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Everything posted by Kevkof

  1. It'll get sorted when they can get the hardware sorted out for the EU servers, just gotta wait. So No, you won't get a date unless we alll get it
  2. That would be https://support.gamersfirst.com
  3. I tried reproducing this yesterday for a different thread: I wasn't able to reproduce the issue so it shouldn't be something to do specifically with character creation.
  4. Since this is listed on every item page on Armas, I doubt it. You could always try asking support, but probably a nope
  5. Don't oversell it, once they're back in EU the latency will be a lot worse
  6. It seems all my accounts are premium for a week, not sure what that's about. The code still seems to work. and added some days to the premium total. Guess you'll just have to remake the car mentioned in you other thread.
  7. Are you sure that code is still active?
  8. Are you over the complexity limit (the bar at the bottom) ?
  9. Kevkof

    Error 30006

    I was able to make new characters without any issues. Can we also get a screenshot of the error message (might say more than just the number) No issues to report at all on my end. @HighSociety Can you try again?
  10. Fight clubs seems to be in the same state as when they took down the server so it wasn't stripped. It was just moved a week
  11. To put in new hardware and open up different locations, along with preperations for future changes ...
  12. I was able to log in before (from Belgium), but I swapped character and then was no longer able to log in, so that's not the reason
  13. Let me stop you right there. The people you see with the purple SPCT badges are just players that test things on a voluntary basis, as it says in my signature we are in no way shape or form 'in power' or moderators or whatever else you might believe we are. We are just players that were asked to volunteer to help test things, I can link you the thread detailing that team if you'd like.
  14. What if I told you there are players trying every trick in the book like those players you're describing, but they're silver ... You just don't want to go up against players trying to get any and all advantages they can, which is understandable but that's no reason to throw all golds under the same bus. The districts will still have matchmaking, so the matches won't be completely attrocious (despite what you might think of the current matchmaking)
  15. I don't think it does, it just happened to be done faster (mainly due to less data)
  16. It's a private platform, not government owned so you can f*ck right off with that argument ... just saying.
  17. So just because you don't have any benefit of this news it shouldn't be posted for those players that do use those platforms? Okay then ...
  18. So you're going to break the Code of Conduct because you believe that due to a temporary policy change everyone else is supposedly doing that. I hope you enjoy getting yourself banned ...
  19. If there was an update available, don't you think they would post it? We'll just have to be patient for a while longer
  20. Probably because the community has already made it clear that they don't care about any of the other sections of the forums and post everything in Social District (General Discussion) anyway ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. The first post of this thread is updated anytime an update is available and you can always just check the built in admin tracker ...
  22. Premium compensation was already said to be coming ... they still haven't chilled
  23. I very much assume it'll be done before Christmas. They're working on it, complaining that it's not going fast enough won't make things go any faster. Just be patient and you'll be able to play again someday
  24. It'll be down for as long as it takes to get it all sorted out. Check the pinned thread for all the latest updates. They are all edited into the first post as well as posted in the thread.
  25. The locations in the maps are just a representation. The plan is (as far as I'm aware) to have servers in multiple locations, with all districts, so that players can connect from any character to any of the server locations to play
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