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Everything posted by R3ACT3M

  1. It's when you shoot, you look like you shoot, but to the server you're bullet never existed.
  2. most 1v1s occur because your dipshit teammate /abandonmission 1 second into entering. Fix? Just have the game auto enter the command if you are the only one left in a match
  3. Point 1: I never find my self super far from the objective to the point im not helping my team in the slightest. You'll never catch me 500m away mid game as Ill always head to the next objective. Point 2: I can't seem to escape any weapon. Most people I fight get a fix on me then im good as dead. Ill run behind a wall then die. Point 3: Ill mix up the direction im going every time I attack given that time is sufficient enough for a large flank. Point 4: The past week Ive been up against the same toxic groups. The ones where you ask if they're in a discord chat/you try to make friendly banter with them and they just don't respond at all. But for the past week i've been getting double teamed like crazy by NTEC's and Joker Carbines. I once thought of myself as pretty good at the game, being able to hold my own against what I assume are veterans of the game. But this past week I've just had 0 luck in just about every fight. I'm starting to think it's my monitor. It is 144z (I run it at 120hz though because it's a cheap monitor with problems: AOC) and reviews of the monitor (after I had gotten it) tell that this monitor in particular ghosts really badly. I never noticed it but apparently it's bad. So maybe it's not my aim per-say that's bad it's just my monitor making it really freakin hard to function in panic cqb scenarios. Also it's cold in my room all the time so my hands are really cold all the time so maybe my muscles can't function 100% Lets turn APB into Rainbow Six Siege
  4. You sir are exactly what I was asking for, then again I'll remember to be specific next time I'll consider doing this, and post it to this thread. "HUZZAH A MAN OF QUALITY"
  5. I'm looking for advanced tips and tricks, something vets know and are willing to share as the whole "practice makes perfect" isn't applying to me and instead might be making me worst at the game. Also a tad bit annoying that I mention this in the op but people ignore it anyway "Anyone have positioning tips/aiming tips/moving tips for advanced players?" So here's a specific question. How is it, my opponent can hit me when peaking a corner, while my shots ( even with the crosshair right over them) never manage to hit. It's confusing and frustrating. Or how about when should I run from a fight? (And I mean retreat/fallback not like get in a car and high tale it out of there) When should I take a fight? How should I proceed around the map. What little tiny changes will improve my positioning over the enemy? When aiming down at an enemy should I position their hit box in the upper part of my crosshair? How bad are hitmarkers? Am I not trusting my gun enough? Ntec (is the one I noticed the most) is sometimes you'll hear 2 shots for 1 bullet, so what's happening with that? These are some of the questions that I really want answered, I'm sure I can think of more later if the need arises I suppose lower sensitivity might help, and will give it a shot. How do you even play a medic? Stock up on medspray? That's expensive. Id love to be a sniper but when ever I try to be a traditional sniper it rarely goes well. Since guns like the NTEC can kill me faster at nearly the same range. And ammo supplier wouldn't be all that useful as the people I play with and against will always die before running out. (I should also mention im playing a new character so I don't have access to something like big range field supplier.
  6. Watched a few youtube videos, as I don't like to watch streamers.
  7. I caved in and got the Logitech software, Ive been playing at 1600dpi 10.1 sens and .7 marksman
  8. I mean I did end the OP with "Anyone have positioning tips/aiming tips/moving tips for advanced players?" So it was my initial question if you even bothered to read it. I once tinkered with my sensitivity and what ever it is at now is what suits me the most or at least feels the most comfortable so I haven't bothered changing it. But DPI I have no clue. What's better? High DPI low sens or low DPI high sens? My mousepad size is standard. You could also go indepth on what is a bad habit in apb instead of just accusing and not being helpful. Well, I don't want to start hackusating like I said I just have no idea how they'll now where I am even if I don't kick doors, climb ladders, hop fences. Just running. I also know that in general configs boost FPS im just saying the one I was given has other files that remove ambient sounds which in turn is pretty cheaty since they could make it easier to hear an enemy coming while a non-config user is getting ear blasted by ambient noises. Gonna mess with Advanced launcher as I found out APB is quite generous with LODs so gonna poke some settings. My fps (which it's hard to get an average in apb cause fps drop) Is averaging at about maybe 100fps, lowest being 40 highest being 120. I also don't want to be one of those people who have their graphics on potato with a stretched 4:3 resolution. (I have tried the stretch and it didn't help, infact it makes no sense to have it (I do know that people prefer it though)) Does geometry dash count?
  9. I'm not new I should clarify so stuff like this I do know. Well as most shooters are. But ive noticed with some guns ESPECIALLY when aiming down the bullets don't exactly go where the crosshair says and seem to hit a bit higher, which is probably why I miss so much when aiming down at people. Or some recoil patterns tend to favor certain parts of the crosshair, especially since playing with your UI scale at 0 Bet Fair, but even against a JC it really doesn't compete. It's just a really fun rifle to play that could benefit from a super minor buff. This might be a big problematic area for me XD, I have a logitech G603 (Wireless mouse) but it has a usb connector that makes mouse input super duper low, and most reviewers say that it can compete with a wired mouse, for the most part I don't consciously see any input lag. Even when I try to observe input lag I don't see any. When it comes DPI I have no idea what im at. And haven't checked my sensitivity it a hot minute. I've been playing with this sensitivity for ever now and haven't touched it, I think I set it up so I can do a full 360 before running out of mouse pad then slow it down when in marksman. Ill also be sitting still crouching, aiming at a person who is also sitting still, in range crosshair red, ill fire and nothing hits. like 1/7 shots will land meanwhile I'll get min-tk from 70meters Looking for more advanced tips as these things you have given me are more for new players, and I now have a little more than 1000 hours of actual game time (not just afk in social) I know it's not a lot in terms of the veterans. But maybe im looking for more positional tips, What angles give you the best advantage? Watching Hei I noticed that I might not be using corners ENOUGH. I do occasionally but I might be catching myself out in the open. Also, how is it most vets know where I am all the time? Not calling anyone a hacker and I know all they need to catch is a sliver of your name running around a corner to know which way your going. But sometimes it seems like they just know all the time. My friend recently gave me a config (which I uninstalled cause all I wanted was auto sprint and it did more damage than good) and saw files for removing audio from the game. Do most config players remove stuff like ambience to hear little things like foot steps? Eh, not that important to me. I had tried one once upon a time. But I do generally just want to play games for fun, so I don't take joy in using the NTEC, OCA, PMG, J-Carbine. In every game I love shotguns. And while at times they are fine other times I can't seem to understand how I died when I hit them head on 3 times ya know? And because SMGs are more forgiving than shotguns why should I play a shotgun? Wheeze done
  10. I hit a slump, my aim is trash XD always has been. How should I go about getting better? Is there a certain part of a person I should aim at? I love the adder the most but it really doesn't hold a candle to the ntec so it feels like I'm missing just about every shot. Feel like a silver in gold clothes. Anyone have positioning tips/aiming tips/moving tips for advanced players?
  11. R3ACT3M

