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  1. Well as far as the incident being to far away from report date Im a daily player and I reported the next day when I logged in. I knew something was wrong right off the go because I got the TOS crap and was like hell no someone else logged into my account on a diffenent PC and IP. Then as soon as the intro was done and old character I hadnt played on in years was selected not Misty my daily. I reported imediately. Someone else made a coment about not using the authentication thing. I tried it at one time but was having trouble with constantly waiting on the authentication being bugged and not being able to log in most of the time it would keep saying wrong code even though it wasnt and then lock me out for so long so I disabled it.
  2. One of my old group members had something happen with their account. I don't know if it was accessed by another person or if the server merge missed a ton of items. Most of their vehicles were missing. Another friend didn't sign in for 6 months or so. I saw them online but it wasn't them. The user on that account replied in Portuguese and was grouped with Brazilian players. Confirmed it wasn't them. In both cases, the incident and time reported were too far apart. No logs were available. Useless system if it can't hold login details for at least a year. At work we hold authentication logs for at least 5 years, depending on the data being accessed. Storage is cheaper than losing a lawsuit
  3. Just do what I did. Step 1: Make people ragequit Step 2: Log on the next day and get 10008'd Step 3: Email support about it Step 4: Acknowledge that support will not help you Step 5: Perform a chargeback on every possible transactions you can Step 6: Remain banned Step 7: Wait 8 years for the game to be picked up by a new publisher/dev studio Step 8: Enjoy your account with all the items you had previously purchased
  4. Good luck on that. Even after proving an account i lost i was mine they threthen to ban me for trying to steal it. Oh and support: i got that account back becuase i got access to it's passcode. Up yours you useless bunch of coconut crabs Only thing you can really do now is bite it and change your password.
  5. Yes I would really like to know how I got hacked. Sure as hell wasnt my PC because they would have stolen money from my bank not weapons from my dead game account.
  6. I submitted a ticket because someone hacked my account that is 10 years old with well over $1,000 spent. They stold over 30+ legendaries and countless mods themes and symbols when I submit ticket their only response was a barage of questions to prove the account is mine. All questions answered no matter how irrelevent they actually are in proving anything and they take the day off and then send me more ridiculous questions. The e-mail is in my real name all credit cards bank accounts and paypal accounts for 10 years my real name they were given a copy of my actual drivers lisence proving my identity. They are putting me on trial to prove acount is mine instead of handling the problem days later. Now they will no longer even respond to my ticket and it has been several days. Not only do they support hacks and cheaters but they also support and defend theives. This game has gone to total shit and it should just be shut down. You buy a game from a company and make promises to revive it and do absolutly nothing but run it into further into the ground and claim you have no funds to run the game. So why did you take it over? Hiring or taking volunteers that cant do their job is no help to the community. May as well have no support at all. So little Orbit I hope like hell you are not paying these guys LOL Further more if the account wasnt mine why the hell would I submit a ticket saying someone stole my stuff from it. That makes absolutly no since at all. I prooved for a fact the account is mine and no support or response since.
  7. J.B.

    Error Code 10004

    I think the Game is crashed. I can´t log in, either with the stucked account, nor my alt. account. Can someone confirm and can this get fixed? or is the game been taken down?
  8. EAC doesn't care either way cause all the advanced launcher does is modify .ini files, its not a program that's running as you play the game, it serves the same functionality as changing your ingame settings through the regular options, you simply have more control. Not to mention that EAC has the ability to block config edits, they've already shown this by blocking shaders as well as upk edits (upk edits have been used to remove particles entirely) this is manually set up and basically tells you that if they wanted to block .ini edits they can absolutely do so rather than just making it so it flat out bans you for something they themselves said is an approved way of editing your graphic settings. EAC checks for injections into the game client, things such as overlays and patterns such as simulated inputs (Macros/Triggerbots), it doesn't give a crap about whether or not a line in an .ini file says 16 instead of 128. In other words, you are clueless if you think the cause of these bans is due to configs considering if they didn't want configs to be a thing anymore they have all the tools in the world to stop players from using them rather than flat out banning the accounts.
