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  1. we are a good bad example, the fractional percentage of millions of people who have tried apb and didn’t quit this is not a good ratio, and while i’m aware there are a lot of reasons people quit besides new player experience that doesn’t change the hundreds upon hundreds of negative reviews about said poor experience from a business standpoint new players are probably slightly more important, the gaming industry has been moving away from maintaining a small number of veteran players as “whales” and moving towards enticing a large number of players spending a small amount of money even little orbit recognizes this, evidenced by them lowering microtransaction prices and (supposedly) moving armas to account bound and then with apb’s specific situation, where id bet a large majority of veterans are aware that spending money on a game that 3 companies have consistently failed to improve is not a good idea, if they haven’t already purchased everything they want already at the end of the day neither group can be discarded - apb isn’t going to survive on the 600 veterans that still play, but changing apb to appeal to a constantly rotating population of new players will leave us high and dry when inevitably there’s no one new left to try the game
  2. Not sure if that could be exploitable in some way (I am sure someone will always find a way) but I'd love Joker Tickets to be account-bound instead of character-bound. I have a lot of characters with 3-4k JTs but none with 10k+.
  3. Yeah, no. This is not a visual representation... like that's some totally useless player made up perfect world imaginary. Almost feeling insulted to be put off with that thing. Also what needs to be discussed is the active part of the registered accounts where it is more than likely that the gold division is ever growing.
  4. Quoting: "Simply put, the gaming macro key is a recording of a series of key sequences. A key sequence is a series of keyboard keystrokes, mouse actions, or menu actions that is bound to a command." So how does that contradict what I have said? You set up click, unclick to the command, in the case of pressing down the left mouse button, for it to repeat, thus firing a semi auto rifle (which requires multiple tapping) into a full auto (which would be press, and hold). But yet, you can't even convey your stance, besides some NavySeal copypasta.
  5. Well Yes, back when I played 'Pirates off of PissBook, a Corsair was Boat, until the Italians smashed them while i wasn't looking, on account of being busy translating French Diplomatic Messages. I believe a corsair is also a type of Dagger or Sword Merged. I think thats only in WGermany or the Netherlands, based on a previous Matt post
  6. He been changing accounts like sock in them 6 years.
  7. now that this game is more "F2P" (it was never p2w imo), except for guns like euryale.. LO needs to earn more money somehow.. my idea is: new reskin CARS (for example, a new muscle car (vegas reskin) new sport/coupe car (bishada reskin) new clotthing new reskin guns ( a lot more reskin guns, these are cosmetic items that all games are implementing). prizes should be like: if you already own a n tec (account wide) , all n tec reskins (account wide) should be very cheap, somewhere between 500-1000g1c.
  8. Hi all, Since we took over, I've been pretty vocal about the F2P implementation of APB. Aside from reducing ARMAS prices and balancing the value of G1C, I have always felt that we also needed to finish what Reloaded started. The changes to the Joker Store were a step in the right direction, but effective Wednesday, September 18th, we will start giving out Joker Tickets as rewards for opposed missions. For the longest time, players have only been able to earn JTs from events, Daily Activities and Fight Club. Now regular Free-to-play players will have a repeatable method for earning permanent items within the primary method of gameplay. As you can imagine, we're approaching this fairly conservatively, so please know that all of these values are subject to change as we collect more data. Here is how this system will work: 1) Regular Mission Districts Opposed missions in Financial and Waterfront will offer a random chance to win from 0-10 Joker Tickets. You need to participate and complete the mission to be eligible, but you do not have to win. There is a Daily Cap to how many Regular Mission JTs you can earn, which is based on your highest threat level reached that day. The Regular Mission District Daily Caps are: Training - 0 Green - 100 Bronze - 100 Silver - 150 Gold - 200 This means that you can cap out at Silver, but if you reach Gold then you can earn 50 more that day. 2) Weapon Prototype Districts In addition to the Regular Missions, players can also receive 1-10 Joker Tickets from doing opposed missions in our Weapon Prototype Districts. This doesn't sound like a big difference from Regular Mission Districts, but during our internal development, we were able to rack up tickets a lot faster. Weapon Prototype Districts have their own Daily Cap and track the JTs earned separately from the JTs earned in Regular Mission Districts. The Daily Cap for these districts is a flat 200 for everyone. Just to make things interesting, we have two extra rewards that can sometimes pop up if you haven't reached your Daily Cap in the Weapon Prototype Districts: Weapon Prototype Boxes. Players can open these to reveal a temporary random Legendary for them to try with limited ammo. A very rare 250 one-time JT reward. This wont count against your Daily Cap. Once you have reached your Daily Cap, you can still earn Weapon Prototype Boxes. 3) Future Premium Bonus We're going to watch the numbers, but sometime in the future we would like to add a bonus for players with Premium. This will be a guaranteed amount of JTs per mission that is added to the random reward. There are still more changes coming. We have a new design to address the gambling issues with Joker Mystery Boxes, and a potential new way for Legendaries to be collected. But rest assured that we will continue adding more permanent character items to the Joker Store and more cosmetic account level items in ARMAS. In fact, you'll see some new ARMAS items in this week's patch as well. Thanks, Matt
  9. There was international section on forum , with 6 different native language, a red carpet for any new players. they removed it. There was a broken system of out of bound, extremely fun, especially for have stunts and nice races "outside" map, never less than 30 players at time used to meeting just for this. they removed it. There was a p5n5 system for "revenge" also after mission versus the strongest stomper, that system allowed also newbies or weak players to put a personal point to the gameplay (just a little satisfaction more) they removed it. There was a gift system that used to be a nice mode for help friends and new players to have something more. they removed it. There was a login screen and a soundtrack epic, better than a movie. a masterpiece of design. they removed it. There were active player ingame and in forum ,for events or simply for tutorial. they added the russian from Innova just for balance them.( there was too much love around APB, a bit of ""competitive"" players balanced it) There was a problem about PC performance. they solved it with 40 vs 40 district. too bad if MM now canT manage a 2 vs 2 mission. Oh, and my ninjaripper doesnT works in social. Too bad for the people that would something more while keeping their APB activity alive. I hope in the future, near future potentialy, the nice and fun freedom/anarcky/chaos/madness breeze that only in APb was visible and lovable. yes , maybe was not organized, but in APB a player had 238479234 features unique plus other 9437927843 not official features for live inside the game. Now go to killdiekilldie like COD.
