FriendlyFiar 10 Posted November 30, 2019 Today I would like to demonstrate how incompetent Little Orbit has been and how poorly they have managed this game since their takeover. 1. Wasting time over bad decisions What does LO first thinks of doing when taking over the game? Oh that’s right! Nerfing mods and weapons! The last thing that needed to be done yet they thought it was a good idea to make more weapons/mods weak and useless. Except….when they decided to “nerf” IR3 by increasing its range and reducing the weapon’s firing speed, it made every gun jump a category in terms of range, shotguns became assault rifles (especially the shredder), AR’s became Marksman weapons, and marksman turned into sniper rifles in terms of range. And after a couple weeks they decide to revert the changes as the mod was completely fine before they decide to touch on it anyway. Bear in mind that the decision to try and “tweak” weapons and mods in the game was probably just a way to keep the community busy by adding any changes to the game until they actually figure out how the game works and how to be able to add something meaningful in the future. 2. Buggy events/game modes + lack of testing Every single single event that was created by LO was either not fun at all or it was buggy as hell, making it almost completely unplayable. Events that actually worked properly and were fun were the old G1’s events either recycled completely or added a new “twist” such as the halloween event where LO just added a newly designed “red pumpkin”, one potent example of this is the “RIOT” game mode that was a complete failure and then they decided to stop the development since it was halting the development of the new server, another idea scraped over an ingenious decision. 3. Lazy and stupid weapon design Over the time that LO has taken over, the only thing they’ve done that actually “counts” as a new addition to the game is the two new weapons (technically three) added to the game which are: a. The Showstopper b. The Showstopper “Thunder” c. Ntec 7 “New Glory” Now you may ask, why are the newly released weapons stupidly designed? First of all, the only new weapon is the showtopper, the “Thunder” is just a JMB version of that, the new glory is also an NTEC 7 with a different legendary mod and corsshair. The only gun designed right is the showstopper as it is reffered to as a secondary “pocket shotgun” having a short range of 10m and 3 shots to kill with a decent rate of fire, this gun servers its purpose. The “Thunder” and “New Glory” however are stupidly designed because AGAIN, the legendary mod reduces your rate of fire in a game MAINLY ABOUT TTK (killing your opponent before he can kill you, seems like LO are obsessed with the reduced rate of fire mode aren’t they?), the legendary mod on the showstopper increases its effective range, on a gun that was designed to be a close range pocket shotgun, which makes the Thunder pointless as it is compeltely against the original design of the gun AND make it harder AND slower to kill your opponent. Same thing for the New Glory as the NTEC 7 is mainly used since it is a 5 STK ntec instead of 6, making the New Glory completely worthless unless you’re a bronze player who does not know how to manage recoil and bloom. 4. Terrible game management The game has been down this month alone more than Gamersfirst would put it down in a year, which is not the worst thing that actually happened as this has been the case since LO took over the game anyways, how do they try to fix this? Free premium, every damn time. As if they were giving something back to the players who already had premium and lost some of its time due to maintance or were using trial weapons and had experied due to it. Funniest thing that the game this time went down for multiple days in a row for all their platforms, then me and other citadel players wake up to find out the game “partially back online” on a NEW YORK SERVER FOR EU PLAYERS, so not only as a frustrated player you have lost multiple days on your premium + trial weapon(s) which have expired, the game is not even playable for you anymore since you now have MUCH HIGHER PING (400+ in my case). How does LO decide to compensate for their lack of competence? You guessed it, free premium for a week! As if you could even benefit from that while playing with 400 ping LOL. Honestly this has been the worst decision they have ever done thus far and probably one of the worst I have ever seen from a company yet. *NOW, please note than I am aware that gamersfirst was not that much better, they did not add new content to the game for years, they were just keeping the game alive by leaving the servers up. Which is something that LO is not even able to do yet. For me as a long time veteran who keeps coming back to this game, I am deeply disappointed by how poorly this game has been managed, I am also pretty sure that the new engine launch will be next year judging by their pace and experience as developers. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. 7 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sophiie 50 Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) Hi, If you think you can do it better, spend the near-million dollars to buy the IP rights, and hire folks to do it instead. Sincerely, A person who had to read your wall of text. PS: Unreal 3 is outdated and you shouldn't do what I just posted. Save your BjornBucks. Edited November 30, 2019 by Sophiie 3 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mtz 496 Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) "Today I would like to demonstrate how incompetent some of the players have been and how poorly they have behaved towards Little Orbit since their takeover." 