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Everything posted by R3ACT3M

  1. R3ACT3M


    Removing the deathcam is a horrible idea. period. I wouldn't be against replacing it with kill cams though. That way new players can see how they died and better themselves and or ACTUALLY see if someone is cheating.
  2. I love being a legit gold, and only get to feel bad about it. Because all golds are toxic and cheat apparently
  3. I mean, personally I'd rather buy a 3 slot star (which I did) and put tagger on it (which I didn't) than buy the love guns. They just don't seem useful or a wise purchase.
  4. Imagine using a macro on a gun that can't fire faster than the set auto fire rate. The point would be that now semi auto guns you hold to click (other than snipers) to have the optimal ROF then LO can adjust fire rate to accommodate this. yes Then you clearly played this game too much, move on.
  5. ME IN NA: You guys are getting players?
  6. just wait for valentines..........why would you even want the any of the love guns? seems like a poor investment.
  7. Lets teach some kids a lesson. REMOVE THE ANTI CHEAT!!!! I definitely feel like any "work" EAC did is purely placebo. The cheats that exist today cannot be fixed by anti-cheat and need to be addressed on a gameplay level. how? Remove macros: Make all semi auto weapons fire automatically then tune the the fire rate of each gun to balance this. This would make macros useless. Hit-scans: Remove/make it harder for hit-scans to detect another player. (could start by making crosshairs not change color unless hovering over a teammate) Some configs remove ambient sound which makes it easier to hear other players. If this isn't used to give you an advantage, why use it? (obviously configs will be gone with 3.5) You also can never prove if someone is cheating by versing them. You just can't. Implementing kill-cams could effectively show people either: A: how to aim guns properly or B: Reveal an aim-bot to which a "report kill-cam" prompt can appear. Stuff like wallhacks would be harder and would require an effective anti cheat. But I have not personally seen too many wallhackers. But an effective way to rid this type of cheater would be giving admin privileges to the game masters. Give them the ability to watch players behavior and suspend them (leave banning to support). You can never eliminate cheaters in any game. But you can make it annoying for them.
  8. Why should they do anything about the current game? It's patootie. LO can't do anything revolutionary on 3.0 anyway. Here, lets start advertising for the shitty version of the game and loose population before the new engine. I stopped playing this past week because suddenly I was getting non stop: Rage whispers (mostly by team mates), Griefed , Team killed, and name shamed. So if LO doesn't care about this version of the game, I wont either. Let them do their work and see if some actual administration will keep a watchful eye over the game in 2.1
  9. I mean, less recoil is less recoil. but it is silly
  10. R3ACT3M

    Butt slider

    YOU'RE RIGHT!, this is why we need hideous excrescences on the back lower part of their body to even everything out! PURE GENIOUS
  11. Same, tracked a running target for at least 10m. Crosshair red the whole time i'm tap firing with a Frenzy (Which handles similar to an NTEC imo) and not a single shot hit. Noticed that some players you fight. Every shot lands or most land. Then there's some where they don't move any different than the last bunch (or even move slower) and not a single one of your shots land. Sadly it's not something I can prove and it's currently not worth proving. APB 2.1 go brrrrrrrrr
  12. Just got done playing for 5 hours, no issue.
  13. R3ACT3M

    Butt slider

    This gives more reason for the urgency
  14. R3ACT3M

    Butt slider

    APB has a breast slider and hip slider. But no butt slider This is by far the most important thing for APB's success get on it LO!
  15. I ain't about risk my account tho
  16. Makes pop shotting and t-baging easier. I prefer toggle crouch though
  17. R3ACT3M

    Message Box

    I'd love this to be a toggle-able thing. Although I imagine in social (if APB gets a super high pop) It can become congested. So maybe limit, it to only the /y command
  18. Jokes aside, the jist of APB isn't hard to learn, it's just that new APB players don't know about said jist. There are some max ranks who believe that smaller character = small hit box. Fight Club is great for CQB non-stop battles that are good for some real human aim training. But it falls apart because NA pop decided what map will be played so it's not always available. I don't see why LO can't add a Shooting range behind the JT store. A place where you can test JT weapons before you try that limited time trial. Then expand upon it by making the dummies in the range move at speeds based on what weapon you specify, so if you want to train your aim against a Joker Carbine, select a joker carbine preset then watch said dummies strafe as if they play the JC. It can even go as far as adding leaderboards and "tests". Of course with the cheating population these leaderboards will mean nothing. Then again, if someone gets a stupidly high score, you know who to ban Social is supposed to be social, so some people prob want to show off guns to people that they have gotten, or even weapon trading. Being able to show off a legendary to newbs could be nice for them in terms of is it a good purchase or trade.
  19. Just tell us when premium is not going to be a thing
  20. If you've been following any of the threads here which you clearly haven't... Matt Scott Has been planning this hostile take over for years now.
  21. Every once and a while Ill punt kick a friendly bystander into space when I smash into him with my vegas.
  22. Some kind of difference would be nice
  23. I tried to write a reply a couple times now. Each time eventually ending up as a rant. So im going to sum up my opinion The video is not a good one. You're friend put inspirational music over complaints. It would be a whole new story, if your friend sat down, wrote out some kind of script and talked about their opinion on the future of apb and how to help fix it, with facts supporting each statement. This would make the video a whole lot more powerful. But to me, it's just complaining. Next it annoys me when people say they have 9 years of experience. I have met some 9 years of experience players who never knew that there was a 1 hitbox rules all thing in APB. So sure, 9 years of experience can truly say they have seen the most change. But with the video above, only shows me they aren't part of the solution. Also what does this even mean? I can't imagine LO making cars, clothing, guns, contacts, etc. Can be done, "incorrectly" it's all new content and LO will get better at making it as time goes on. Sometimes they just sell it wrong. Like that new gas mask. The one with the filter to the side. The default colors are ugly, and make it look like a toy. But when you go to actually customize it. It looks really nice.
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