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  1. I had to recover my account just so I can post here and get ready for the re-release
  2. Yeah, NO... when FE comes back on line, it will be as it was on the last day before it shut down. With the exception of Zero Characters in you account, and No Cash Store (MarketPlace) to buy things. Zero items in your Previous Vaults.. His choice of words Using Classic, was well, to differentiate between the Old version (AKA Classic) and the New Version 2.0 which they are still working on
  3. Should still be able to use Old account, you just won't have any characters
  4. This is good new. We need new registration for Classis FE or we can use old account?
  5. I lost my access to my steam account. Is there anyway to unlink steam account from apb reloaded. I tried creating ticket on support but I am not able to click submit ticket button after filling all the options as shown on screenshot.
  6. help my account is blocked tells me that I have to wait 5 min to unblock and wait 5 days and I'm still blocked, what can I do?
  7. Cada vez que ingreso mi cuenta al juego, me sale ese problema en la imagen y he tenido ese problema de iniciar sesión durante 5 días, por favor resuélvelo. Atentamente... - Every time I enter my account to the game, I get that problem in the image and I have had that problem of logging in for 5 days, please solve it. Best regards... - Merged. I get this message every time I enter the game - _____________________________________________________ you have been disconnected from the sever unexpectedly. The server may have gone offline or you may be experiencing network connectivity issues. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Please Note: A common problem is that your character has been locked in a district server - it takes a maximun of 15 minutes for them to be unlocked.
  8. The weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held in its usual time slot on Wednesday, taking place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Financial districts (see the disclaimer below). Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there could be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if player events can take place in specified districts. It is also impossible to say if there are going to be enough free slots for all who want to participate (if the district is not empty). Whether or not those random players present will grief and interfere with the race and traffic control on purpose is also a hit and miss thing at the present. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, and it amounts to pure luck if units on patrol in available districts come across any of those. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  9. Both are correct. Those fees are significant, just like any other bank fee. On the second point however, LO would just need to speak with the bank and show proof of the abuse to get their account reactivated. Which circles back to "LO would have to put in even the bare minimum effort" again, of course.
  10. True, never thought about it that way. This happened to me in league someone gift me skins with a cracked account and got me perma banned
  11. They could just ban both, the account that gifted and the account that received the items. I've had g1c sitting on my alt that's on jericho, while I play on citadel. Would be nice if they allowed gifting again
  12. That would be nice. Sadly, gifting is disabled because some people abused it through charging back on alt-accounts. Another shining example of when the acts of some hurts everyone. What they have done was basically gift their main/temporary accounts then get their money back through charging back. The alt-account would get banned for 'payment evasion' while any gifted account basically gets things for free. This was a despicable act that hurt profits and simply can't be allowed to stay. Unless LO gets a solution in place, it is unlikely to see gifting coming back.
  13. Is armas gifting ever coming back? I have some g1c on my alt account and I'd like to gift my main account some shit, but that's impossible to do since armas gifting was removed.
  14. hello, i want to enter the game but i am facing many problems. first the "start" button did not come, now it does not log into the account. Is this my problem? Or is anyone else still in game?
  15. Tomorrow is Wednesday and thus the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held! As always, it takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Waterfront districts. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there could be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if player events can take place in specified districts. It is also impossible to say if there are going to be enough free slots for all who want to participate (if the district is not empty). Whether or not those random players present will grief and interfere with the race and traffic control on purpose is also a hit and miss thing at the present. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, and it amounts to pure luck if units on patrol in available districts come across any of those. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  16. Like always the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held on Wednesday, taking place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Financial districts (see the disclaimer below). Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there could be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if player events can take place in specified districts. It is also impossible to say if there are going to be enough free slots for all who want to participate (if the district is not empty). Whether or not those random players present will grief and interfere with the race and traffic control is also a hit and miss thing at the present (lately we saw a rise in incidents). The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, and it amounts to pure luck if units on patrol in the available districts come across any of those. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  17. Hi, I created an account just to reply to this forum post. I absolutely agree with Staaa's Message above. I suggest more brainstorm on this before we completely eliminate the initiative based turns. Being a fervent FFTA2 player, still playing to this day, i believe team-based tactical games (in the likes of Fire emblems) don't have the same thrill and strategic thinking as the initiative based games. I am also looking for a similar gameplay sentiment or experience as the original FFT games. I liked the previews so far and have been eager to play the full version. However, this does indeed slow my intentions of purchasing this game. Other backers and players waiting for a game in this category have longed for something similar to FFT and have yet been pleased with a proper game. I however feel you, from a developement perspective, that it might be challenging to implement one or the other: either option and You will probably displease someone out there that prepurchased the game. Here's however a suggestion that might please both sides.. Include both options. It sounds weird but... I would see this as an opportunity to add a twist on the difficulty or playstyle if the user can choose one or the other. You already workes on both systems, so keeping both could be something very appealing from a business side: I believe you could grab most of the tactical lovers in the market if you include both: a way to use a stat to determine your turn order, or use that stat for something else during team battles. As a quick example of what i mean, in team battles, there could be escape prevention mechanism (like in FFTA?), when a unit tries to go away from a unit in an adjacent tile, there is a % chance of failure that increase if the adjacent unit has more of that stat). If you fail, it ends the turn of that unit. where as in initiative battles, you dont have such mechanic but the same stat value is used instead for initiative/turn order. The game strategy change drastically, but the story/effects could easily stay the same. I leave it to your imagination to use whatever mechanic is necessary to balance both playstyles as you see fit, but now that the cat is out, you cant abandon one or the other now. I think this is one of the best solutions. I would go as far as accept that one of the playstyle/difficulty comes in a future free patch (3 months later for example). But announcing it prior to release would at least bring back the heat of the previously most excited players. I would love to see LittleOrbit revert on that decision after reading this feedback. Thank you -Guillaume Canada
  18. I meant AV version of it. 16th role unlocks just the chrome skin. I have 3 slotted dmr and AV PR2, both acc bound tho.