  9. manual bans(they might have to 'clear' the ban list i.e. hit the ban button for accounts that reach the flag threshold) for cheating don't really happen. I'm sure LO might look at evidence(video/clips) if someone has already been flagged by the anti-cheat but for the most part both LO and G1 don't/didn't resort to manual bans for cheating unless your name was known.
  10. I doubt LO had any input on the recent bans. I know someone who bought an APB account. First logging in they were not trade locked. They were able to trade all the weapons and mods to their main account. The purchased account got banned a few days later, but the other accounts they have did not get banned. Same PCs, no VPN. If LO went by IP or HWIDs, you'd think all accounts would have been banned.
  11. The biggest mistake LO ever made was unbanning known cheaters and giving them their main accounts back. I love it when former cheaters come over to the forums to complain about cheaters then get banned themselves. I got nothing against anyone but when the game was active some of these people contributed to the heavy decline in population and people not wanting to give the game a second chance. I can see the DEVS unbanning some of their favourites but at that point I, along with the rest of the population would have lost all hope for the game. PS: Macro is also a form cheating
  12. Crazy how everyone who got banned is either known for account trading or cheating (in the past or right now). sucks to be you
  13. Oh Jim I am very well behaved not a single ban since I created this account in 2011. I mean I don't put unwanted items on my clothing, cars. I don't make multiple accounts just to harass fellow streamers. No configs, no third party software I mean I run a pure vanilla game. i don't be hateful no racism to be found i might curse on occasion but that's not really bad. All my years not a single ban gee I wonder why? maybe I am a model of the community after all.
  14. It doesn't matter whether he did it once or multiple times, or if he was temporarily banned for it. If the company explicitly states that such actions are not allowed and considers them a significant offense, you will be terminated. It all boils down to what the company's policy are. Look at the sentence that was written here "Bans that we did not expect and that remove from the game that last healthy part that you had left of it," . This sentence indicates to me that LO - banned all the people that were considered the last healthy part of the community. Let me get this straight 1. You're unsure about the reasons for others' bans. As mentioned earlier, one person got banned for offensive symbols, now the question is what are the others banned for? if the individual got banned for cheating or toxic behaviour do you think most wil say why they got banned for? i doubt it. its an individual message u need to write to LO support to recieve that answer. if they don't want to answer u than thats the problem of the person who got banned in the first place. 2. You're bringing up gamers' backgrounds in the context of bans. You're highlighting that LO appears to take personal factors like someone being a responsible family person, punctual at work, or kind to their spouse into account. However, this is not the case. ban's can occure everywhere. doesn't matter if you are a good semarithan or the pope. do you think that a serial killer who has lived like the kindest person alive before he started killing would get a sentence reduction? ( im probebly going overboard on this but thats my thought about it) 3. You are comparing EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) to FFBans. One manual ban has been mentioned, and you're wondering if this means most people received manual bans. this can be true and also false. as you stil don't know if it was manual or not. its not that 1 person has a manual ban that you recieve a manual ban. This is basicly saying EAC is controlled by Tigg's at this point. concludes all cheaters are banned for not reason and need to get there accounts back becous unfair bans. 4. we know that LO has strict policy against bans in general. A zero-tolerance approach is not bad. What's the next step? Personally, I hold no personal agrudges towards individuals like Darleenko or anyone else who has faced a ban initially. If someone has engaged in cheating, displayed toxicity, or used threatening symbols or any other behavior violating the Terms of Service (TOS), it's their own responsibility. However, I firmly believe that individuals should be provided with a clear and explicit explanation for their bans. If it turns out that they are still subject to a ban, than it is said so. my opinion is that you will stay in the category of banned until proven wrongly.
