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Community GM'S will basically be SPCM

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As Lixil clarified, the player GM'S she will be selecting will NOT have the full-reign that previous GM'S had...

They will basically act as the new SPCM (San Paro city Mentors).



I wanted to throw in my two cents on a few members who would fit the position .

-members with long-standing, clean records

-who are and have been continually active for many many years

-nonconfrontational, level-headed people

-positive, helpful people




Always available. Everyone knows Sadira. She is nice.




Arguably the longest standing member of the community who has continuously been active on the forums all these years.




extremely positive person with one of the highest post counts. Very nonconfrontational and level-headed




Can't remember a time when Genobee wasn't around.




Anyone else think of any people who would be particularly good for the position? (Don't nominate yourself.)

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Love this, positive and caring names on this list you made. 


+1 especially for Genobee. A standing legend whenever it comes to the forums and the APB Community. 

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Perfect, because what G1 did was hire some random GMs who never played the game who overreacted to little stuff... banning people for bad words in district... while at the same time griefers were obstructing missions in front of their face.  This way, long-term community members who have the insight and discretion for what actually constitutes bad behavior in-game can be in a position to report that appropriately.  Absolute thumbs up!~

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Okay, but the real GM's still can't become pocket GM's.

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  On 5/31/2018 at 1:46 AM, Iodyne said:

As Lixil clarified, the player GM'S she will be selecting will NOT have the full-reign that previous GM'S had...

They will basically act as the new SPCM (San Paro city Mentors).



I wanted to throw in my two cents on a few members who would fit the position .

-members with long-standing, clean records

-who are and have been continually active for many many years

-nonconfrontational, level-headed people

-positive, helpful people




Always available. Everyone knows Sadira. She is nice.




Arguably the longest standing member of the community who has continuously been active on the forums all these years.




extremely positive person with one of the highest post counts. Very nonconfrontational and level-headed




Can't remember a time when Genobee wasn't around.




Anyone else think of any people who would be particularly good for the position? (Don't nominate yourself.)

Who are these people.


Anyone with a high post count should become GM 

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  On 5/31/2018 at 3:50 AM, iPlumbum said:

Who are these people.


Anyone with a high post count should become GM 

Anyone can get a high post count. It's just a number, it doesn't represent anything about the person and is completely irrelevant. These people are people who have been around for a long time, contributed to the community, and have a great understand of the game. 

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Pretty sure iplumbum is just trolling. I'd like to see ur list, plum.

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  On 5/31/2018 at 5:03 AM, Iodyne said:

Pretty sure iplumbum is just trolling. I'd like to see ur list, plum.

He very well could be, I've never been amazing with sarcasm :classic_wink:

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I think the last thread about GMs was closed for a sound reason, discussion was getting out of hand - well anyway, Let's not derail this too much


Nice person? 10/10 gogol


High postcount? LilyV3 for GM? uhh...


Nah, I guess Asger is a bit of a quirky person etc but he seems nice and reasonable enough.


I mostly agree with who you listed though.


While Esther might not be the least unconfrontional person I ever saw in the forums, they definitely are very ambitious and seem to want the best for the game. Just throwing them in here.


The question is though: Would those people even want that? Idk which ties etc you have when becoming a GM. I think we shouldn't go ahead and nominate people for GM (well I just did that... whoops) - volunteering should come from themselves and not because others said they'd be fit.

Sure, it might be a cool move if LO could step forward and ask people but I guess that'd make the GM position feel even more entitled, since you were DESIGNATED by them.

But sure, it's kinda good to nominate/vouch for people so LO has some kind of assistance when selecting the people who applied...

I guess they also have their own criteria. Another criterion can't hurt though I suppose.


Anyway. Yeah.


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Sadira is the best~

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It's about being volunteer GM's, i know you posted this for the recognition of these players, however, they only become GM if they want to or if theres a volunteering program.

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It's not exactly what SPCM did, this looks more advanced with more responsibilities. The SPCM team consisted of a small amount of APB players who wanted to assist players in the game.

We did not monitor the chat (well, if it wasn't related to help requests - we didn't do anything with the chat), we did not do anything related to cheaters or rule breakers (besides reporting them on the usual way: support tickets). We were regular players who were recognized by GamersFirst as a "player assistant" with a fancy "<SPCM>" tag in front of our names so players could recognize us. We were also extremely active in the "Guides, tips and Strategy" section. We did not have a shorter line of communication between the APB Management Team and SPCM, we were regular players.