  10. I got first false positive account suspension in 2013. After I got another false positive account suspension a year ago - I've stopped visiting action districts completely. If your account wasn't banned yet that's not because you don't use cheats but because you are new - or lucky.
  11. Normally there is today a option to delete all users/accounts, without deleting theyr content so you are possible to see all Threads and posts but instead of the original user/member names you can then see as replacement for example “deleted001“ etc. and personal messages plus ip adresses are then wiped out too. But idk if the old G1 Forums are updated for the actual gdpr and/or dsgvo requirements, so it can be that there is no option to wipe out the mentioned data. If it is not possible it is still okay, i only tryed to keep the old content and hard work the Community created for APB in the past.
  12. I trust a lot of the work that little orbit is doing, I think the team is progressing very well so far, but there are two main points that continue to worry me a lot especially in the last month ... would be the quality of the servers and the marketing work for APB: 1st: I feel that the servers are more optimized now although there are still sudden instabilities, my question is is that they would support for example an expressive increase of the population of the game? for example if hypothetically today 2000 or 3000 new players appear simultaneously the server could support the load? or rather if by chance the number increased by only 500, would it support? I get a foot back because I'm not so confident in the current servers even Little Orbit saying they are reliable and have been improved ... 2st: Regarding marketing I have to say that I am a little disappointed with Little Orbit ... I know the priority is in the development of the game but I think that leaving marketing so much aside can be very damaging, I'm not saying to invest heavy on 1 billions of advertisements everywhere but at least start to make better use of the tools of lower cost available such as the game page on facebook, twitter account, instagram etc. The page of the game in facebook until some content in the last weeks but I think it is not something that can be called "Exciting", I believe that Little Orbit could explore the goal and the visual of the game that has in his hands and develop content for its social media as a way of marketing such as exploring the history of san paro and figures that stand out (contact NPCs), using them could even fortaceler the immersion of the players to the world of the game stimulating their imagination since once the player knows the story of the game and the characters he can imagine where his character would fit the story, it may seem silly but it really makes some difference. *** Translated text through google, I apologize for this and hope you are
  13. [!]For administration only [!] I didn’t change the password on the account from registration, today I decided to go play and the system notified me that I need to update the password to continue the game. But the problem is that the mail to which the account is linked is deleted long ago. And I just can’t restore my account. If you need additional information on this issue, write me in private messages, I will send everything that is required from me.
  14. Hi everyone, First, I see lots of good feedback here that the web team can digest. Specifically I like the comments around: - Modifications to the Loyalty Area / arrow down confusion - Premium days left were trimmed for space, but we can find a way to add it back in Second, I also see lots of comments on pricing. I'll start by saying this effort was already complete and being implemented before I started the Developer Discussion thread. I'm sure many players will have there opinions on how this "could have" or "should have" been done. Please bear in mind that we are investing into APB in so many areas, so giving any discount on pricing flies in the face of convention wisdom. I'm doing it because (a) I believe it's the right thing to do, and (b) I committed to it in the Q&A. These prices were literally all over the place before, so it was a bit trickier to organize in a way that would insure every single weapon got a reduction. However I saw very few guns go up in price, and nothing that I'm aware of more than around 7%. The vast majority of weapons dropped by 15-50%, with the biggest drop on Account Bound pricing. We created 7 tiers for weapons that reflect the "Character Bound" price: Tier 0 = 3499 - is reserved for "Just Released Weapons" Tier 1 = 2999 Tier 2 = 2799 Tier 3 = 2599 Tier 4 = 2399 Tier 5 = 2199 Tier 6 = 1999 - lowest price Our designers looked at each category and assigned a Base Pricing Tier. Assault Rifles = 1 LMG = 4 Pistol = 5 Shotgun = 3 SMG = 2 SniperRifle = 2 Each locked slot drops that item down a tier from its base (with the exception of Pistols that have a fixed tier). Then we did some hand adjusting in some cases to pull weapons down a tier or two more if it made sense. Account Bound weapons are now +200G1C on top of the Character Bound price across the board. So as an example, the COBR-A "Venom" is an Assault Rifle. It's original price was 3299 for Character Bound and 3999 for Account Bound. Remember, before the G1C adjustment, 3999 = $49.99. Now that is simply $39.99. The new system starts that gun in Tier 1, which is 2999. It has all three slots so there is now reduction, but we adjusted this gun to Tier 2 to drop the price a little, which makes the new Character Bound cost 2799. +200 makes the Account Bound cost 2999, which now = $29.99. In this case there is a small decrease for the Character Bound version (500 G1C) but a larger decrease for the Account Bound version (1000 G1C). Also, we have not yet adjusted packs that have weapon in them, so those prices will still be a little wonky. I hope that helps. Thanks, Matt
  15. I still have a weapon which is character bound, but doesn't give me the option to upgrade to account bound for a discount Support ticket #84809.
