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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. In the APBGame > Logs folder, is there a current.log file? That would be the game client log file (that was most recently written to)
  2. I would also prefer to have a full changelog, but I don't think we'll be getting that
  3. Since it wasn't included in the previous patchnotes that they would be increasing fps issues, can I assume that didn't happen? Not every change might be noted in the patch notes, but some people have said that it has improved. Might be good to just try it out and see if you notice additional details that might help them reproduce the specific issues
  4. Does it generate a .log file? You could have a look in that to see if you spot what's wrong (but if you're not too tech savvy, a reinstall will be easier)
  5. Or maybe we will read it Close both those processes that you mentioned before and launch the game again, if possible keep an eye on the ram/cpu usage by the APB process. Those values usually allow you to see if the process died or is still going.
  6. Should people wonder what the new Dragon skin looks like, I was able to get permission to share a screenshot of it.
  7. Sorry for trying to actually get the SPCT cleaned out (if needed). Remind me to never bother with these forums in the future
  8. According to the specs on his twitch: 16GB DDR4 3200 Corsair Vengeance So it's high end, but not completely overkill
  9. If you truly believe one (or more) of the SPCT's are cheating report them directly to the staff so that can get investigated and all that
  10. Kevkof

    No known issues?

    You do realise that the Known issues section is for things specifically wrong with this patch that the team is already aware of and not for the entire game
  11. Since it's likely that it is trying to autologin with steam, you could try running the . exe with the -nosteam parameter to prevent it from loading
  12. If you can, log in without using steam, that should allow you to login
  13. Even if you don't want to upgrade to windows 10, at least keep your windows 7 fully up to date. And any other info you can give to possibly help reproduce this?
  14. Do you remember which mission this was in, or any other info that could help to try and reproduce it. Didn't notice any such issues in China Blues or The Hidden Menace.
  15. Kevkof

    alt+tab = crash

    I'm alt tabbing just fine. More details might be nice though
  16. Did you google this? From what I could find it's due to an incorrect shutdown of the game and as a result EAC thinks it's still supposed to be running when you're relaunching it. How did you last close the game?
  17. You can group up (unless you're hoping for cross faction groups). Best way is to group up before joining riot and then group joining. After the end of the round the groupleader can press 'Y' to go to the next round (when prompted to do so). It starts at 12 people, not 16. But they have to be in the district, not still loading into it. So still not optimal, it's better than you're portraying it to be
  18. Kevkof

    RIOT bandolier

    Your own equipped weapons never spawn in with their full ammo count, I believe that's an intended limit
  19. Did you make any 'big' changes to hardware or software?
  20. A lot of people tend to post without doing those checks, some have even gone as far as to say they've done everything when they didn't even read half of it. The best thing would be to contact the EAC technical support, I've not had any of the issues you're describing yet myself so I don't know the solutions of the top of my head
  21. Have you tried the things mentioned in the troubleshooting thread?
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