I am not allowed to go into full detail since we did sign an NDA. In a nutshell: using the tag for anything else than helping players who had questions would result in a punishment. This 'community GM' does look like something which will give you more responsibilities. You could see this as "SPCM 2.0"? Hah..


Anyway, Lixil is perfectly capable of determing who is capable of being a marshal (GM) or not.


Edited by iDisney

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Yes, only people who want to should do it...just picked people who have been active since like..the beginning. Ppl who 'probably' would want to...then again idk if they would or not.


Also...not sure what adititional responsibilities or permissions they'd have....sounded to me exactly the same as SPCM role. If you have any other details about it, that'd be good.

Edited by Iodyne

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If you havent played regularly, and you dont play regularly, I doubt you will be getting the job regardless of how old your account is, or how many forum posts you have. 

Would be nice to see some actual current and consistent players get the job. 

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  On 5/31/2018 at 8:53 AM, CookiePuss said:

If you havent played regularly, and you dont play regularly, I doubt you will be getting the job regardless of how old your account is, or how many forum posts you have. 

Would be nice to see some actual current and consistent players get the job. 

The selection process will be based on how knowledgeable/experienced the candidate is, background check to ensure the candidate has a clean record. Anyone can play the game 24/7, only a few have what it takes to be helpful and actually support community members.  

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  On 5/31/2018 at 9:10 AM, PGAW67 said:

The selection process will be based on how knowledgeable/experienced the candidate is, background check to ensure the candidate has a clean record. Anyone can play the game 24/7, only a few have what it takes to be helpful and actually support community members.  

Bruh... no one can play the game 24/7. You'd literally die. 

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Yes those are imprtant qualifications...but those are just statistics that they can view. I think it goes a little deeper as well...because there are members who meet all those prerequisites who have proven to be unfit to wield any form of authority or power. Some people who backed up everything tiggs said and did and "fairfight is never wrong,  all people on ff cheated" etc and witch-hunted, along with some of the forum Moderators who banned based on personal reasons other than the Terms of Service, but were never repremanded or questioned.

Which is why I think it'd be helpful to acknowledge people who actually would be good at the job from people who know more about the individual community members.

Edited by Iodyne

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  On 5/31/2018 at 9:26 AM, Iodyne said:


Yes those are imprtant qualifications...but those are just statistics that they can view. I think it goes a little deeper as well...because there are members who meet all those prerequisites who have proven to be unfit to weild any form of authority or power. Some people who backed up everything tiggs said and did and "fairfight is never wrong,  all people on ff cheated" etc and witch-hunted, along with some of the forum Moderators who banned based on personal reasons other than the Terms of Service, but we're never repremanded or questioned.

To back your statement, moderators and GM will have no power on banning or suspending member, that will not be an issue. Account action will be handle by the customer support in-game and by the community manager @Lixil. On the forums. 

Edited by PGAW67

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I also think G1 should be the ones asking players to (possibly) be GMs based on their logs, forum posts, and game/forum time.

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I made this thread NOT to make a big discussion about the level of power GM'S or mods would have...that has already been discussed and established.

This thread is for people to contribute their two-cents on who would be BEST to fill the positions. Just some constructive input on what is already inevitable.

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  On 5/31/2018 at 9:51 AM, Iodyne said:

I made this thread NOT to make a big discussion about the level of power GM'S or mods would have...that has already been discussed and established.

This thread is for people to contribute their two-cents on who would be BEST to fill the positions. Just some constructive input on what is already inevitable.

In that case the thread title is a bit off-course, my first comment was to answer another member concern regarding the selection process, my second comment was to address your concern about moderators abusing their powers. 


OT: There are many members that can do a very good job, it is a bit hard for me to hand pick some since most are very good candidates. 


PS: There is not a reason for you not to be a candidate, I will put my two cents on lodyne. 

Edited by PGAW67

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@pgaw I am not interested in filling the position.


There's another thread for people to talk about power abuse in. This thread is for listing people we feel would be best for it.

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Keep in mind that while the people you mention in this thread might be good for the position, it doesn't mean they will be picked.
Our selection process will be unbiased. I commend the effort that went into making these lists, but ultimately, the last word belongs to the people in charge.

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I can do it, I have a squeaky clean criminal record, I have seen the previous corruption take place so I am wise to it, and I have prior work experience. Most of my jobs only take 4 hours so I have tons of free time. I don't know why we are making begging threads though.


But yea if you want some one who is competent and who has integrity and who passes interpol checks, then I'm your guy.

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