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Everything posted by Fur

  1. Ooph when you have to say name and shame to an image because it's shameful to see you being toxic. If it wasn't toxic, you wouldn't have to say name and shame cuz its not shame owned yourself
  2. All Ntec skins suck compared to ntec All HVR skins suck compared to HVR STAC 10 scope is best Carbine skin Otherwise all reskins seem equal on placebo effect. I don't play worse or better depending on the reskin besides the ones i mention above. I guess I just like the base weapons lol.
  3. No Anarchy is not suitable to replace FC. FC is fun and important because its very different from how the rest of the game plays. It's fast paced, you can kill a lot of people in a short period of time, and most importantly, there's almost no wait for action. I cant remember if Anarchy was where the district was one big mission or if it was the one where two teams just DM'd in the whole district, but either way the issue with them not being suitable to replace FC is that there IS a wait for action. You can't as easily kill a lot of people in a short time period. There is a lot of camping, and it's not as fast paced. There are also less tactics, you can't as easily 'play the district' to do better in Anarchy as you can with Baylan and Asylum because it's much easier to understand how team v team movements will work compared to shit ton of randoms in a 'team' vs shit ton of randoms in a 'team' fighting in a big open area. FC or replacement for FC NEEDS to be a small area. That is what makes fight club so great. I don't want another game mode that is basically just missions with a twist. If I wanted missions i'd just go play them. A twist to them or more people or using the whole district doesn't make it more fun. FC makes APB into almost two separate games and I think that's really cool. You can go take your time and use your mind (not really) in missions, and find much slower gameplay there where most of it is pureply positioning and using point advantages, or you can go to FC and get mindful TDM (or mindless, if you want to turn your brain off like most do) for that fast paced gameplay that you can do for hours on end. I guess basically my point is, FC is something that a lot of people can play for hours and never get bored because the action doesnt stop until the district dies. In almost every game mode including the base game the action does stop a lot, because there is a lot of traveling involved, far spawns, or getting into positions. I get bored quicker doing missions because I have to wait for a mission, I have to drive around a lot, I have to do points that are just waiting for it to fill the bar. FC that never happens. PS: i typed this in one go, im sick as fuck and can barely read my screen, and im not going to edit. if its impossible to read and make no sense the tldr is GOTTA GO FAST and other gamemodes dont provide that thanks for reading my garbage
  4. why the FUCK would you ever consider deleting FC. You do know there are a LOT of players who ONLY play because of FC. And if all the signs are pointing to what this new mode might be are true, then you're going to lose quite a few dedicated players who play every day because that mode is NOT a suitable replacement. Infact, no mode is. FC is really unique, since it cannot be replicated in pretty much any game besides GTA and GTA is too slow pace for the action brought into play by FC. I mean I wouldn't be typing this message if it wasn't for FC, because I would have quit nearly 4 years ago as FC is the only thing that kept me around. Hell, being able to log into FC is the still practically the only reason I play. PS: I skipped a ton of pages of discussion (aka all of it) because honestly I could care less about the opinions of others on this topic. I came to dump my 2 cents and leave, since 7 pages is already too far for me to care to read. So if what I said has been said, then cool just add my post to the please for the love of god keep fc you're making a terrible mistake vote pile.
  5. exactly thats why im a perfect human with no need to see a psychologist thanks for helping me with my point broken tv head man guy
  6. its ok anyone downvoting my post might need to check in with a psychologist disabilities are no joke and need to be found early in life
  7. Joker won the name contest. Jericho should be Joker
  8. gotta ask him to use traceroute make sure his connection to the server is good cuz its on his end im sure
  9. Fur

    Detect THIS, battleye.

