22:14:10,PACKET_RECEIVED,14,,71,0, 25/02/2023 22:14:11,CLIENT_FRAMETIME,,,0,,Outlier Stats:,11,1 25/02/2023 22:14:11,SERVER_FRAMETIME,,,33,,Outlier Stats:,39,1 25/02/2023 22:14:11,DISTRICT_SERVER,,,74,,Packet loss:,0,CCU:,50,47
  15. This happens regardless of threat. It's usually because it's a VIP mission or one of the Cisco / Vegas delivery missions.
  16. You're right, I was thinking about Reloaded back when they messed up the tracers. My point still stands on performance.
  17. They may have said that but that was a blatant lie. They broke it and didn't want to fix it. They didn't remove the excessive particles in blood splatter, smoke, muzzle flash, flying debris, explosions, etc. Those caused the game to freeze when rendered back then. You needed custom configs and modified files up until the GTX 900 series. Even then a GTX 960 will still have freezing issues when shot at. It's why nearly every streamer players with various effects removed.
  18. Removing the fog makes a huge difference. Blue and bloom removed. Not as screenshot friendly but the colors are accurate. It looks closer to the character editor lighting.
  19. I have had the looping audio bug occur with vehicle spawn machines and the HVAC units on top of various roofs. Is there a fix for the crackling audio with the Obeya SLR and volcano explosions?
  20. Live has blue filter, 3.5 has orange filter. Both have over use of bloom. Having normal, white lighting will make the game look less dated.
  21. How about grow some skin for once. If you're so bothered by a word that it cripples you, you need therapy. That's not other people's problem.
  22. Join the low pop district first. If a few people are in it more will join.
  23. I'm guessing "plugin" in this context means something that hooks into the game. It most likely is used by other cheats. You can't fault Little Orbit or Battleye for that.
  24. BlatMan

    Sex change

    Hitbox is the same, however the camera height scales with character height. A short female character doesn't need to aim downward as a player moves closer to them, but a tall male character does. It's a huge advantage in cqc.
  25. I've asked questions and criticized the release of this 64 bit upgrade. I also haven't made any purchases. Idk what you're on about. If a company does something you like, the least you can do is let them know you like it.
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