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Everything posted by Shui

  1. The registry fix worked tho ... Dont understand why but w/e ._. Edit: So I just looked up the standard value on my notebook where I don't have this problem with directx. It was already 04.18.2011 With the registry fix I changed the value on my PC to this one (04.18.2011) and it fixed the problem. I didn't look up the value before I changed it (I'm stupid..), but I guess it was a different one ... Just type in windows search "regedit", open it and go to this path [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GamersFirst\APB] "directX ShipDate"="04.18.2011" Then you can look up your value.
  2. Toggle sprint - no Mouse fix - yes custom crosshairs - yes why not hold to crouch - no, gitgud scrubs, srsly
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