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Found 228 results

  1. You are gonna unban FF bans as you said but what about other accs banned for language, forbidden trades of legendaries for G1C, by greedy G1 GMs.. do we have to wait is there any chance of unban or insta-contact support?
  2. I was trying to make a female character on the Citadel server and I got this error. What's going on here?
  3. Hi, this is gonna be just a short suggestion topic. I'd like to suggest making the in-game currencies such as normal $ cash and Joker Tickets account-wide, meaning the money and tickets you earn with each character will accumulate to one sum which is account-wide and parallel between your characters. This is the system implemented on a lot of other online games (such as Guild Wars 2, for example) and is extremely comfortable to work with. Even in APB, the G1C currency is account-wide. And since the trading-system update, it is possible to transfer cash between characters of the same account using a third-party (tested!). Basically, this means that cash is transferrable between characters of the same account already, but requires unnecessary extra steps. So, I'd like to know, do you like the idea? For players: do you wish for this to be implemented? For devs: will you consider implementing such a thing? Thanks.
  4. heard a rumor lixil thinks she's gonna enforce single acc rule and do a big merge of every1s accs, haHa... ur jOkin Rite im Rollin deep in multiple vpns lul , lixil=tiggs
  5. And not be in any discord channel, not associate with any "known" or "pro" or even "gold" players... In fact, should join the game entirely ANONYMOUSLY. That way they can see first hand why "new" "nobody" players get hardcore wrecked by those same players they think are their friends... and have a more intimate understanding of why this game is so filled with hatred towards some of the truly abusive prks who kill off the game's playerbase. Play the game as a new person would play it... only then could LO staff have ANY CLUE what's going on, and what desperately needs to be fixed. And if you streamed it would be even funnier... cos you'd be receiving sooooo many toxic, rude, and insulting msgs just for being... "not a good player." It would be a real eye opener into the actual population that needs special "protection" and is hoping to get it from people with the connections, such as actual LO staff... You should be the champions of the weakest players... and that means playing like one and getting that full experience. The worst people, and I mean that sincerely have long had a habit of "kissing up" to the game's staff in hopes of getting a "get out of jail free" card. We need LO staff who are brave enough to play as the unwanted, detested, tk's and kicked nobodies to save them so we have new players in game. We need you. The game desperately needs you. But we need you to know what the problems really are so you can help and not become, as the previous staff, subverted into being an enabler and denier of the problems.
  6. before the new patch i entered i saw someone in my account and i changed everything after the new patch i saw my account i cant trade or buy stuff from armas or even trade from trading system can anyone help ? What i mean i got an trade lock after the new patch
  7. Has anyone had luck in transferring their account to any other server ? I have moved to Canada permanently and I get lower latency on Joker !
  8. does anyone know if it is possible to delete an account if you contact support
  9. So this is basically for the Dutch/Belgian people that have been having issues since 2018 with their Legendaries. Basically accounts that have been registered in the Netherlands, Belgium and I believe Luxembourg? Weren't able to open Mystery boxes since 2018. When using a VPN you were still able to open them but not able to trade them (not even send them to your own characters.) Of course this issue was "solved" by removing the gambling aspect of those boxes to the Jokerstore, now the issue still remains with the Golden loyalty reward boxes. Will we be ever be able to trade our Legendaries obtained through the Golden boxes (even the ones we currently already own)? This issue has probably been spoken about on the forums before, but now with the new system (that is the the Jokerstore) can we re-shine the light on this "issue"?
  10. It's been nearly a year since my main account: HenkTheTank/Rambi got trade-locked. After a couple of months of waiting on the response on my support ticket Gamersfirst/LO claims there is an open payment on my account. I offer to pay whatever amount is open, but they say they can't do that and refer me to Steam cause according to them it's in Steam's system. I contact Steam and Steam officially explains they don't even have access to these databases of Gamersfirst/LO and after some research from them they explain no open payment of any sorts or and kind of account limitation is applicable on my account. I refer this back to Gamersfirst/LO and they point back to Steam, this goes on for a few months. In the end I'm even in contact with the had of support from LO but nevertheless nothing happened. NOW NEARLY 1 YEAR LATER: my account is still trade-locked for no explainable reason, I am unable to play the game properly with limitations setup for no reason. Anything I can do besides suing? It's been a year and I'm beyond waiting...
  11. Account Wide Bundles again when? when? WHEN?
  12. Hello, is anyone else having a problem since the servers have gone offline ? it is saying that 'your account is in use from another client'.
  13. Hello Little Orbit, I am aware that you and your staff have been working hard to help make APB Reloaded a great game again by constantly updating the game and listening to the feedback of the people. I gladly appreciate that you have been busy maintaining this game and keeping it enjoyable for everyone by using a new anti-hacking security system known as BattlEye. However, my account was falsely banned before the implement of FairFight, may I seek your request on how to get unbanned? And may I know the estimate date that I will be able to check my account unbanned? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much. Radical
  14. Hey, i have steam linked to my apb account that i forgot since i only login via gamersfirst. I need to unlink steam to verify account to support whey they ask. But for this reason i cant and they only tell me to contact steam to locate it. There has to be any other way. Please help
  15. Hello lixil, i have lost my email to my account with character named Panda Rae, could u help me please with this issue ?