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: 1. Wasting time over bad decisions What does LO first thinks of doing when taking over the game? Oh that’s right! Nerfing mods and weapons! The last thing that needed to be done yet they thought it was a good idea to make more weapons/mods weak and useless. Except….when they decided to “nerf” IR3 by increasing its range and reducing the weapon’s firing speed, it made every gun jump a category in terms of range, shotguns became assault rifles (especially the shredder), AR’s became Marksman weapons, and marksman turned into sniper rifles in terms of range. I can agree that the first IR change was not the best idea — however, what everyone seems to be forgetting is that this was Little Orbit's first time tackling such a game. They don't exactly have a track record of handling MMOs with a fragile meta. They've learned from their mistake and since then they've been more proactive about discussing changes with the community. 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: And after a couple weeks they decide to revert the changes as the mod was completely fine before they decide to touch on it anyway. Improved Rifling isn't fine and I wish the community could stop lying to themselves. The benefits of using this mod wildly outweigh the downsides — which themselves can be mitigated in various ways. I mean, hell, have you noticed that almost every single gun in the game behaves in a vastly different manner when modded with IR3 — or any red mod, for that matter? N-TEC 5 becomes a fucking harvester thanks to it. It almost gives marksman rifles a run for their money. N-TEC 5 is meant to be versatile, yes, but N-TEC 5 with IR3 pushes versatility to an absurd point where you can tackle most ranges in the game. The entire downside of increased reticle bloom is offset by just tapfiring — something you are bound to be doing if you want to land shots reliably at range. 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: 2. Buggy events/game modes + lack of testing Every single single event that was created by LO was either not fun at all or it was buggy as hell, making it almost completely unplayable. Events that actually worked properly and were fun were the old G1’s events either recycled completely or added a new “twist” such as the halloween event where LO just added a newly designed “red pumpkin”, one potent example of this is the “RIOT” game mode that was a complete failure and then they decided to stop the development since it was halting the development of the new server, another idea scraped over an ingenious decision. Just to get this out of the way: who died and made you an authority on declaring things fun or not? Moving on... Yes, a company without a triple A budget is bound to release buggy things, especially given the fact that they've been working on the spaghetti code that is APB in its current state. Some things are bound to slip past QA. This is a problem unique to LO how? As for RIOT: eh. I didn't hate it. I certainly didn't love it either, but I'd be damned if I said it wasn't an interesting idea to try out. (And I still believe they should've focused on Engine Upgrade first.) 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: 3. Lazy and stupid weapon design Over the time that LO has taken over, the only thing they’ve done that actually “counts” as a new addition to the game is the two new weapons (technically three) added to the game which are: a. The Showstopper b. The Showstopper “Thunder” c. Ntec 7 “New Glory” Now you may ask, why are the newly released weapons stupidly designed? First of all, the only new weapon is the showtopper, the “Thunder” is just a JMB version of that, the new glory is also an NTEC 7 with a different legendary mod and corsshair. The only gun designed right is the showstopper as it is reffered to as a secondary “pocket shotgun” having a short range of 10m and 3 shots to kill with a decent rate of fire, this gun servers its purpose. The “Thunder” and “New Glory” however are stupidly designed because AGAIN, the legendary mod reduces your rate of fire in a game MAINLY ABOUT TTK (killing your opponent before he can kill you, seems like LO are obsessed with the reduced rate of fire mode aren’t they?), the legendary mod on the showstopper increases its effective range, on a gun that was designed to be a close range pocket shotgun, which makes the Thunder pointless as it is compeltely against the original design of the gun AND make it harder AND slower to kill your opponent. Same thing for the New Glory as the NTEC 7 is mainly used since it is a 5 STK ntec instead of 6, making the New Glory completely worthless unless you’re a bronze player who does not know how to manage recoil and bloom. The crux of the issue here is that you seem to think that legendary guns are meant to be upgrades instead of variants. A legendary variant of a gun is meant to have a gimmick to it. It's not meant to be a straight upgrade across the board. You take those guns with the knowledge that they will not behave like their regular counterparts. I'd say that the problem here lies not with LO, but with you. 