  15. I'm quite intrigued to learn that a "TGM" has been banned by the EAC. Such occurrences are rather rare, and it makes me wonder what might have prompted this action. It's always fascinating to stay in the loop about the ongoings within the gaming community and beyond. its funny that you mention that someone got banned for symbols. i seen a lot of people running around with symbols - making new accounts and streambomming certain inviduals with it. for me im happy they are gone. like you can't say that that is not a good reason enough to ban somebody from the game. even if it is a manual ban. i don't realy care about those toxic behaving people. so all bans that have been occured are all manual ? and added on EAC. so this must be that these accounts have been flagged multiple times and now lo is taking care of every account and checking them. seems fair. must be already reason enough that something is up with these accounts or something fishy is going on. maybe toxic behaviour. i dunno. i can not beleve that all accounts have been just manualy been added this would give me ffbans vibes where all bans were manual. but i don't realy think the bans are unjust. there must be a good reason for all these bans to happen. So all the individuals that are recently banned are considered "healthy" players? while those who continue to play are labeled as "unhealthy" players? I find this perplexing. It's difficult to believe that individuals engaging in toxic behavior, cheating, or using unauthorized programs could be classified as healthy players. you have contacted multiple players. OK ... do you know what they use on there pc? are those guys trustfull? have you seen what they used while they played the game in the beginning of EAC ( as these are manual it can be flagged maybe from when eac was implemented). its not like everyone is going to say oh i have toxic behaviour or i use bad symbols on my car or funny enough ... i cheat and use programs to modify my game. but it seems like everyone goes to the safe bet - VPN. Regarding VPN - The point being - If there's an anti-cheat system in place, using a VPN is not going to disguise the fact you're using any widely known VPN service. Check the game's policies to see what they have to say about VPN services for better info. I'm curious about what LO will have to say on this matter. It's quite possible that the only official communication will come from the support team. It's doubtful that individuals like Matt, Ritual, Sakkabee, or Stitchly will publicly address this issue, and there's a likelihood that the details may not be disclosed to the public.
  16. Hello. I have had my account blocked for more than 6 months, it seems to be permanent for business and commerce with people. Honestly, this doesn't make any sense and I don't know why. Can anyone help me, any GM?
  17. Yea it’s strange to see someone who’s been in game for 10 years + not known for cheating ends up banned while few others are still cheating lol classic apb. I use NordVPN to play apb and I believe most players use exitlag to reduce ping + better routing. The concerning part is not the program itself but the IP address that they assign you with and if EAC or LO set to flag these previous banned players IP address it may automatic flagged those accounts who are using it legit Can anyone in LO confirm this is true?
  18. EAC Unfair ban, I also had an account banned by this EAC, I have honestly been playing since 2013, I have never been banned for using any program, not even when that ridiculous FairFight was banning almost everyone for no reason, this is terrible for an online game, losing veteran players over 10 years due to a serious Anti cheater error, I want my account back, you guys from support have to unban everyone because of this terrible EAC.
  19. Do they even need to get unbanned they Could just simply create a new account and buy the weapons they want with real money
  20. imagine every cheater who wants hes account back start new topic now..(i dont say this guy is just sayn)
  21. Hey @Leenko I definitely agree with you about the current situation that is going on and I wish to see our LO CEO opinion about this matter this is hilarious that LO doesn't care about those issues until they will get banned by themself on their main accounts (if they even playing the game). APB Reloaded not even listed on EAC official website in case someone want's to appeal their bans, since a few people tried to contact them via mail, they received an reply that shows "you need to contact the game support", the LO support in that case, well, doesn't matter how many proves you'll show them and provide them whatever can be helpful to reverse the ban after the account has been banned, the only reply you'll receive is "the account is not eligible to have the ban reversed" and that's after they ask you questions such as "can you please tell us how much money was spent on the account in question?" to know how much money you have invested into the company. People get's falsely banned when they did nothing and by that our community getting destroyed, if LO bought the game they should understand why G1 sold the game to avoid those actions, such as LadyTiggs actions that she have done as example. Matter of fact, APB Reloaded has EOS version of the Easy Anti Cheat, I highly recommend to take a professional and deeper look into your community reports before you reply with automated/copy & paste messages, do your job best by quality in and less in speed, because by understanding the current situation, you unable to do both. Someone has to give us some official answers because this is going too far, most of us are nice and honest people, don't disrespect people and the community unless they been disrespectful to you. 2010 - 24.09.2023
  22. no much point seeing how all my accounts are trade locked forever. that and the fact of what is going on right now. I seriously question what happened to the staff at LO. did californa have an earth quake and suck them all into the relem of the molemen?
