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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. And why not just contact EAC about that? They have a section where you can report cheats ... https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/game/contact/report/
  2. These were also posted: Because only a surprisingly small amount of people actually read the forums
  3. The main updates that trigger it are the large feature updates where you go from 1803 to 1809 or 1903 (or similar). Since those are basically just a full different version of windows, at least for how it's installed/configured.
  4. Are you sure nothing was changed? No windows updates or driver installs/updates? Those are both known to be likely reasons for triggering that system
  5. It's still a 3rd party program, it was checked and approved by LO. They even gave a download for it from the Gamersfirst domain as well https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/10905-recent-ban-wave-and-approved-launchers Manual editing would work, that should be in apbcompat.ini
  6. Sorry, my mind skipped over that. I'm too used to people complaining that it's only available for a large amount of money. Unless it's either brought down a lot in loyalty price or is added to a contact for you to unlock it, this sadly won't change
  7. You can also get one from the Joker Store
  8. As the advanced launcher is allowed to be used for now, you could use that (or manual edits) to increase the character quality. Though that might increase the risk of crashing
  9. There are also new rewards, while we haven't seen them yet I'm sure that also took some work to do
  10. This is not a bug. The gun does kill in 12 shots, it just isn't very accurate if you keep firing it.
  11. Only 56 000 but I see where you're coming from ...
  12. *cough* There isn't at all a thread to track the progress in this very forum section ...
  13. Error code 8 refers to not being able to connect to the server, which is either server, route or your end. When did this start to happen?
  14. You're the only person I've come across that is still having this issue, so unless you have a ton of details that could help us to identify a possible cause I'm afraid we're stuck to troubleshooting. Possibly the maintenance tomorrow might resolve it, but I'm not sure on that. Another thing you can try, but not sure why that would solve it is a clean reinstall of the game
  15. Are you sure you logged into the correct account? It could be that you had multiple accounts. If not, I hope support is able to help you out.
  16. That sounds like it would most likely be an issue along the route. Do you know anyone in the same region and with the same ISP? (they would likely have the same route)
  17. Could you post a screenshot of the error? So we can see what all it says
  18. Not sure why you would be getting that then. Just had someone confirm they can login from the UK and join districts without issues. Try restarting your network and then try again.
  19. Where are you connecting from? Some countries aren't able to connect but that's on the ISP/government side from what I've heard. Some of the countries that may need a vpn to be able to play: Iran, Kazachstan, ...
  20. As far as I'm aware this is a 2 folded issue. The driver for the RTX (and similar generation or newer) cards from Nvidia doesn't fully support 32 bit applications like the older card's drivers do. The game is running on an ancient and heavily modified engine Number one is out of their control and number two is being worked on. You can use lower settings (ingame default minimal, or a very low quality config made with the Advanced APB Launcher though some don't like the look of either of them) to try and minimize the frequency of these crashes but as far as I can tell there's is no sure way to resolve this other than getting the game to 64 bit asap. And that's what they're working on. This is the Borderlands 2 fix, which is just adjusting how physX is handled and doesn't fully resolve it either. You can try that for apb as well, I guess. https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/articles/201336073--Ran-Out-of-Video-Memory-Error
  21. As an indication of this being a thing on both servers, this is what EU looks like around the time of this post: And this is NA, it's not great but it's a fair bit more:
  22. It does make sense if keeping the game up in its current state is almost the equivalent of burning up money (Not sure if this is actually the case). Here's some info that you might not have seen on how the server side of FE works
  23. Contacting support would be the only way to get the reason behind the lock, send in a ticket and wait it out
  24. When you join social, or hover over the attachement icon in a new mail ingame, does it give you a time that the tradelock will last for? If it doesn't it might be a permanent one, best thing to do then would be to talk to support so that you can get more info and maybe even get it removed.
  25. Kevkof

    Cant sell on auc

    When you join Social you should get a message, if not just hover over the attachement (paperclip) icon in a new ingame mail to see the remaining time. If no time is shown, it's probably permanent and then the only way to get info would probably be support
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