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: 4. Terrible game management The game has been down this month alone more than Gamersfirst would put it down in a year, which is not the worst thing that actually happened as this has been the case since LO took over the game anyways, how do they try to fix this? Free premium, every damn time. As if they were giving something back to the players who already had premium and lost some of its time due to maintance or were using trial weapons and had experied due to it. What other form of compensation do you expect? You literally don't lose any premium time because they give days of premium back to you as compensation. Plus, trial weapons are 3 hours long, if I remember correctly. Perhaps you mean leases? 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: Funniest thing that the game this time went down for multiple days in a row for all their platforms, then me and other citadel players wake up to find out the game “partially back online” on a NEW YORK SERVER FOR EU PLAYERS, so not only as a frustrated player you have lost multiple days on your premium + trial weapon(s) which have expired, the game is not even playable for you anymore since you now have MUCH HIGHER PING (400+ in my case). It's either the NA servers as a temporary solution, or no fucking game at all. Pick your poison. 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: How does LO decide to compensate for their lack of competence? You guessed it, free premium for a week! As if you could even benefit from that while playing with 400 ping LOL. Honestly this has been the worst decision they have ever done thus far and probably one of the worst I have ever seen from a company yet. You do realize all of this is the result of a problem they did not expect to occur, right? You are aware that the EU servers are stuck in customs, hence why LO could not put Citadel anywhere but on NA until the servers pass customs checks? 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: *NOW, please note than I am aware that gamersfirst was not that much better, they did not add new content to the game for years, they were just keeping the game alive by leaving the servers up. Which is something that LO is not even able to do yet. For me as a long time veteran who keeps coming back to this game, I am deeply disappointed by how poorly this game has been managed, I am also pretty sure that the new engine launch will be next year judging by their pace and experience as developers. Yes, because the last calendar year totally did not happen. The last year of LO running APB was not a thing, they've only taken over APB just now and they've fucked up the servers, precisely. In fact, it is a widely known truth that Matt Scott himself personally took a sledgehammer to EU servers just to mess with us! I'm sure of it! /s, in case it wasn't clear enough. 2 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: Thank you for coming to my ted talk. I paid nothing to read your wall of text and I still want my fucking money back. Edited November 30, 2019 by MartinPL accidentally called IR a "gun" at one point. mistakes happen :V 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N66 101 Posted November 30, 2019 You make some valid points, I agree with the nerf part, the events were buggy, can't argue, but though I hate anything battle royal, Matt defended it saying it barely took time, and that most of the effort is reusable for future content (which can be true, just learning the code base while doing RIOT then throwing it away is still progress). However, on the other hand, the new guns, they're all fun, and balanced, which could not be said about any of G1's legendaries when they first appear, you remember the classic money grab then nerf by G1. Lastly about LO, the management, I think, they had many issues because they made many changes, servers went offline, for an extended duration, multiple times, but it was to move it to better equipment, to use better ISP, to setup some anti DDOS measures, G1 ignored every issue of those, and if you remember, we had DDOS way too often at G1's times, we also had the districts spiking to 50ms just due to players playing regularly. But then, you didn't mention much about G1 to show comparison, for instance, promising the engine upgrade for years, when in reality they had... 1 guy? if any, working on it, LO are actually showing their progress on the engine, and it's a lot of progress, though slower than they promised, but it's there. Then there is the issue with G1's pricing, which relied purely on whales to fund the game intentionally. Then lastly, the bans and cheaters, you probably remember that if you had posted something like this about G1, you'd end up banned, either by Tiggs or by an "automatic ban by Fairfight" many of which were actually manual GM bans using the system to pretend you were cheating, and besides that, the whole system was really broken, so many people were banned randomly, and we had a lot more cheaters than now. Which gives another point for LO, for both providing a much better anti cheat, and for unbanning a large number of players who were banned unfairly. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GhosT 1301 Posted November 30, 2019 Their decisionmaking for setting priorities and weapon balance is a little questionable, but other than that I love them for actually doing something with the game unlike GamersFirst. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) 3 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: Today I would like to demonstrate how incompetent Little Orbit has been and how poorly they have managed this game since their takeover. 