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  1. why was my account blocked??
  2. Your account will be unlocked, don't worry. Anti-cheat has long undermined trust and will soon be removed from the game. But the funny thing about this is that the company spent money on integrating an anti-cheat that bans honest players, while cheaters will continue to do their dirty deeds.
  3. So I used to play APB Reloaded starting from March 27th 2015 but quit on March 17th of 2017. Recently I started getting interested in the game again but I am having a login problem. I am unable to use my old account because my password from Steam account 7 years ago is not acceptable to the login server. Every time I open the launcher it says Password Expired. I attempted to manually update my password using an old account registration link I found, and after doing that it at least lets me manually login but that only enters me into what seems like a brand new account. I had to make new characters and all my levels and gear was gone. (Which was bad enough, but at least I can still play and slowly try to erase years of rusted instincts. Funny enough I know exactly what to do and where places are as if I had never left, but I just don't have the reaction speed or aim to keep up.) But my problem with expired password persists as every single time I run the APB launcher it errors on startup saying that the Steam password is expired. I can still manually login using the newly redone password but the expired password error message won't go away. Furthermore, if at all possible I really want to get back my old account data. Losing all those high leveled unlocks and perma stuff kind of stinks by itself, plus it is quite hard to compete with people when they are running around with advanced gear and you're stuck with a star and obeya pistol with no mods. I am incredibly rusty after being gone so long, and I know that will be hard to overcome, but having equipment deficiencies on top of that is just making a hard climb back to my old level of play even harder.
  4. After I was incorrectly banned by anti-cheat, I got offended. I created a new account and continued to play on it for a while. At some point, I met real unscrupulous crooks of a fairly high rank in the game. It's terribly demotivating. Anger pushed me to download cheats and start destroying the game. But conscience and a sense of self-respect did not allow this to be done. Not all players will do the same as me. It turns out to be a pretty idiotic situation. Shoddy anti-cheat and indifference of the administration lead to the appearance of new cheaters destroying the game.
  5. omys


