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  1. Hello everyone, just a week ago I received a ban from the EAC, the fact is that I changed the DPI in my logitec mouse, in the logitec GHUB program, I wrote to support and they said that I should file an appeal, a lot of effort and money was invested in the account, the account is 6 years old, my appeal disappeared after 3 days, and they suggest that I file an appeal again, do I have a chance of being unbanned? I read the news and forums, there was some kind of wave of bans, what should I do at the moment? I am writing from a translator
  2. Разработчики APB Reloaded презираю вас, прошло 3 дня как я получил бан, а я до сих пор не могу зайти в свой аккаунт через стим. Я раньше играл с другом в APB и даже сделал это, больше всего мне понравилась кастомизация в вашей игре, а теперь все испорчено, непонятно за что мне дали бан, который висит уже давно, и я даже ничего не ломал, просто скачал апб через стим и все, пока люди сидят с макросами и читами, меня ни за что банят, сил уже нет, я столько сделал для того аккаунта и ты просто взял и стер, у нас с другом было много запланированных дел, но ты это все у нас отнял, разрушил. Если найдутся люди, которые скажут, что я использовал потусторонний софт, вы не понимаете, что за отчаянье у человека, что он играл по правилам, соблюдал все законы, никого не обидел и все равно получает бан. Сейчас сижу с бутылкой пива, и уже перестал надеяться на восстановление аккаунта, мне уже все равно, мне все равно, эта игра для меня уже вычеркнута из жизни. Полное отчаяние охватило меня. А я просто хотел поиграть с другом, пройти миссии, посоревноваться с символами, но увы, вы уничтожили эти действия, могу только сказать, что больше никогда в жизни не войду в вашу игру, даже если вы разбаните мой аккаунт, я никогда больше туда не возвращайся, потому что ты потерял мое уважение, до свидания. я уже перестала надеяться на восстановление моего аккаунта, мне уже все равно, мне все равно, эта игра для меня уже вычеркнута из жизни. Полное отчаяние охватило меня. А я просто хотел поиграть с другом, пройти миссии, посоревноваться с символами, но увы, вы уничтожили эти действия, могу только сказать, что больше никогда в жизни не войду в вашу игру, даже если вы разбаните мой аккаунт, я никогда больше туда не возвращайся, потому что ты потерял мое уважение, до свидания. я уже перестала надеяться на восстановление моего аккаунта, мне уже все равно, мне все равно, эта игра для меня уже вычеркнута из жизни. Полное отчаяние охватило меня. А я просто хотел поиграть с другом, пройти миссии, посоревноваться с символами, но увы, вы уничтожили эти действия, могу только сказать, что больше никогда в жизни не войду в вашу игру, даже если вы разбаните мой аккаунт, я никогда больше туда не возвращайся, потому что ты потерял мое уважение, до свидания.
  3. Hello, my account is not allowed to trade anybody, i can not buy, bid or sell anything on the auction
  4. My account has been blocked And they don't respond with support Does anyone know why they don't answer with support
  5. Hello, i can't trade anybody i cant buy anything from the auction, i cant bid,buy or sell. I have sent an email to G1 support, made 2 tickets but with 0 answer please tell me how to fix this
  6. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    Hello. I want to link my steam account to my gamersfirst account. Created a ticket 3 days ago but didn't receive any answer. Anyone knows how long does this procedure takes?
  7. Oh look. I want to buy the nano butcher... but wait. my account is perm banned for being out of bounds right.
  8. I got banned for being out of bounds permanently. Lmao, just take it with a grain of salt, the game will die either way if they keep banning 2000$+ accounts for simple things.
  9. my account is very old - i think i created it in 2011. for the first time today i cant log in - Account in use on another client. for last year i didnt change my detales or logged from another pc. how can that be? and what can i do about it?
  10. Hello Everyone, Today's 1st of February, for the past 2 hours I been refreshing the website over and over and so far the tutorial that APB reloaded provided step by step how to migrate your account didn't seem to work. Once I log in to G1 website with my Ps4 credentials nothing pops up.