1. Wasting time over bad decisions What does LO first thinks of doing when taking over the game? Oh that’s right! Nerfing mods and weapons! The last thing that needed to be done yet they thought it was a good idea to make more weapons/mods weak and useless. Except….when they decided to “nerf” IR3 by increasing its range and reducing the weapon’s firing speed, it made every gun jump a category in terms of range, shotguns became assault rifles (especially the shredder), AR’s became Marksman weapons, and marksman turned into sniper rifles in terms of range. And after a couple weeks they decide to revert the changes as the mod was completely fine before they decide to touch on it anyway. Bear in mind that the decision to try and “tweak” weapons and mods in the game was probably just a way to keep the community busy by adding any changes to the game until they actually figure out how the game works and how to be able to add something meaningful in the future. 2. Buggy events/game modes + lack of testing Every single single event that was created by LO was either not fun at all or it was buggy as hell, making it almost completely unplayable. Events that actually worked properly and were fun were the old G1’s events either recycled completely or added a new “twist” such as the halloween event where LO just added a newly designed “red pumpkin”, one potent example of this is the “RIOT” game mode that was a complete failure and then they decided to stop the development since it was halting the development of the new server, another idea scraped over an ingenious decision. 3. Lazy and stupid weapon design Over the time that LO has taken over, the only thing they’ve done that actually “counts” as a new addition to the game is the two new weapons (technically three) added to the game which are: a. The Showstopper b. The Showstopper “Thunder” c. Ntec 7 “New Glory” Now you may ask, why are the newly released weapons stupidly designed? First of all, the only new weapon is the showtopper, the “Thunder” is just a JMB version of that, the new glory is also an NTEC 7 with a different legendary mod and corsshair. The only gun designed right is the showstopper as it is reffered to as a secondary “pocket shotgun” having a short range of 10m and 3 shots to kill with a decent rate of fire, this gun servers its purpose. The “Thunder” and “New Glory” however are stupidly designed because AGAIN, the legendary mod reduces your rate of fire in a game MAINLY ABOUT TTK (killing your opponent before he can kill you, seems like LO are obsessed with the reduced rate of fire mode aren’t they?), the legendary mod on the showstopper increases its effective range, on a gun that was designed to be a close range pocket shotgun, which makes the Thunder pointless as it is compeltely against the original design of the gun AND make it harder AND slower to kill your opponent. Same thing for the New Glory as the NTEC 7 is mainly used since it is a 5 STK ntec instead of 6, making the New Glory completely worthless unless you’re a bronze player who does not know how to manage recoil and bloom. 4. Terrible game management The game has been down this month alone more than Gamersfirst would put it down in a year, which is not the worst thing that actually happened as this has been the case since LO took over the game anyways, how do they try to fix this? Free premium, every damn time. As if they were giving something back to the players who already had premium and lost some of its time due to maintance or were using trial weapons and had experied due to it. Funniest thing that the game this time went down for multiple days in a row for all their platforms, then me and other citadel players wake up to find out the game “partially back online” on a NEW YORK SERVER FOR EU PLAYERS, so not only as a frustrated player you have lost multiple days on your premium + trial weapon(s) which have expired, the game is not even playable for you anymore since you now have MUCH HIGHER PING (400+ in my case). How does LO decide to compensate for their lack of competence? You guessed it, free premium for a week! As if you could even benefit from that while playing with 400 ping LOL. Honestly this has been the worst decision they have ever done thus far and probably one of the worst I have ever seen from a company yet. *NOW, please note than I am aware that gamersfirst was not that much better, they did not add new content to the game for years, they were just keeping the game alive by leaving the servers up. Which is something that LO is not even able to do yet. For me as a long time veteran who keeps coming back to this game, I am deeply disappointed by how poorly this game has been managed, I am also pretty sure that the new engine launch will be next year judging by their pace and experience as developers. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. 1. Honestly, i thought they were a bit more organized but as i can see they aren't, sadly. Im trying to putting more hope because i can't really leave this game, no other is similar to APB. 2. Agree under that point, not only buggy event but also useless ones and they just needed proper testings, like the last easter which had christmas dealers without the contacts to be presents (if i remember right), or it was last year halloween, idk. Not only RIOT was a failure but they didn't even priorly removed it, so yea.. nice one LO, since months peoples can't complete the tutorial, Matt said many times they were going to remove it completely but that moment never seen the light of the day, i am pretty disgusted to be honest. 