    And I lost my forums account do you know how to get it back?
  6. How long do I need to wait for someone to help me change the password for my linked Steam account? I made a ticket, wrote an email, unsubscribed on the forum, I really want to play
  7. Gotta love blatant lies on the internet. This is why I haven't hopped back on yet. They claim they'll hear out appeals, but they just leave you on read and ghost the support ticket. There are no appeals, doesn't matter if your ban was legit or not. If it wasn't for this unban wave, my account would still be banned due to a false flag triggered by using Flaws's config. MattScott explicitly stated that choosing not to play missions where you suspect the opposing team is cheating is acceptable, and will incur no penalties. Source: I directly asked him when LO took over, and he responded with that statement.
  8. Hello APB Reloaded Community Today, we would like to give you all a PSA on dealing with trade locks and what you should do if you are affected by one, as well as how to get help from our Customer Support team most effectively. Customer Support: Our Customer Support team is currently working very hard on getting through the backlog of Tickets but is receiving more tickets in a day than they can solve. Which is why they may take longer than usual to reply to your Ticket. Please do not submit multiple Tickets for the same issue — We have received the initial Ticket and are working hard on getting to it to help you get the issue you are inquiring about resolved. Submitting multiple tickets for the same issue is going to result in you having to wait longer. Trade locks: Once you notice that a trade lock has been applied to your account, you should check for how long said trade lock lasts. To do so, join the Social District and check the chat for a message that contains information about your trade lock. What should I do if I have been trade-locked for 3 days? These temporary trade locks are a safety measure to prevent your items from being stolen, these only last for 3 days, after which you will be able to trade again. Please do not contact our Customer Support Team to help with this issue, as they will not be able to assist you. What should I do if I have been permanently trade-locked? If you have been permanently trade-locked you will need to contact our Customer Support Team so they can have a look as to why and if possible work with you on getting the trade lock removed. Please use Two-Factor Authentication The best way to protect your account from potential theft is to use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and we plan on integrating changes to how temporary trade locks work for accounts that use Two-Factor Authentication in the future.
  9. Okay well that’s unfortunate. in my case, I have about 15 total character across two Xbox accounts and a Playstation account. If I were to transfer everything (if I can) into ONE PC account, Im guessing I’d have to rename all my characters and lose the names they had? Would all my account bound purchases apply to my PC account? Do we get to keep all of our characters stats intact (playtime, kill count?). Will all of our Cash, JT, and G1C transfer aswell? If we do transfer, would all our console purchases also apply for loyalty rewards on PC? This news really blows for me because I spent a ton of money and time on this game and it hurts to see it go, but hopeful if we can transfer every single thing without losing anything in the process. I likely wont play too much on PC anyway since I cant play Keyboard and Mouse too well but hopefully we can go back to console in the future if that ever happens edit: Also I have a Gamersfirst account but play off a Steam account on PC that uses the same email, how do I know which account to transfer to?
  10. Hi folks, For about 24h, users logging into the game via Steam Single Sign-On are unable to login with error 10017. Waiting didn't work. GamersFirst SSO works fine, so G1 accounts are able to login and play. Similar issue reported in 2018 in the thread below, received no attention or replies. I can't imagine how you're not setting up tests and health checks for login actions, honestly... Do I have to wait until Wednesday or is it a good time to trash the game? Issue (at least) happening in Citadel. Reproducible. Thanks in advance.
  11. You can transfer your account (characters and purchases) to PC.
  12. nah, if we are doing ban lists I want to see EVERYTHING. i want all their characters/accounts that have been linked to it. makes me feel good about myself
  13. Guess this was bound to happen sooner rather than later due to the issues with consoles limitations, RIP console.
  14. he doesn't have a personal account and there is no "development team".
  15. overall 10vs10 is fine but other systems are not adapter for it. some spots are hard to reach, don't have enough time, defending team spams with car spawns, explosive/sniper weapons. some spots have weird spawns far away. also respawn system don't take current mission task locations into account when allowing to choose spawn point (its also damn weird 'feature', don't know who's idea this was) also getting as a backup into missions with 1 minute time left is kinda stupid and should not be allowed TL;DR: 10vs10 is fine, everything else needs to be tweaked for it.
  16. Im guessing you can't merge both Xbox and PlayStation accounts on the same PC account? Since Xbox works fine but my PS4 account I don't see the option for it. Unless it isn't ready yet then I'll wait.
  17. It's now 3/14/24 5:40am my time, I go to login to my account all of my players pop up with no money and >1 hrs? What the hell is going on?
  18. So basically put APB once again tried to use a half patootie anti cheat solution that failed epically and instead of actually doing the work to see what was legit or wasnt they let all the hackers once again run rampant in game by unbanning their main accounts. Here is an idea. Start caring enough to have a 0 tolerance policy and get an anti cheat that works, both server and client side. Then have GMs who care about the game to watch it and ban hackers on the spot instead of ones that just babysit, troll and dont do anything. In my 13+ years playing APB and moreso gaming in general I have never seen a company that screwed up as badly as G1/LO, and then repeat the same mistakes over and over.
  19. Second or third unban, worst decision, and a spit into legit player face. Amazing... same cheaters now on same accounts, cheating same way, So instead of waiting for a ANTICHEAT YOU PREPARING, you let them cheat without properly functioning one... GREAT DECISION , and also why do you force players to play known cheaters that people reported milion times? I have a right to be AFK against cheater. Noone is gonna force me to play against cpu, imagine it would be a football match where other team can just pick up a ball into his hands and run accross the field and place it into your goal post, WHY AM I SUPPOSED TO RUN AFTER HIM? when i cant take a ball? idiotic.
  20. i cant it says this gamers first account has not logged into the game before
  21. I don't look into this account anytone, at least I don't see anything stupid in it, if you want to make fun of me, then you won't succeed.
  22. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    No, unfortunately I used different emails for my account here and Steam.
  23. tsrx

    Tutorial stucked

    I have the same issue, I really hope this gets patched soon because new accounts are all missing out on an important reward from that tutorial.
  24. There is a functioning 2FA system, I'm easily able to use it. You set it up on your G1 account, outside of the game.
  25. Matt has played before. i have seen him on excatly twice in APB and once in fallen earth. now comparing that to a normal player well. um it isn't alot of course i can't say for personal account(s) as i do know devs/gms have personal account(s) to play normally not get bothered and so on so forth
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