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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. Oh and this is the thread you missed: It's a little burried, but it is there
  2. The best way to keep up with patchnote posts on the forums is just the admin tracker: You'll find all these (since Sept 13th): https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/11142-patch-notes-1200-1167/ https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/11311-patch-notes-1200-1170/ https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/11537-patch-notes-1200-1175/ https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/11561-halloween-hotfix-1200-1177/ https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/11826-patch-notes-1200-1182-pc/ And weekly maintenance has nearly always been on wednesday at the exact same time, for the past X years I don't see why that would have changed all of a sudden.
  3. Just keeping track of the official posts using either the built in admin trackers or the one on apbdb (or the apb community discord) would be enough. And if they aren't looking at the forums anyway how would they see your thread?
  4. The video is from 2016 and I've yet to see this happen, so I doubt it's an active issue. There's also 0 information on reproducing and what not so hardly seems worth it.
  5. That the code from the Ugly sweater contest ... That didn't really need a new thread (imo) It'll likely expire at the end of the entry period of the contest.
  6. From what I've seen there's 2 versions of that bug. One where you don't get any hud markers and one where the number of visible markers is limited. Neither of those seem to be present here (not enough markers to cause the 2nd type) Not sure why it didn't work for him, but then again, he's on NA so who knows what all is weird there
  7. He can see the mission objective marker so that bug is not occuring in this video
  8. The code is still active, so you didn't miss anything, yet ...
  9. In the time between your last topic complaining about this achievement and this new topic, you could(/should?) have completed it already. Just keep delivering cars and you'll be done in no time. You don't even need pop on the server to do this, so NA is already perfect for it anyway
  10. That would be something to handle through support, as long as you can provide them with enough evidence to prove that you're the rightful owner of the account.
  11. Maybe you should look up what that word actually means. Not every single image that has jews on it is antisemitic. Back on topic: Sure lets shut down the game entirely so that people can finally stop complaining about every single useless thing and actually move on with their life.
  12. Inserting what was said in the September Q&A regarding Cross-play: So it looks to be something they are looking at for the future. The way it's outlined seems the fairest (imo) while giving them the option to benefit from the PC players's vast experience
  13. Then there's a very obvious question you need to ask yourself. What differences are there between those 2 accounts? Double check all the account settings and what not
  14. Kevkof

    I cant log in my account

    You can't log in ... Which error are you getting? That would really help people trying to help out.
  15. It was Azukii it seems and they did it twice. and AncientMew was also giving some out on EU
  16. Both builds should be getting worked on, they have differrent issues between them. There are several reasons why I think the PC version gets more words about it on the forums. - More PC players on the forums - More PC players in general - PC has it's own way of updating, independant from any 3rd party. This means much more frequent pushes of builds to get checked on. Console builds need to get fully checked by a number of teams before it can get pushed out. PC can just get pushed (even in a semi broken state)
  17. Since the things people notice seem to be the same it's probably still the provider having issues ...
  18. From what I see it only has items that were not available this year. So It has everything to do with you asking for that skin. It used to be harder to get in the past but nowadays it's just available as reward for maxing out the Halloween contact
  19. This still really feels like the same issue as : Try connecting from a different location/ISP. VPN's can work as well but not all vpn's might work
  20. That skin was still available, it is one of the rewards for maxing out the contact
  21. And the skin is now on armas ... guess you can just pick it up there
  22. This seems oddly similar to Any chance it's the same issue? Try the steps mentioned in that thread (for troubleshooting), that would be a good place to start
  23. It usually depends on who's asking and especially how.
  24. I got my 100th on the horseman, so it does count as well
  25. There's the issue. It's a 2 part issue, the Nvidia drivers for RTX and similar/more recent cards don't get on well with 32 bit applications The second part is the old engine this game is running on, which they are working to upgrade. The only thing that seems to help some people is to play in really low quality (like the ingame minimal preset)
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