3. The Shawstopper Thunder is the most stupid legendary i ever seen, i've had it for 3 times and for all of them, i sold it, becausei don't like the way it is made, it's unrealistic for what it should do, which is completely different. I wanna remember you that they didn't made the New Glory, you should call it with its original name, i don't know if you had this informations but this gun was alredy there since years, unreleased "NTEC7 Compact" and was made by G1, then LO released it creating the mod itself. You can't find the original model even into APBDB sadly, they replaced it with the new one. Not loke the other, the New Glory is cool, but im not that addicted to slow firerate speed. 4. .. You touched a critical point, but you are absolutely right, i have something like 4/5 years of premium, and 7 days is nothing for compensate the time wasted waiting, can't always works like that, like a child that want something and because the father or the mom don't know what to gift they just buy the same stuff over and over again, that child is going to be tired, before or later, and i am pretty tired about receiving premium, for what also, lagging on Citadel because its hosted in NY, nice compensation, really. Not Appreciated. I've got only 100ms up to 150/170, not more, but this is not the problem, the problem is that is visible the lag, the desync, the delay between your click and the thing happening on the screen, and that's annoying. I don't even know why they compensate now when everything is broken, they shouldn't gave out it now, but.. too late to say that. Nothing to say more, just that i also agree with your yellow sentences. Im not happy at all. PS i prefer them over G1 OF COURSE. Edited November 30, 2019 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiskeyTangoFoxX 280 Posted November 30, 2019 1 hour ago, AlishaAzure said: Not only RIOT was a failure but they didn't even priorly removed it, so yea.. nice one LO, since months peoples can't complete the tutorial, Matt said many times they were going to remove it completely but that moment never seen the light of the day, i am pretty disgusted to be honest. RIOT was not a failure because it did what LO set out to do, get familiar with how APB works and finish implementing a way to detect city blocks which has been said multiple times will play a role in future missions, events etc. 1 hour ago, AlishaAzure said: 3. The Shawstopper Thunder is the most stupid legendary i ever seen, i've had it for 3 times and for all of them, i sold it, becausei don't like the way it is made, it's unrealistic for what it should do, which is completely different. This is your opinion. My opinion is that the Thunder is super fun to use and easily my favourite shotgun. 1 hour ago, AlishaAzure said: I wanna remember you that they didn't made the New Glory, you should call it with its original name, i don't know if you had this informations but this gun was alredy there since years, unreleased "NTEC7 Compact" and was made by G1, then LO released it creating the mod itself. The New Glory has nothing to do with the original N-TEC 7c, other than sharing the model. LO also didn't make the model for the Showstopper for that matter, so the argument is kinda moot. 1 hour ago, AlishaAzure said: 4. .. You touched a critical point, but you are absolutely right, i have something like 4/5 years of premium, and 7 days is nothing for compensate the time wasted waiting, can't always works like that, like a child that want something and because the father or the mom don't know what to gift they just buy the same stuff over and over again, that child is going to be tired, before or later, and i am pretty tired about receiving premium, for what also, lagging on Citadel because its hosted in NY, nice compensation, really. Not Appreciated. What exactly else should they do? Premium is one of the very few things that they can give out that really only compensates the people who lost out, since giving anything else would require them to filter players who are actually active, which is incredibly difficult to do. I'll also let you know that giving out premium or it's equivalents is basically what most MMOs do as downtime compensation. Also, here are your options for the server: New York, or none at all. The EU servers are currently stuck in customs, so instead of leaving the EU servers down over the weekend LO decided to host them in NY while they have to wait. Completely out of their control. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted November 30, 2019 Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I disagree with yours. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jilleroo 349 Posted November 30, 2019 Seems like you're just really upset the game had some downtime, lol. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FriendlyFiar 10 Posted November 30, 2019 2 hours ago, N66 said: You make some valid points, I agree with the nerf part, the events were buggy, can't argue, but though I hate anything battle royal, Matt defended it saying it barely took time, and that most of the effort is reusable for future content (which can be true, just learning the code base while doing RIOT then throwing it away is still progress). However, on the other hand, the new guns, they're all fun, and balanced, which could not be said about any of G1's legendaries when they first appear, you remember the classic money grab then nerf by G1. Lastly about LO, the management, I think, they had many issues because they made many changes, servers went offline, for an extended duration, multiple times, but it was to move it to better equipment, to use better ISP, to