  11. Hello APB: Reloaded community, Little Orbit believes in second chances so we have taken the bold step to unban almost every single account found to be violating our terms of service in the past. We hope that all of you who have been unbanned take this chance and don't waste it by violating our rules again. Check out the exact details on why we are taking this step in our most recent Blogpost. Additionally we have prepared an FAQ for those players who have been unbanned. We urge you to read through it as it contains vital information on how to stay unbanned moving forward. APB Reloaded Unban FAQ: Why am I still banned even though the ban is being lifted? If you are still banned, provide us with your email address, date of registration, recent purchases, and character names so that we can assist further. If I break a terms of service rule, will I be banned? Yes, your account will be banned accordingly, as we retain account ban history. How do I know if my account has been unbanned? Accounts are already unbanned, however, you can try logging in to verify the status of your account. What should I do if I can't remember my account details? If you have forgotten your account details, please contact our support team with any information you do remember, such as Email address or character names, and we will investigate further. Will my progress and items be there after my account is unbanned? Yes, all your progress and items will be as they were before your account was banned. Can I appeal if my account remains banned after the unbanning process? Yes, you can appeal by providing detailed information about your account and the reason for the appeal. Our support team will review your case and get back to you. What if I encounter issues after my account is unbanned? If you experience any issues after your account has been unbanned, please contact our support team with your Email address and a detailed description of the problem. How long will it take for my account to be unbanned? The unbanning process has already been completed. If your account is still banned after this period, please reach out to our support team. Is there anything I need to do to ensure my account gets unbanned? No additional action is required from your side. Will there be any changes to my account or game experience after being unbanned? There will be no changes to your account or game experience. You will be able to continue playing from where you left off. What do I do if I cannot trade on my account? Look at the notification in chat, when you enter a district, if this is a 3-day ban period, you’ll have to wait it out, customer support cannot assist with shortening or removing the trade ban in this case. However, if it is a permanent trade lock, please contact us so that we can investigate further. What do I do if I cannot trade on my account? Look at the notification in chat, when you enter a district, if this is a 3-day ban period, you’ll have to wait it out, customer support cannot assist with shortening or removing the trade ban in this case. However, if it is a permanent trade lock, please contact us so that we can investigate further. Who can I contact if I have further questions or need additional support? For any further questions or additional support, please contact our customer support team.
  12. omys

    error 10008

    + I lost my forums account
  13. 10$ cost to unban the account... if you need money for development.
  14. All I can think is MrEpicGoat coming back with his hundreds of accounts
  15. Not even scam accounts. Just people hungry for steam hours.
  16. I am grateful to you for unblocking my account. But what if your stupid anti-cheat bans me again? The support service ignored my requests for a whole month. I'm not sure if my account won't be blocked again tomorrow. Fix the anti-cheat!
  17. Bots farming hours to make scam accounts look legit.
  18. why was my account permanently suspended, without ever having used any cheating?
  19. Unbanning accounts that were affected by EAC is understandable, but everyone? Those cheaters have multiple accounts. Most won't care about the unban, but some will get back their rare items, like legendary weapons and themes. This isn't going to bring back legit players. This isn't going to bring in new players. It's going to be a circle-jerk of "I wAs LeGiT!"
  20. "Fixed biggest problem of the game: banned N cheaters." When? Most of them using cheats on main accounts, they not afraid of bans...
  21. this could've been handled way better, instead of just having an unban wave on the back of a rise in rage cheaters in fight club and announcing that the anticheat has been turned off, you could've just waited until the *new* anticheat was rolled out and then do this. if matt thinks these cheaters aren't going to risk their accounts because "new content on the horizon" then he is sorely mistakn and/or delusional, as I witneesed people speedhacking on CBT accounts back in G1 era. and after all this is just a big middle finger to those who played legit, seeing all these losers cheat their way to maxing out roles then having their accounts handed back to them, makes me wonder why I even bother playing legit!
  22. Questions: Merge accounts and roles and achievements account wide when those gonna gonna happen ? Reasons: Tired buying stuff on 2 different accounts and last meeting you guys said gonna account wide roles because takes too much time start over on new character.
  23. There is a Game Updates subforum. Use this forum instead of Discord. Little Orbit shouldn't require people to create an account and join a 3rd party platform, just to get notifications of game changes.
  24. We got the G24 firehawk for both factions, but not a cross-faction, or account-wide unlock option? When will we get this? -- and maybe a nice loyalty perk option to upgrade current G24 firehawk owners to pay the difference to upgrade their current purchase to get account-wide since it wasn't available at the beginning. You guys already nickel and dime us to buy cars for each character with very few account-wide or cross-faction bundles to benefit all characters with our favorite vehicles, would be nice if there's more bundles to accommodate this issue, as I don't want to buy a new car for each character.
  25. Might I suggest you also compensate every account on the console version with a free account bound unsilenced Oca-Nano as a sweetener? I'm not a console player but that idea doesn't sound so bad to me.
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