  16. Quick sidenote to this thread since it's about the ARMAS market; why am I limited to a 3 day trial of the SNR PR1? I legit want this thing account bound, please add it back. Also would like to see this in the JT store as well.
  17. God that'd be fucking amazing if they ever did that. Although my wallet wouldn't thank them for it, cause I'd have a bunch of weapons I'd have to pick up account-bound.
  18. I have moved this thread to the General Discussions section of our forums. The 4Game/Innova account migration can be started from https://register.gamersfirst.com/innova/ Please follow the instructions displayed on the page, should any issues arise don't hesitate to contact our support team. ~@mayii
  19. I dont think this helps what ever point was trying to be made. Besides RHIOT being a new game mode and new content that which APB has not seen in a long time its not surprising it would have more people than older cemented game modes. However, the "stats" given for this comparison are irrelevant from one another. The modes may not compete for players but they are certainly competing for their spot in the game. "If RIOT wasn't getting any traction, then Little Orbit would simply remove it." Can we not replace RHIOT with FC here? It was already suggested in the past FC could be removed before even seeing the community response. The main point. Why does time per account per game mode not matter? Even if you chose the "Average" game length/mission count, it would highlight its "popularity" far better than, "how many people joined for at least one mission and never played again." If RHIOT had 10000 unique players but they all played for under 1 hour over the course of the time its publicly available. Would you consider that a success and consider RHIOT to be worth continuing on in the APB game space? Separate to that, why are we comparing "Side" game modes? Even without talking about hours per account, if you took the amount of players playing the "main" game mode, the main reason for playing the game or what the majority of the playerbase were playing and compared them with RHIOT. Wouldn't you get a better idea of what "traction" you have for RHIOT? If 60% of people who played the games main game mode, played riot, would that not give you a better idea of how "successful" the game mode is for the game as a whole then trying to compare the niche player bases against each other? Or Are we trying to move RHIOT to be the new centre piece of APB? I love statistics as much as the next person and can appreciate the effort to prove to the small but loud parts of the community that the game is being treated right and parts of the community arent being arbitrarily ignored. Again, however from what i see here and if it correlates to what was said on the discord server, i believe THIS particular research is not worth mentioning. I can not see This as an objective view of RHIOT's "success" or an objective comparison of its popularity. Is this a loose justification for keeping RHIOT around as long as it is "more popular" than a game mode that has already been solidified by the community as something that can not be removed?
  20. Im guessing that is more like "90% of the population did more riot matches than fight club matches" But it didn't take into account that RIOT didn't kept it's population for more than two weeks while fight club has been going for years and never stopped. This is harsh, but even at Citadel night it's hard to get a RIOT match.
  21. I would say joker boxes because I have pretty much nothing left to buy on ARMAS but I wouldn't even buy then even with free money. So, probably just do gifts to others but can't even do that. I guess just wait for a sale and spend 200$ of premium cause why the fuck not? Or what random trash there is left on ARMAS to buy that I don't even want. Upgrade character guns to account wide. Shrug?
  22. Ah, the typical "YoU cHeAtEd In ThE pAsT" comment. Once a cheater, always a cheater, amirite? No but seriously, who cares? You gonna do this for all the accounts that had their fairfight/punkbuster bans reversed? you would think the community would have stopped doing this a long time ago. I guess not @SKay as a fellow tommy gun user, I think you know what needs to be done. You better get the Tommy gun buffed my man, or else there are gonna be problens
  23. dunno about that tbh, i still see the same russians on high ranking accounts cheating... like i remember seeing those chars at sub r100 a few months ago yet they're almost 255 now xd
  24. I noticed the dropped the option for Account/Character bound packs and stopped the whole "You have this Character Bound but can buy it Account Bound for only XXG1C" now. Shame, but in return we got the unbundled items for 49-99G1C, so it's still a win in my books. The new look on the ARMAS website sure looks nice though -
  25. My suggestion is to delete their accounts since they're just wasting server space, but I know LO would lose money since those types tend to be the whales of the community.
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