setup some anti DDOS measures, G1 ignored every issue of those, and if you remember, we had DDOS way too often at G1's times, we also had the districts spiking to 50ms just due to players playing regularly. But then, you didn't mention much about G1 to show comparison, for instance, promising the engine upgrade for years, when in reality they had... 1 guy? if any, working on it, LO are actually showing their progress on the engine, and it's a lot of progress, though slower than they promised, but it's there. Then there is the issue with G1's pricing, which relied purely on whales to fund the game intentionally. Then lastly, the bans and cheaters, you probably remember that if you had posted something like this about G1, you'd end up banned, either by Tiggs or by an "automatic ban by Fairfight" many of which were actually manual GM bans using the system to pretend you were cheating, and besides that, the whole system was really broken, so many people were banned randomly, and we had a lot more cheaters than now. Which gives another point for LO, for both providing a much better anti cheat, and for unbanning a large number of players who were banned unfairly. True, Gamersfirst had some extremely corrupt admins, plus they were lazy as I had mentioned before. however the DDOS and lag issues were not resolved by LO until recently when they found out the issue was actually a bug in financial district, which of course I will give credit to them where credit is due. in the end 1 good deed cannot overshadow the horrible decisions that were made until now, plus the EU servers got shot down anyways now so even one of their few good deeds is now gone. 5 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I disagree with yours. SPCTS have done nothing but give us, the community constructive critisicm on our major issues/opinions thus far, thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CookiePuss 5384 Posted November 30, 2019 2 minutes ago, FriendlyFiar said: True, Gamersfirst had some extremely corrupt admins, plus they were lazy as I had mentioned before. however the DDOS and lag issues were not resolved by LO until recently when they found out the issue was actually a bug in financial district, which of course I will give credit to them where credit is due. in the end 1 good deed cannot overshadow the horrible decisions that were made until now, plus the EU servers got shot down anyways now so even one of their few good deeds is now gone. Out of curiosity, where do you get your information? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FriendlyFiar 10 Posted November 30, 2019 10 minutes ago, CookiePuss said: Out of curiosity, where do you get your information? Matt posted it on discord annoucements some time ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevkof 806 Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) 8 minutes ago, FriendlyFiar said: Matt posted it on discord annoucements some time ago. Any chance you could screenshot/link those? And the EU servers are just temporarily off/hosted in NY while they sort out the hardware, this is not an intended long term thing Edited November 30, 2019 by Kevkof 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FriendlyFiar 10 Posted November 30, 2019 36 minutes ago, Kevkof said: Any chance you could screenshot/link those? And the EU servers are just temporarily off/hosted in NY while they sort out the hardware, this is not an intended long term thing Sadly I cannot do that as some low life discord mod decided to ban me for expressing my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xHenryman90x 129 Posted November 30, 2019 5 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: seems like LO are obsessed with the reduced rate of fire mode aren’t they?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MACKxBOLAN 452 Posted November 30, 2019 My vote would be for LIL Orbit. Yea the server move was a pain for those of us that litarly LIve at double b's, but G1 never did a fkn Thing, shit would go down late friday nite n we'd be lucky if we got a reset by monday, So Ya I fuzzy bunny allot but things are Way better under LO. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) 1 hour ago, WhiskeyTangoFoxX said: RIOT was not a failure because it did what LO set out to do, get familiar with how APB works and finish implementing a way to detect city blocks which has been said multiple times will play a role in future missions, events etc. This is your opinion. My opinion is that the Thunder is super fun to use and easily my favourite shotgun. The New Glory has nothing to do with the original N-TEC 7c, other than sharing the model. LO also didn't make the model for the Showstopper for that matter, so the argument is kinda moot. What exactly else should they do? Premium is one of the very few things that they can give out that really only compensates the people who lost out, since giving anything else would require them to filter players who are actually active, which is incredibly difficult to do. I'll also let you know that giving out premium or it's equivalents is basically what most MMOs do as downtime compensation. Also, here are your options for the server: New York, or none at all. The EU servers are currently stuck in customs, so instead of leaving the EU servers down over the weekend LO decided to host them in NY while they have to wait. Completely out of their control. So it wasn't a true game mode to stay permanently, as you said, it was needed just for understand how the game was working and to study all the