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  1. I am trying to login to the game using my GamersFirst account details, which do not contain any special characters as mentioned to be problematic by other players, but I still get invalid user or password. I've changed password even though I know it to be correct and it still does not work. Any ideas? I do use the full email as username correct? Not sure what to do if I have already confirmed no special characters I do not want to make a new account since I've had mine forever and have a history. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  2. There are 3 sides to this. First side, people who love FE will come back and play it every day. Same people who were around since last time. The more interesting ones are the next two groups -People who got to max/near max and decided the game had nothing left for them. These people will play for a week, then leave. They won't support the game. -New players who will see that everybody is already maxed out and feel discouraged they couldn't be part of an MMO launch but instead get to watch as everybody flexes their sick gear. The only good thing is that higher tier players will frequently help newbies, so that can encourage them for a little bit, but gaining things too quickly can make the experience stale too. I personally believe the best course of action is to wipe the progress. Those people who would be upset about losing progress are either 1: going to play anyways or 2: people who would have left in a week due to boredom anyways. At the very least though, cash shop items that were purchased previously should be re-applied to previously established accounts. That will alleviate a lot of the anger that established players will feel.
  3. The weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held in its usual time slot on Wednesday, taking place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Financial districts (see the disclaimer below). Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there could be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if player events can take place in specified districts. It is also impossible to say if there are going to be enough free slots for all who want to participate (if the district is not empty). Whether or not those random players present will grief and interfere with the race and traffic control on purpose is also a hit and miss thing at the present. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, and it amounts to pure luck if units on patrol in available districts come across any of those. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
  4. Finally someone who thinks like I do lol... attention to details! Oh btw, Matt, give us all those Halloween items in Armas pls. Account bound.
  5. "You can re-enter your password to force a disconnect" I was online when the server went down and afaik I was using steam to play so I'm not sure what password I'd need to use for that. Merged. I can launch using steam and then hit quit when prompted for my password so it lets me use a gamersfirst account. That does "disconnect" my account or so it says, but when I try to login immediately after that it say's my account is still ingame again. (not sure if there's an edit option in these forums, sorry if there is.)
  6. I created an account at your web site today I downloaded and installed the game (and yes it's set to run as admin, even have the little yellow and blue mini-icon on the desktop icon) I have tried my email address, the first part of my email address, and the user forum nick name for the username log in I even changed the password so it didn't have special characters. I use a VPN for EVERYTHING internet because here in the USA our internet service providers are allowed to sell our internet usage and history without our consent! and I even turned off the VPN and restarted the computer and tried again (with all variants of user names) I even went into the firewall settings and added crash_submit.exe, FEConfig.exe, frontend.exe, and FEUpdater.exe (aka all the .exe files in the gamersfirst>fallen Earth folder) and I still get the same message "unable to connect. please check your internet connection_" I even tried to sub a support ticket and while I can log in, fill everything in and even upload the sysinfo file, clicking on the submit button does nothing sys info: Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6400T CPU @ 2.20GHz 2.20 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Edition Windows 10 Pro Version 21H2 OS build 19044.1288 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0 [Display] Operating System: Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit DirectX version: 12.0 GPU processor: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Driver version: 496.49 Driver Type: DCH Direct3D feature level: 12_1
  7. One of my characters was riding up to Clinton FARM and then crashed with an error/bug report box. Now that character is unable to log in and has been unable to log in for a few hours now. All my other characters on my old account and new can log in. Suspected issue with Clinton Farm/Overlook? Being unable to play my highest level character sucks Any chance of having a character move or anything like that?
  8. I figured it out. Realizing this is a older game I updated my GamersFirst pass to be less complex, I was then able to log right in to the launcher with my GamersFirst account. Heads up for anyone else having this issue.
  9. No I say it's a glitch, I ended up with 4 horses (Challenger, Franklin Rider, Long Rider, and Champion) and I got a Electric Buggy, which even in the Old version like before shutdow I never had a electric buggy. Now as per Money/Chips I was as broke as one could be none in my account.. Now this is for My Crafter Toon, I'll have to check on one of the other one's I created, see what different or same items they actually got, and edit this with what they got. Okay 1 character has No vehicles, and 1 wasteland runner horse, 2nd alt, nadda, no additional horse, vehicle, and only the old nag in stable
  10. I got an ATV but deleted it It was bugged, had no cargo space and I kept having weird issues with it randomly disappearing etc. Neither my wife (old account) nor son (new account) got one. Just some random stuff going on with the server rebuild I'd guess.
  11. I don't have GM friends, but I did start with a ATV. When the game was live before the shutdown I did purchase from the cash shop and purchased the pack from Steam. I used the same account to login into the classic server. So idk if it has to do with the fact I'm using the same account.
