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Everything posted by Shui

  1. You already get more than enough JT. It should not be made even easier only because you are lazy af, scrub.
  2. Mods don't mean anything, they just make it easier. Like the scrub OP who wants muzzle break for the non existent recoil for his Euryale.
  3. Why should they even try to fix that issue for live at this point? Just wait for the engine upgrade ...
  4. If you have problems to even get gold .. you are just a bad player lol So gitgud
  5. Its matchmaking fault, but also the players. I often see people who shit on these new players only because they can, They are so greedy for kills because they are bad players themselves and finally have a chance to farm someone. If I play against low ranks bronze/silver I let them win and kill me. I maybe get a kill or 2 for some points but thats it. I will even whisper them how to change advanced district after the match and maybe tell them to use easier weapons for the beginning. If everyone would be like me, the APB World would be a better place:) Scrubs get help, veterans get shit on and ragequit.
  6. Tryhard: anyone better than me at APB Cheater: anyone better than me at APB Noob: anyone better than me at APB ree tard: anyone better than me at APB Scrub: anyone better than me at APB Virgin: anyone better than me at APB Did I miss something?
  7. Pathetic that people are complaining .. Its already ridiculous enough LO added a way to get JT in normal districts. And now you even complain about it. They are fking permanent weapons, and a few weeks to get them is nothing.
  8. Ever thought about you are just bad at the game and the "cheaters" are actually legit players? Think about that scrub.
  9. Its easy.. They show how superior they are. Gitgud btw
  10. Synonym for waste of resources : )
  11. Because crims make cop alts, they convert to cops? ok. Also, the cops are the edgy players "Ohh .. i want to be guardian of justice, i look so cool spamming my blue light!" damn weirdos
  12. Crims are just better players in general.
  13. Where is the ingame option for that? : )
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