differend codes in Live servers. Valid reply about the Thunder, everyone have different opinion and i do appreciate that. Can't be everytime the same. Maybe stop giving fake promises and make things to happen? Or you also forgot about name release, RUS language, can't even report players with these type of names etc. Im tired of this, also they seems to working on Another ARMAS overhal design.. which nobody asked for. The navigation and spme of the items are randomly into wrong sections and many users reported that. Even GM's sleeps always and don't seems to exist in districts. Now i found out that Mirele, Mina and others are out, so, as always nobody tells nothing about them, just disappear. The only one that i know is Feyer, there is another new one which i don't like at all because i have my reasons. Was better offline honestly, who thought was a good idea to put Citadel in NY AND give 7 days of premium which are useless because the social on jericho don't works, on citadel there is a lag which is ok for peoples like me with gorgeous internet connection (80/90ms), but who have a decent one, normal one that alredy lag with EU in the normal location.. he/she will have 400/500 if not more, and i know many peoples that can't even still login, so, yes, premium compensation is useless. Edited November 30, 2019 by Guest Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6183 Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) 6 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: 1. Wasting time over bad decisions What does LO first thinks of doing when taking over the game? Oh that’s right! Nerfing mods and weapons! The last thing that needed to be done yet they thought it was a good idea to make more weapons/mods weak and useless. Except….when they decided to “nerf” IR3 by increasing its range and reducing the weapon’s firing speed, it made every gun jump a category in terms of range, shotguns became assault rifles (especially the shredder), AR’s became Marksman weapons, and marksman turned into sniper rifles in terms of range. And after a couple weeks they decide to revert the changes as the mod was completely fine before they decide to touch on it anyway. Bear in mind that the decision to try and “tweak” weapons and mods in the game was probably just a way to keep the community busy by adding any changes to the game until they actually figure out how the game works and how to be able to add something meaningful in the future. weapon balance is one of the few things that can be done to apb in its current state without needing to pull devs away from other more important projects like the engine upgrade weapon balance is also a very big problem in apb, i’m not sure why it would be “the last thing to do”, i would reserve that spot for aesthetic/graphical changes i will agree that little orbits balancing efforts have been more bad then good but they’ve clearly taken note of this, recent changes have been excessively conservative and they’ve been allowing the entire community to both test and provide feedback on them 6 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: 2. Buggy events/game modes + lack of testing Every single single event that was created by LO was either not fun at all or it was buggy as hell, making it almost completely unplayable. Events that actually worked properly and were fun were the old G1’s events either recycled completely or added a new “twist” such as the halloween event where LO just added a newly designed “red pumpkin”, one potent example of this is the “RIOT” game mode that was a complete failure and then they decided to stop the development since it was halting the development of the new server, another idea scraped over an ingenious decision. “fun” is pretty subjective, i personally enjoyed the Kill Mattscott/Kill the GM events, the Autumn Assault event, and last year’s Epidemic halloween event i agree that riot was an objective failure and one made worse by little orbit claiming it was “just for testing” after the community (rightfully) blasted it, as if you put out hype a year in advance and do press releases for “just a test” 6 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: 3. Lazy and stupid weapon design Over the time that LO has taken over, the only thing they’ve done that actually “counts” as a new addition to the game is the two new weapons (technically three) added to the game which are: a. The Showstopper b. The Showstopper “Thunder” c. Ntec 7 “New Glory” Now you may ask, why are the newly released weapons stupidly designed? First of all, the only new weapon is the showtopper, the “Thunder” is just a JMB version of that, the new glory is also an NTEC 7 with a different legendary mod and corsshair. The only gun designed right is the showstopper as it is reffered to as a secondary “pocket shotgun” having a short range of 10m and 3 shots to kill with a decent rate of fire, this gun servers its purpose. The “Thunder” and “New Glory” however are stupidly designed because AGAIN, the legendary mod reduces your rate of fire in a game MAINLY ABOUT TTK (killing your opponent before he can kill you, seems like LO are obsessed with the reduced rate of fire mode aren’t they?), the legendary mod on the showstopper increases its effective range, on a gun that was designed to be a close range pocket shotgun, which makes the Thunder pointless as it is compeltely against the original design of the gun AND make it harder AND slower to kill your opponent. Same thing for the New Glory as the NTEC 7 is mainly used since it is a 5 STK ntec instead of 6, making