  19. Tomorrow is Wednesday and thus the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held! As it always, takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Waterfront districts. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there could be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if player events can take place in specified districts. It is also impossible to say if there are going to be enough free slots for all who want to participate (if the district is not empty). Whether or not those randoms present will grief and interfere with the race and traffic control is also a hit and miss thing at the present. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, and it amounts to pure luck if units on patrol in the available districts come across any of those. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  20. I have just checked with the Joker Distribution NPC Wilde in Social, using two different accounts, the DMR-AV PR1 and PR2 both are available for permanent purchase for the price you can see on the screenshot above. Perhaps it doesn't show up if you already have it as an account-wide item, that might be a culprit in your case.
  21. Today is Wednesday and thus the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held! As it always, takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Financial districts. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there might be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if CCC can even take place in the specified district. It is also impossible to say if there will be enough space for all who want to participate, if the district is not empty and whether or not those randoms present will grief and interfere with the race and traffic control. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, which seem to have almost ceased entirely, making our usual RP patrols pretty much moot. So - unfortunately - the future looks VERY bleak at the moment. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  22. If you go to your account settings on the gamersfirst website you can setup two factor authorization (2FA). This way you have to generate a verification code on your phone with an app (like Google or Microsoft Authenticator) which you have to type in before every login. This way "hackers" would need your phone too to get access to your account which makes it extra difficult for them.
  23. FC is there for a reason tho, also most guns are reskins you don't have to buy them all. If you buy JT they're pretty cheap tho. People used to grind and buy firebombs and even crowns, i don't see my 10k JT for a permanent 3 slotted gun (you can buy them account bound on armas a lot cheaper)
  24. Recently, the developers turned off the threat level in the districts. You are aware of the negative consequences of this decision. But there are also pluses. Now you don't have to hold back so as not to become gold. Now you do not need to specifically lose missions in order to reduce the level of threat. Now my friends can easily switch to one copy of the area. Matching opponents has become faster and easier. To combat the negative consequences, it is necessary to develop a difficulty system as in conventional games. This system should change the difficulty of passing missions, focusing on the level of play of players and teams. This system should compare the level of play of teams and players at the beginning of the mission and change the difficulty of the game for the team. After completing the mission, players should receive a reward corresponding to the level of the game. There will be no division into gold, silver and bronze. The system will change the complexity of the step for the team. For example, the speed of a player or a car carrying a load, the speed of breaking a door, the number of kills at the last stage of the mission. Also, the action of the system can be applied to the player without changing the parameters of the mission. For example, the stock of ammunition, and the speed of recovery of consumables. Correct system setup will automatically correct the balance of teams and players. The system should change the level of difficulty of the game after each mission, focusing on the result of the previous mission. There should be no delays when changing difficulty, this will eliminate the problem when the player throws grenades at his feet and injures the team. The reward for a difficult mission must be worthy. If one player pulled the whole team or fought one against four, he should receive three to four times more points in case of victory. Let's consider the situation from the point of view of a beginner. He will have more ammo, equipment is restored instantly, the time to capture a point is minimal - he has every chance of winning. BUT he will receive a minimum of points at the end of the mission. This encourages you to level up your game. At the beginning of the next mission, the system will increase or decrease the difficulty level. It is important to avoid a situation where the old player decides to cheat, creates a new account to defeat newcomers. The system should increase the difficulty after the first completed mission. If a player has not entered the game for a week, the difficulty of the game should decrease. How do you like the idea? It is interesting to know your opinion.
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