    fallen angel pack

    https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=65&subcatID=152&productId=2533 this?
  12. then dont give the forfeiters xp. You already level super slow.
  13. I like the idea that someone suggested which is just a vote forfeit
  14. Lemme tell you from my experience. Criminals are fucking cancer, XD I was mainly a criminal until I hit 255, then began leveling up my enforcer. There have been times where criminals can be so outrageously toxic that it makes sense that enforcers don't exactly roll over. I would think that if fightclub was matchmaked to be enf+crim against enf+crim it would be a more fair. People in general would probably play it more as well.
  15. Get freeked on not so intelligent individuals
  16. I think we'd all love this. There are some videos locked behind facebook that showed some cutscenes and other animation work that never made it into the game. Maybe LO has their source material? This trailer had some examples of cutscenes in the game.
  17. Just stop playing, people need to stop making threads on why the game sucks. And or a LO GM needs to sticky the important ones.
  18. Welcome back and good luck! Remember if you find yourself getting frustrated or angry at the game, just walk away. Weapons balance and meta is all over the map. No gun feels that fun to play.
  19. I can't wait for the engine update, because theoretically all "hackers" won't have anything beyond external programs. IF they even existed in the first place. You phrase this like you don't know how the map works, or radar for that matter. Which is strange since you claim to have played since 2011/2012 but also have a new account in 2018. Which could mean you tried APB in 2011/2012 quit or were banned and have returned. You know it's quite possible your own team told the enemy where you were because you chose to not play. I for one hate people who just afk in a game because they don't like the enemy. And I will rat them out to the enemy where they are. GM's hide in the shadows, and answer basic questions. But besides that they are pretty useless imo. (Of course like I said as they hide in the shadows they are actually catching players cheating) GM's are probably tired of people going to them with hackusations so they might be a little fed up with it. But im sure there is more to the story if he/she was "threatening" you. Like giving out player names. And if this GM was unrightfully threatening you shouldn't have posted it here but have made a support ticket. What about people who aren't cheating? What about this is morally correct? It's like saying, "I'm going to go be a murderer because other people are murdering and that's not fair to me" I don't think cheats can carry you to R200 that fast. Are you also saying you have a txt document of players written down somewhere? Also you do know people have multiple characters right? EU is such a waste dump when it comes to players, 1st day I played, on a new character, I got hackusated. FIRST GAME! If you don't want hackers come to NA, while there are still jerks here, NA is a way more sensible than Citadel. But that is totally my humble opinion.
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