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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. I couldn't interact with the forums on this account for 2 years because G1 removed all forum permissions from the account due to an inappropriate name. It didn't say banned and all the posts were still visible to the public. It's like they tried editing the database and broke it, instead of just allowing a new name change.
  2. You can carry a Mikro or Vaquero in the bed of a Dolton Montane. Putting VIP or a final stage item in the Mikro/Vaquero bypasses the vehicle slowdown mechanic. You can also just get a Han Coywolf, since it's acceleration is barely affected, but that's boring.
  3. Some users are having issues logging in with Steam. It could be related.
  4. G1 ruined ram raiding with the $1500 permanent witness limit. Besides that it's really up to the players to dress to the role.
  5. As long as they're not purposely blocking mission objectives they can do all the garbage truck ramming they want. It adds to the chaos.
  6. Before we had BattlEye I tested 240fps by unlocking the fps limit. It was still a bit choppy but it worked in low action areas of the map. I didn't have the sliding bug either, that was introduced later.
  7. I must have mixed them up. Doesn't help that they're named the same.
  8. To answer OP, Rent weapons from contacts. Learn your play style so you can match the weapon to it. There is no best weapon. And here's my rant on the Cobly .45. The Colby .45 is popular because most of the other secondaries have been nerfed, or don't have the performance outside their small niche. ACT44 and Cobly RSA got mobility nerfed with the sprint shoot delay being linked to the rate of fire. RFP-9 was over nerfed after initially being over buffed. Showstopper was nerfed. The N-FA 9 and S-AS PDW have too low of accuracy be effective over 15M. The FBW has more bloom so it cannot achieve minimum time to kill at it's max range of 30M, otherwise it's a good competitor due to the faster draw time and minimal recoil. The OCA Nano kinda competes with the .45, but you're restricted to the 'Connoiseur' until R195. It has mobility sling which increases the draw time. You can get 3 shots off with the .45 before you can shoot the 'Connoiseur'. Then when you are R195+, there's a 1/1000 chance you get a weapon daily activity, and even then 2 of 4 of those Nanos have mobility sling.
  9. It must do something useful if you don't want it back.
  10. You mean like how the in game report system says it did something when in reality it does not.
  11. Honestly think these are bots. That channel looks and sounds the same as those ai generated bots that read off wikipedia articles and mix in stock footage.
  12. It thinks Rigol's oscilloscopes driver is a cheat, and occasionally blocks firefox when opening Armas.
  13. If that were true 98% of the players would use the Raptor 45.
  14. Found in VehicleDecals. I also recommend checking out the TESDecals.upk. Lots of unused symbols.
  15. LO won't ban cheaters even if they livestream with boxes showing players through walls.
  16. Same. G1 said they couldn't migrate the current engine to 64 bit. Than again, G1 said they couldn't add things to the GUI yet Little Orbit managed to add extra options and make the trade system. In the end it doesn't matter. Still going to play till the game is dead. Most AAA multiplayer games are the same thing year after year. No point in getting another COD or Battlefield when the old ones play better.
  17. Two things can be true. Dat needs to git gud, and LO need to ban the few blatant cheaters that exist. Most of them live stream or post clips on Youtube. It's not hard to find them, but it's pointless submitting tickets to support if they're going to ignore it. Matt wants to bring back EAC, but I don't see that making a difference if support continues to ignore the obvious.
  18. A 2015 video about switching to your FBW instead of shooting your n-tec.
  19. From my perspective we never had middle threat. Even at APB's peak population, gold threat was basically the skill floor. I got to gold the first day I played, and I had no idea what I was doing. I've seen many players do the same. During threat segregation the bronze district was basically the training district. I went in it on a smurf account. It felt like everyone was stoned off their ass. They all just stood in the open and complained when they died.
  20. Also, zero information on why you refuse to ban players who openly livestream cheating. All you do is delete posts discussing it. Do you want your game to be represented cheaters? Is that your target audience?
  21. Did your wife's boyfriend finally let you out of the basement?
  22. Their offices are no longer listed on google maps.
  23. Even APB isn't safe from the video generating bots.
  24. A 1U server off ebay for $400 can run one region. Only need 2 of them. The character databases won't be cheap though, at least not if they're doing proper backups and testing restores.
  25. I bet the databases are manually backed up instead of done incrementally throughout the week.
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