the New Glory completely worthless unless you’re a bronze player who does not know how to manage recoil and bloom. i actually feel the opposite about the showstoppers the base showstopper is overtuned, it’s slightly too competitive in cqc for a secondary weapon the thunder is very well balanced, i’m not sure why you’re complaining about ttk when it has essentially the same ttk as the fbw and it can easily hit min ttk all the way out to 25m - it’s a risk/reward oriented gun, if you can land all your shots you have a powerful shotgun secondary that can outrange almost every other cqc weapon, if you miss then you’ve got a long unforgiving ttk the new glory ttks are also fine imo especially given how easy it is to partially circumvent the marksmanship mod penalty, what really leaves the gun underwhelming is it’s accuracy - hipfire accuracy is too low to truly take advantage of its lower ttk, and marksmanship accuracy suffers from “LCRness” where it constantly drops shots that artificially lengthen ttk at the end of the day legendaries aren’t supposed to be “legendary” super guns, they’re simply intended to have a unique playstyle or mechanic that “normal” guns do not 6 hours ago, FriendlyFiar said: 4. Terrible game management The game has been down this month alone more than Gamersfirst would put it down in a year, which is not the worst thing that actually happened as this has been the case since LO took over the game anyways, how do they try to fix this? Free premium, every damn time. As if they were giving something back to the players who already had premium and lost some of its time due to maintance or were using trial weapons and had experied due to it. Funniest thing that the game this time went down for multiple days in a row for all their platforms, then me and other citadel players wake up to find out the game “partially back online” on a NEW YORK SERVER FOR EU PLAYERS, so not only as a frustrated player you have lost multiple days on your premium + trial weapon(s) which have expired, the game is not even playable for you anymore since you now have MUCH HIGHER PING (400+ in my case). How does LO decide to compensate for their lack of competence? You guessed it, free premium for a week! As if you could even benefit from that while playing with 400 ping LOL. Honestly this has been the worst decision they have ever done thus far and probably one of the worst I have ever seen from a company yet. i think you should take those rose tinted glasses off under g1 the game went down for multiple weeks at a time some years under g1 the servers were intentionally downgraded multiple times, despite g1 showing the community “proof” (via indecipherable or irrelevant graphs) that the new option would be better under g1 the community was repeatedly told that the ddos issue was being fixed, all the way up until they sold the game to another company, still with the exact same ddos issue under g1 there often wouldn’t be any compensation if the downtime was only for a day or two i can’t say i like the way little orbit has been going about things so far but at the end of the day it’s clear they’re genuinely trying to better the game, that alone puts them ahead of the company that actively dumpstered apb over the course of 7 years thank you for coming to this week’s Apb Anonymous meeting, please make sure to check in with your sponsors on the way out Edited November 30, 2019 by Solamente typo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dasimoge 69 Posted November 30, 2019 Stop whining and be happy that the game still alive... APB is a unique game. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HighSociety 148 Posted November 30, 2019 Communication wise LO is doing better than G1 ever did! It's all about the engine upgrade now... and if they reach it out in time. After that (and some new content) i'll make my opinion who did the better job... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZoriaDunne 327 Posted November 30, 2019 The only bad decision I can say they made was to make RIOT a crappy BR, thinking that Battle Royale was the key of success no matter what, ignoring how many other games tried making BRs and failed. if RIOT had been a Turf Wars game mode, everything would have been different. Since it fits the game lore way more. (War mode similar to Planetside 2, having to fight for the control of Areas of the city.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CYBORGKIMJONGIL 2 Posted November 30, 2019 hahahaha this aint it chief Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Percocet 194 Posted November 30, 2019 tiggs. there ya go boys g1 was trash close up the thread 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blackace-RD 35 Posted November 30, 2019 7 hours ago, CookiePuss said: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I disagree with yours. And i agreed with yours Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lign 361 Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) 10 hours ago, Sophiie said: Hi, If you think you can do it better, spend the near-million dollars to buy the IP rights, and hire folks to do it instead. Sincerely, A person who had to read your wall of text. PS: Unreal 3 is outdated and you shouldn't do what I just posted. Save your BjornBucks. Asking someone to do it better is the worst and the dumbest argument I have ever seen. By that logic you can’t criticize anything in the world if you’re unable to do it better by yourself. Edited November 30, 2019 by Lign 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites