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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Getting that many General Protection Fault crashes usually means a component in your PC is unstable. I would run prime95 with large FFT for a few hours and see if has any errors. If no errors try turning off the efficiency cores in the bios. I'm not sure how APB handles those.
  2. I found 3 on the website, and 1 not listed because it happened during the first wave. Not sure why pogo is listed. I only remember them making music and weird dance videos.
  3. It displays a message in game. I don't see extra data being sent when submitting a report so I doubt it submits a report.
  4. Here's my fps averages in FRAPS. Tested driving around the Double B area on a 60+ player financial. It does stutter, but not any worse than it did back in 2012. Min: 86, Max: 146, Average: 128 CPU: Xeon W3680 - 4.25Ghz RAM: 12GB DDR3 2133Mhz 9-10-10-24 1T GPU: GTX 1080 Display: 1440p 144hz Biggest improvement to FPS was disabling HPET in the BIOS and in Windows. With HPET enabled it causes it to drop below 30fps while turning the camera. HPET is enabled by default on some motherboards. Some don't even let you turn it off.
  5. Most likely it was the DMR. There's two versions. DMR-SD and DMR-AV. DMR-AV does more vehicle damage. Both have damage ramp up, rather than damage drop, that starts at 80M and ends at 95M. These are one of the the few non ltl weapons that are capable of stunning. https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_DMR_Slot3_Armas https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_DMR-AV_PR2 DMR-SD: HP: 400 / 600 Stamina: 400 / 600 Vehicle: 108 / 162 DMR-AV: HP: 400 / 600 Stamina: 400 / 600 Vehicle: 180 / 270
  6. ftfy But in all seriousness it's usually the non regional players who cheat. Exception being China. Cheating is worst on those servers no matter what game you play.
  7. I almost forgot about BungMonkey. I don't think there's an out of bounds area he hasn't been to. Dude is a master of getting onto roofs.
  8. Not really. Client performance was roughly the same without modified configs. Servers were crashing (instability, ddos). Physics would break server sided, causing things such as the ambulance and jeep to do a front flip while driving in reverse. The only obvious difference is the network latency, but that's not the fault of the current game, it's the improperly configured anti-ddos protection. There were less assets (cars, clothing, symbols, etc), so you could get away with a lower end PC. On a higher end PC, ( i7 990X, DDR3 2133Mhz, GTX 780), not much has changed. The GTX 780 stutters when someone hits you with a shotgun. It wasn't until the GTX 900 series that GPUs were able to handle the framerate eating particle effects. Even then enough cars blowing up will drop you into the single digits.
  9. I believe that was an application to the psychiatric hospital, and an insult to the trans community. But what do I know? I left click on pixels for fun.
  10. First place I'd look for issues is with Path.net, your anti-ddos service. From what I can tell while, APB is not utilizing point of presence (PoP). All of the traffic is routed through the same location on Path's network. This means if that location goes down, the servers do too.
  11. Half of them are blown and some are flickering.
  12. I would not take a job there. They're basically saying there's zero documentation, zero organization, and no accountability.
  13. I'd be impressed that they kept a muzzle on Tiggs for that long.
  14. Are there any other games that have the same level of customization? At this point the next best thing is minecraft with high res textures.
  15. It's always been an issue it's just getting worse due to cheaper servers and improperly configured anti-ddos protection. West coast performs the worse within my friends group. I've seen the tagger show up without hitting the player. Also if the blood splatter is delayed it means you hit the player.
  16. If you mean the Colby RSA, yes it's garbage compared to other pistols with similar range. - Too long draw time for close range. - Too low ttk for close and mid range. - Too much bloom for mid range. - Too low minimum damage for long range. - Too low over damage for clotting agent 3. You're better off with the ACT .44 GM or R-2. Both have faster ttk and lower draw time. Heck, using a Cobly .45 as your primary and a NCR 'Anubis' as a secondary would still be better in most cases than any weapon combo with the RSA.
  17. It was fun to use. Now it's just another high bloom, boring weapon. https://apbdb.com/changes/ Sept. 19, 2020 - to JumpModifier: 2.2 > 4.4 OverallShotModifierCap: 0.6 > 0.725 HealthDamage: 115 > 110
  18. He's trying to tap into those billions the US is throwing them. He's desperate. APB doesn't bring in enough cash, and he's got another game to develop.
  19. R3ACT3M how much crack did you smoke to come to that conclusion?
  20. Enforced used to have to witness criminals in the act. After 10s or so criminals could not be witnessed until doing another crime. This was fair. Enforcers had to put in some effort to catch them and take out the one with the cash. Now criminals are permanently able to be witnessed when holding over $1500. It breaks immersion and takes away the little bit of effort the enforcers needed to put in. This is not how the witness system was intended to be played.
  21. They're "point and right click". There's little to no horizontal recoil, just pull down a little to control the recoil. Both work great up to 30M, with the ATAC needing to tap fire beyond that to land all your hits while the Raptor can land 90% hits even at 40M spraying, if you use hunting site and no red mods.
  22. I know this. THEY DON'T UNLOCK Edit: Whoops, looks like they turned off the swear filter.
  23. Must be broken because I'm not unlocking symbols. My first two characters have half the action district time as my newer ones, yet they both have all the symbol sheets unlocked.
  24. The consumables and joker tickets need to be separate rewards from the random rewards. Currently I cannot unlock all the symbols on one character because of it.
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