    I'm not another pc master race edgelord. I don't hate, nor bash people for playing Console. People can play what they want idc. HOWEVER, when playing competitively there's 0 reason to use a console. Again, lower framerate, settings can hardly be changed, blah blah blah. If you want me to be 'pc master race edgelord' i can go on and on about how PC IS completely superior in almost every way. But thats not my point. My point is about competitive play. A competitive player when it comes to gaming isnt going to just sit back and be like 'yeah okay im fine with 60fps, whatever res the game decides, a controller, and terrible graphics'. Theyre going to get every edge they can, which is why I don't understand how people can consider themselves competitive yet play on a weaker platform, where there are many benefits to a PC. Even if you want to use a controller a PC is still superior. As said above there are a lot of differences. Framerate isnt an excuse at high play. It's important. A CS:GO pro isnt going to be okay with 60fps, theyre not even okay with 120fps. Why do you think professional play of nearly every game is on PC. The only one I can think of that isnt is COD (which iirc is a joke these days) and Halo? (im not sure if Halo is or not). (Technically Smash is console, but again, it's Nintendo and can't be played on PC. The exception is Melee, but again, competitiveness requires EVERYTHING to be perfect. Emulation is NOT perfect, and therefor they play on the more perfect platform, being the proprietary console that the game resides on.) Res, controls, color, acceleration, graphics, these are all important for comp play. Thats why CSGO players all have quite different settings. That wasnt my point. You can have control types play against any control type, thats fine. Use what you want (even tho kbm is objectively superior in 99% of games) My point was why gimp yourself by using a console. You'd be a better player using controller on PC. That also wasn't my point. I was talking about comparing them at the same level. Me, being a good kbm player, will never lose to the best controller player on APB. And I can practically garantee that. If they hook their controller up to a PC (because again, why would I want to gimp myself, and kbm mapping on console is shit while controller mapping on PC is near perfect) and try and face the best, they will lose 9/10. THAT was my point. Sure, a good controller player (thinking top 5% to compensate for controller being worse) vs a low gold kbm player would probably win. But thats not a fair fight is it? Needs to be same level of skill. Ya the flame is funny as heck, and calling out console players for no reason other than to do that is also funny. But I was taking quite the objective approach, while you are not. You're taking a more 'well if a and b and c then d', you're very specific while im looking for the most optimal way to compare them. The most optimal way would show kbm being /objectively/ better. My point flew over your head and thats alright. Use what you want my dude idc. It's cool that there are console players. However flying into a forum composed of 99% PC players and calling people out saying you'd beat em all is probably not a good idea, and also probably not true. Anyway this post is HUUUUUGE and I went overboard so i prob wont post on this topic again idk I just figured id explain my point since you didn't seem to understand time to go back to memeing it up XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  10. Fur

    Detect THIS, battleye.

    yeah but why would you play on a console it's 2018 i seriously dont understand how people who consider themselves 'good at games' or 'not casuals' can play console BESIDES Nintendo consoles. Like, it makes no sense. Nearly all the games worthwhile on Console are also on PC. Also, when comparing kbm vs controller, it's best to compare them on PC as controllers are almost perfectly mapped with many programs to choose from, while kbm on console is.. well, garbage. (plus framerate is better, game options are better, keybindings for both kbm and controller are better, etc etc)
  11. its just a really really really REALLY annoying low skill gun. That's all. It practically only works well in Asylum, and even then it's not that good. It's similar to the OPGL in Asylum were it takes nearly 0 thought besides hold M1 and W after spotting someone and catching them by surprise or pushing them. Mag size COULD be reduced so they can't literally just hold W pushing you for 15 seconds and you die cuz you have no where to go and can't fight cuz it lags you out too much. Idk, I just always seem to have AWFUL hitreg on ogre players when theyre firing the gun. When theyre not firing hitreg seems fine. I blame the gun, but then again, who knows what it could be.
  12. dude wtf youre so bad cant even kill that guy standing still smh like look at your aim cant believe i invited you to swangin its so sad...................... On topic tho it'll end when an idiot stops ddosing the servers and LO finds new servers to replace the shit ones g1 chose
  13. from what ive heard from the EDGY MANZ WHO HAVE BEEN UNBANNED that theres only like one cheat that 'works' with battleeye and its shit so atm everyone who got unbanned either A: doesnt want to cheat anymore or B: too scared cuz battleeye. what happens usually when a new anti cheat comes into play, or a new update for it comes out (or a new update to the game in general) cheats become 'outdated' or 'risky' until checked, or updated themselves. Im sure any cheat that was out has been deemed 'unusable' or 'untested and risky' until testing or updating is done cuz battleeye. Of course this is just speculation and from what ive heard/read/seen. In general this is how it works, but I dont know about apb when it comes to this. Just what i hear from the grapevine. I kind of believe it tho, there are a lot of 'big owners' who are not owning so much now that they got their acc back and BE is in 'effect'. Really makes you wonder :^)
  14. Fur

    Detect THIS, battleye.

