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Everything posted by gogol

  1. i want to thanks frosi too and shoutout to my boi kida
  2. always wanted the butcher skin. can we rig the event so i win? thx u
  3. waterfront please, need to level up contacts
  4. i think we need @Tobii
  5. dunno, im waiting for them to stop fucking around with weapon balance to attempt to play again. played 4 missions on citadel last thursday and it was incredibly boring fighting all the shotguns (at least 3 per mission)
  6. what the heck are you guys trying to do im so confused
  7. unbanning scammers? why though? i thought cheaters/alleged cheaters got unbanned because fairfight wasn't very reliable as an anticheat?
  8. what is "weapon prototype e" and "weapon control group" that shows up on the rulesets?
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