  23. Propaganda. OK I have Seen the knowns I will not mention cuz that is more against the rules than actual hacking is. I have seen them in district this weekend. I Can't believe there was any 'Wave' because there is Zero staff to do the banning, and I have seen these people. But don't mind me, I've got the dented head n been known to See things. Sometimes you see me post about warthunder n how i do so much better there. Well let me say WT uses EAC, I went Flying the other day, and the planes are the oldest part of the game. There were just as many hacks in the planes as when I started, I like the ships too. The ships are a different set of maps, the same type of hax can't be used there as with the planes. However WT publishes names of those banned, so it does ban some peoples. My point here is that I think EAC sucks, and its possible that all modern anti cheats suck as well. I believe that with a dedicated staff and possibly Dual anticheats, APB could be saved. The difference is that WT has a Large player base and you dont see the same people all the time, and if you do it likely they will be on your team one mission and the enemy the next. Ok I can't boot WT without an update or a notice or a sale. There is constant evidence of people working for the game and Doing things. Here we can't even be sure Matt's still breathing or if he has any employees. If there was some bans it was Too Little Too Late, n Ya like the other poster said They'll be back, with the same accounts and names. You have Zero updates on the subject, zero updates on content/more levels/joker tickets. You want me to fight Golds U Pay Lots n Lots of Joker tickets, not 10 tickets to feed. Let me guess, You can't up the pay for side jobs the same way you can't shut the joker up. You can't alter the games coding, why are U here. Ya can't stabilize the servers, ya can't show up for Work. Ah I better get off here, im getting angry
  24. Hello, I have heard some concerns about potential false bans due to the recent ban wave. These are from people I have known for years and although I can not proof their legitimacy, I am willing to put what little reputation I got left into vouching for their innocence (when it comes to cheating). -- Looking into it, I have found multiple games with alleged hiccups in EAC blocking players. The most recent one being in Black Desert Online, where using VPNs and lag reducing software such as ExitLag would ban you until 2055. However if you did not use ExitLag you could log in as normal after some time. My theory here is that there could have been a false flag in EAC which caused an automatic ban in APB. Yet there seems to be no way of automatically undoing these bans once the false flag has been lifted. There is currently no way of appealing APB's EAC bans with either LO or EAC (from my research). It seems rather strange to me that players without as much as an account warning in 12 years of APB are now facing permanent bans. Before anyone asks, no, I am not banned. I would like to request a statement from Matt and the LO team regarding this matter. It seems a lot of people have been affected.
  25. Normally programs like MSI AFTERBURNER and similar are on the EAC whitelist, such programs were reviewed and approved by EAC and are usually related to companies, other than that any programs that have interaction with macros, vpns overlays etc, or that edit or interact with the memory are named third party applications, which for different reasons can trigger EAC alerts, especially if they are run at the same time as the game and interact with it in some way. That is why you should avoid such applications and clearly others with cheating intentions. If you use cheats, EAC will hunt you down and permanently ban you from the game and if you are not careful with other applications you use while playing Apb Reloaded, they may trigger the EAC alert. My advice to Apb players, just avoid to use macro applications, vpns, overlays or similar if you are not sure that they are approved, avoid downloading unknown files or lending your pc to other people, or obviously share your apb account. If you have problems or doubts and want to know more about Easy Anti-Cheat, these links will help you. https://www.easy.ac/contact/ https://www.epicgames.com/site/en-US/privacypolicy Or the EAC video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI7V60r7Jco You can also contact Little Orbit's support, their link is : https://support.gamersfirst.com/ And obviously all APB players should also read the rules, terms and conditions from GamersFirst : https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/eula I hope this information will be helpful to everyone.
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