    holy the flaming going on here is nuts. you guys are legends. (also, controller will 9/10 lose to kbm on a pc. i dont think i could ever lose to a controller player on nearly any game besides racing games, which in that case id just bust out the wheel.)
  15. It's not the easiest thing in the world being the new owner of a company, and then taking over there servers, and then constantly getting DDoSed or having to deal with G1's shitty choice of server. LO has practically only been able to do a few things, and the few things that they have done in a short period of time have been amazing. I'm sure they will get to the server situation quickly, as it's a combination of poor servers (chosen by G1, so you can't blame LO) and DDoSing. Along with the heavy strain of a MUCH larger population than that of the months prior to LO aquiring the game. Give them time, they can't just say HEY WE FIXED EVERYTHING and then boom its all fixed. It's a process.
  16. As someone who has used scroll wheel a lot over my apb life: scroll wheel has advantages and disadvantages that make it worth and not worth it. I had used it long enough that I got good at aiming, I had the what most would say 'perfect adaption' of it. So I was using it optimally. But guess what, its still not that great. Its annoying to tap fire, requires rebinding when using other weapons, along with a slew of other small issues (such as grip on the mouse) In the end, despite having it down perfectly, I switched back to clicking. Honestly, scroll wheeling is not worth it, and people who think it can be abused have never really tried using it for a long time.
  17. As someone who plays Baylan way more than whats healthy, 16v16 was better. 20v20 gets too chaotic, and results in mass camping, or crazy bad spawns. Baylan has a lot of good tactics in it believe it or not, but with 20v20 theres too many people to actually play tactfully and it pretty much becomes a standard 'whos the luckiest person in the district' deathmatch. Asylum 20v20 is fine, its a huge district and handles it well.
  18. My ticket was responded too that all bans would be 'autounbanned' even though mine wasnt an ffban and then when the wave went by i still was banned rip i replied to it but i think gmail doesnt reply to apb tickets very well so i mght just open a new one who knows
  19. I actually agree with removing explosive weapons from FC (OSMAW/OPGL and variants, grenades are fine) Low skill needed, easy to use. They lag everything, and in general make the game really fucking annoying/boring. Baylan: Getting osmawed from whatever the fuck roof and theres not much you can do cause huge explosion radius and its all fucking crates with walls. Plus lots of easy camp spots for OSMAW Asylum: OPGL just lags the fuck out of everything, results in a million teamkills because complete mongs use it, and often just results in a 'oh im dead cause some guy with an opgl three hallways away got a random lucky shot and i couldnt see nor HEAR it cause the game is bugged'. Basically just dont let people use explosive weapons in FC besides tko and im happy
  20. Ive always thought about making a stream purely to teach people how to play apb. Take like 5 hours of my day to just stream, answer questions, and show how things work. Ive done it before, one night I taught tactics in FC, and routes you should take for optimal kills. (I also drew Baylan on paint by just my memory, plugged i know) I'd want to do it all in like a few streams though, which is the thing. Id want to have a lot of people be able to watch this like, lesson or class I guess, and get a lot of people interested in improving. Problem is i'm a not very well known streamer so I doubt i'd get the numbers to get something like this going haha. I think it'd be really cool tho cause there are a lot of people out there who /want/ or have thought about getting better and really trying but theres no one out there who really /teaches/. They just say 'practice' or give basic answers and dont go into detail (except for here on the forums, where detail can be given, but examples can't.) Thats mainly why id want to do this kind of stream idea. So I could go in depth on a ton of things, such as weapons, tactics, map locations, anything really. Anything the chat wants to see or whatever. Maybe if I get enough support on the idea, or at least some advertisement of it on places where at least a decent amount of people who would be interested in this can see it. Or maybe ill just do it this week for no reason haha.
  21. Ntec is probably one of the most balanced guns along with the carbine, obeya, and oscar. Buff/nerf guns around those 4 and you're golden.
  22. Can you stop. Not only are you a complete mong in the in game chat but you also can't seem to make polls or understand simple logic. Delete your account, do us all the favor.
  23. I gave it a read, but this was the first thing I thought when I saw the pictures "Oh here we fucking go again, another 'journalist' who failed doing actual journalism talking about 'games' that he/she has no knowledge on, and can barely even use a mouse and keyboard to save their life." I ranted about this for around an hour on APB Discord when someone brought it up. At this point games journalism at a whole is a complete and absolute joke. There is SO SO much wrong with this article in general, that it would take me way too long to type it all out. But I won't bother, i've already done that once before. Basically, this guy hoped onto a game that has possibility of having good profit, since it just got acquired. Played it for as little as he could so he could write up some bullshoot, used his 'knowledge' on video games to make assumptions, then interviewed random people he could find, with no warning, and the people he interviewed gave meh answers, and then he shit on their answers for 'controversy' or to 'get his point across' sad really.
  24. IR3, RS3, and mobisling/tagger It's basically a worse carbine with a lil Obeya in it. Honestly it's not that great of a weapon and out classed by the carbine itself. It's ROF is slow, and it's bloom is really strange. Hip fire at close range if you have tagger, mobisling can help get you that ntec feel at closer range but I havent tried that myself. Basically, its just a worse carbine lol
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