    i did send also support to ticket

  16. as the name implies, game will lock up after entering user email+password or steam's log in at the window for receiving account info. right before seeing the new EULA tried fresh repair, tried fresh install, even went as far as OS install I was already due for one so I proceeded anyways. I tried with/without steam, with/without OpenHardwareMonitor with/without RivaTunerStatistics any help will be greatly appreciated. if it helps the ram usage is always at 1527mb the log has a lot of "Warning: Property __" but doesn't show any other errors
  17. Good evening, i'm getting this message while i try to login to the game: Account Login Failed - This account has been blocked (error code 10008) I wasn't playing in a long time, like 2 years (maybe i opened it 10/12 months ago once) I was curios about the new management and wanted to login, though i got this. I HAVE NEVER CHEATED NOR SCRIPTED, fair play. Please unlock my account, i login through steam and my nickname is franchino87 Thanks
  18. Hi, a couple of months ago I changed my emails for an account to a new one and then 2FA it. It worked fine and normal as usual, I hadn't logged in for a couple of weeks and when I tried right now, it kept saying my password was incorrect and then when I reset password I never get an email to reset password. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am able to log in through steam log in just not manually through a password/password reset. The email is still the same when I checked through armas so I have no idea what the issue is. I made a second account to check it this was account specific and it is since the new account sends me the change email just fine. --- Nevermind, it was sending all the emails to my spam folder.
  19. Hello i went to log in today to find a 7 day account suspension, no email or any info on why, any ideas? Checked email, checked forum mail, nothing on why id recieve a 7 day ban, havnt been griefing nor causing any issue at all, been on ARK for 3 days. ????
  20. Hey so i got 2000G1C and it says my account is not active. i tried to change email like 5days ago so i dont know if its that. The thing is i cant buy stuff from armas marketplace becouse its on a pending my account someone please try to help me
  21. I went to login to my APB account after not playing for who knows how long and when i went to login it said my password had expired. I thought this was normal after not playing for a long amount of time and so i went to login to my account on gamers first with my steam login and password. I could login however so i went to change my password and put in my email in which it said it had sent a password reset to my email. I waited about 151 mins and did not get an email from gamersfirst. So i thought to myself ill try and make a new account with the same email and even see if i have an account still. when i put in my email that i use with steam it made a whole new account with nothing on it.. I also went onto an old gmail account and searched the inbox for "gamersfirst" and found i have gotten emails from the company on that email meaning i have an account with this gmail account. I went and reset the password on that gmail and logged in to still find i have nothing and all my time and money on my characters are gone. I send a ticket but havent heard anything back and it looks like others have the same issue but arent finding a solution anywhere and the company isnt helping much. I just want to play the game with my character again. PLEASE HELP. Thanks. i have also found purchases through my steam account on APB so my account must be under my email but it is still not working and even when i try to login with my steam username and password it does not work.
  22. Hi i have a really big problem and I contacted the support but no buddy is answering me and i dont know what to do please help me to reach te support and get my Account whit the characters back thanks,ArsalanRockStar
  23. I have chars both on Citadel and Jericho but I only ever received like 2 or 3 codes when they were being given out one of which eventually expired but that was quite a while ago, can we get them sent in your mail right after you make a new char? I'm not sure but I think this is the case with OBT/CBT Vet titles.
  24. Deftonez

    Account merging.

    So I know people have gone over this idea time and time and again, also I did make a thread on this 2 or 3 months ago, and it seemed to get some good feedback but there hasn't been an official statement on it from the staff of LO. So account merging in a nutshell: - The ability to merge in game accounts - A program you don't have to do unless you want to it - Maybe done through support or some other way (idk lol) Benefits of account merging: - Accounts have so many unique items to where other accounts don't have those items (Ex. OBT Veteran Title, merge an account with that title with an account without one, the combined account has the OBT title) - This could protect people from their account(s) being accessed by someone else and being stolen since that used to a happen a lot and probably still does - Premium for all your characters on one master account - Buying account bound weapons, clothing packs, etc, would be so much more beneficial. Cons of account merging: - None (at least I hope so) The reason I'm all for this is because I have many accounts that I actively use and manage daily and it's a pain in the patootie playing favorites when only 1 of your accounts has premium, one has the OBT title, and one has the KTTW pack. If all my accounts were put into one, god I wouldn't have to worry about what account to manage or whatever. All I'm asking is for an official statement on this, considering I made a thread about this months ago, and other people have thrown around the idea countless times.
  25. Hi there, My name is Oats and I submitted a ticket for an email change to the GamersFirst support website due to the nature of my main email being hijacked. Was curious if you guys check out the APB forums more so than the GamersFirst support tickets, as I am eager to get back into the APB fray and not have an email that's tainted with hacker fingers. Let me know at your earliest convenience! Oats
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