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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. you can literally stand still and it does full damage the change doesnt affect cqb whatsoever unless your testers are bronze threat players which they are
  2. this post is misleading because the game will still be unplayable if you dont use razer...
  3. spct in a nutshell: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=concern troll
  4. thats more or less what he said in the first kemp Q&A
  5. A closet isn't somebody we don't know is cheating... a closet is someone who pretends they aren't. But we know basically every closet in APB, Matt has literally stated they don't want to ban people because apparently thats toxic somehow...
  6. "APB has rarely ever had an issue with blatant cheating" LMAOOOOOO is SPCT job to just lie on LO's behalf? i am #1 Merged. actually it takes about 5 seconds to work out if somebody is cheating 1. are they low IQ 2. do they have low IQ but also aim really well 3. they are cheating
  7. ok definitely don't rely on apb playerbase to do polls. they are very dumb
  8. car spawner has already been nerfed by the recent changes to pioneer, 4x4, espacio health. the problem was the cars wouldnt die easily and required several concs to clear a team's car spawners
  9. yeah the cheaters are all playing on r255 accounts with over $200 spent on armas, because LO refuses to ban them even though its obvious who they are
  10. biggest problem is the game is totally unplayable due to lag, hackers you can avoid if you just quit to desktop. that is if you know who is cheating.
  11. this game is die to lag simulator you literally just die to lag over and over again
  12. there are literally zero cheaters in apb nobody has ever cheated and they are just ex-cheaters but never actually cheated they got false banned by tiggs 20 times even though there is footage of them aimbotting on stream and they continue to aimbot on stream today but dont get banned because they are just legit and they no longer cheat, they simply learned how to aim after requiring aimbot for years and so basically they aimbotted so much that now their legit aim looks like an aimbot but you are just a silver bronze noob if you think anybody cheats and even if there was a single cheater in apb we shouldnt ever want them banned because then we would have slightly fewer players even though more people would play if there weren't cheaters playing. how can u even think they are cheating they just have 20 thousand hours game time and practice on aim trainer for 2 hours everyday if they were cheating why would they go through so much effort to hide their cheats like that is totally wacky to think that cheaters would lie about themselves cheating so therefore everybody who is an excheater or you think is cheating is actually not and you are just bad and need to get good
  13. APB has no lag just like it has no cheaters, only silver noob with slow PC would think apb is laggy or is even more laggy since LO updates
  14. it should be illegal to have high sensitivty too, its unfair advantage
  15. the PMG is OP ok better nerf the OCA
  16. closeting aka people who livestream themselves aimbotting but never get banned because they are ex-cheaters apparently
  17. bro requires atleast 256gb of ram to play apb above 60 fps with no stuttering... and u need i11 processor
  18. bro your game is lagging? bro u need to upgrade ur pc bro requires atleast 128gb ram to play APB above 60 fps without freezing every 5 seconds
  19. please fix na west its so laggy ridiculous lag rename game to Teleport Stutter Reloaded
  20. yea skill based gameplay you know alot about that im sure 100% skill
  21. nah PMG was too OP so LO nerfed the OCA, big brained Merged. solution is to let players shoot through car windows and windscreens
  22. maybe fix the servers so the game is actually playable
  23. idk but roblox has better servers
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