  12. The game is reset, without accounts and suddenly you create a "NEW" character and things appear? That's a joke, I believe before a donkey flies that things appear "magically" in an inventory. There are only two possible explanations. 1 traps and 2. that a gm or someone with access helps his friends, which I see worse than the first one since it is corruption. I hope I'm wrong, but I see it difficult my mistake. should be investigated
  13. Im pretty excited for the soft relaunch! Been a fan of fallen earth for over a decade now! It would be great to let us know how to get the commander status and other benefits that came with the relaunch on older accounts (mine seem not to have been updated).
  14. Anyone else getting a login error? I'm using my GamersFirst email/password for the username and password on the launcher but spits out Invalid Account or Password error. Merged. Not to double post (my old post isn't approved yet) but this worked for me not accepting my login on the launcher:
  15. when i logged in i had a nag and 2 atv's in my garage. a fallen earth atv and an assault atv. on other accounts i have brandy , paste ect in my hotbar but i don't have the items in my inventory.
  16. Everyone starting from scratch anyway so just make a new account?
  17. Ok just spent half an hour trying to figure out how to log into Fallen Earth with login credentials that work on the GamersFirst site. Hopefully this will save others the bother. Figured out finally that the game apparently can't handle special characters in your password. Changed mine to one without any and logged right in.
  18. I resolved it by remembering my old account name.
  19. Hello, I've recently installed Fallen Earth. The issue I'm having is not finding my account name. All I have to go on so far is my email address and the password I set for the game, which gives me an error. Thank you in advance for any help.
  20. https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&productId=6359 Bruh moment. Same old pack as the last year, sadly I have been bought two separated ones in 2019, one difference is the “Alignment titles” which I cannot get account-bound separately (fkn crying rn). The cringe is, I still have to grind pumpkins for skin and wings, on EACH of my characters, same as horseman games. Why don’t you guys put at least bit of effort into Armas? Imma throw you money for all Halloween 2019-2021 rewards, account bounded, just don’t make me grind again. Otherwise, I would grind and suffer just to show how wrong you are.
  21. same event each year, its better if they just hand out the titles for accounts that are 5 + old, when login in, there's going to be players out there with RTX graphics card that won't be able to play the event. tbh should be monthly compensation for those who have RTX graphics card.
  22. HELLYEAH THX alot, cant wait to be back in the apoc just curious, if i should create a new account in case, old data will be used one day
  23. Account bound devil wings and Halloween wep skin please, because I don’t wanna grind 8 characters (planning 9th btw lol) And also titles, but maybe just put them in JT store instead?
  24. as an old member who had 99 yellow chips, vehicle`s for days, ammo, op guns, and a nice looking outlook. Bring on the new Fallen Earth Classic! I look forward to just playing period,I miss this game( so much more than i can describe). as a vet i will say i dont remember much of anything as many who hae played due to me being a derp and just pew pew like a raider on drugs! hope to see y`all soon and please..........dont let this be a toxic experience people.....i think we have grown up....a little. thank you very much and THANK YOU PEOPLE WHO ARE MAKING THIS POSSIBLE!!!!!! *shoots his ol accounts guns in the air till the run out of ammo*
  25. @Xenise - Thank you very, very much for those kind words (totally made us blush there)! We are glad to be part of CCC in our very own way (which is quite fitting really, since a big part of the entire event is customisation and doing one's own thing), doing our small part to help the truly brilliant CCC team & community out. It is always fun to see everyone each week and marvel at the new paint jobs, customisations and outfits everyone comes up with. In a game that is regarded as being pretty toxic, it is wonderful to see people getting along and that welcome new participants as kindly as its veterans. You guys all rock and are the reason to log in at least once a week! Hopefully you are right and that the future will bring some desperately needed improvements for running custom events & races as well as an expansion of the open world features for both criminals and enforcers. See you and the rest of the "Scooby Gang" on Wednesday (btw I do hope the scheduled Halloween events will not interfere with the races)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tomorrow is Wednesday and thus the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held! As always, it takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be in one of the Waterfront districts. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- BEWARE: Due to the recent removal of threat levels (September 2021), and thus threat districts, there could be serious issues with finding a moderately empty server to run events. At the moment only very few servers are available when logging in, so it remains to be seen if player events can take place in specified districts. It is also impossible to say if there are going to be enough free slots for all who want to participate (if the district is not empty). Whether or not those random players present will grief and interfere with the race and traffic control on purpose is also a hit and miss thing at the present. The same issues exist regarding open world crime activities, and it amounts to pure luck if units on patrol in available districts come across any of those. --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST! Links to a time zone converter, showing your corresponding local time, have been inserted for your convenience.
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