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  1. does anyone know if it is possible to delete an account if you contact support
  2. yesterday i was about to go to waterfront and play 3v3, my game crashed like usual. but when i try to log in back it didnt let me (error 10004) someone has logged from another client. can someone give me suggestions on how to fix? its for like a day and a bit. i want to play already i even changed the password (in case someone is acctualy in it) but i am the only one who knows the password. help me please. Merged. hey there, yesterday i played some apb my game has crashed, so i came back to log in, its says "account has logged in from another client" now nobody else has my accounts password or details (only me) i dont think someone is in my account i hope someone like moderator could help me, or you guys give me suggestions
  3. So my account can't trade, buying anything from market, sending emails, it says: 'you are not currently allowed to actions items' im nothing allowed to do...... and its not a 'tradelock.' https://imgur.com/a/BFFjHxg what is this??
  4. Hey , I need help ! When i joining to a distract i kicked and it is wrote : internet connection / your account has been locked for 15 minutes . This message is like 3 days ago .
  5. The SWARM 'Killer Bee' Account Lifetime and Character Lifetime do not get 35% off on ARMAS when you trial the weapon. It is only applied to the 30 Days option. After clicking "TRY NOW FREE", you get the message that says you will get 35% if you purchase the weapon before a date.
  6. Hello guys, I was playing APB few years ago, and stop playing because there was many cheaters, now i wanted to play again, but i cant get my account back. The bad thing about this is i no longer have acess to my email account. Cant reset password, but i got there something about 200+ gold criminal with good equipments, so i dont want to play from the start. So please help me to figure this thing out, so i can play again. When i try to reset my password it writes me this : ,, We've discovered an validation error with your email. If you have an issue receiving it please contact us at support@littleorbit.com for more assistance.“ What can i do please, if i dont want to start from the very beginning? Thanks for fast reply and for helping me to solve this problém. Tried to write to official support, but nobody replied for 2 weeks, so i dont know when i will get reply. Chavi
  7. None of my friends nor I can log in at this current point in time, whats going on??????? I know its not me typing my password or email incorrectly as Im logging in via Steam and also manually typing it out and neither are working. Ive tried another old account and it says the same error aswell.
  8. Good evening I'm a Russian player bought Yakuza: ONI Bundle (account expiration) the item came to the mail picked up in the closet these items are not only symbols what to do?
  9. I think it would be a huge quality of life thing if you guys would merge the console accounts with pc ones so you keep the purchases you made on one platform to the other since you guys are making armas more account focused now, I have spend at least £100+ on xbox specifically it would be nice too see that all the account perms to crossover I know a potential issue with merging rn is some of the new weapons aren't on the console so guess you would have to grey the weapons out or something similar and there could be other potential issues I wouldn't know of, Anyway I'd like to hear at least a stance on this.
  10. What is main difference between premium and non premium account in apb reloaded? I noticed my account is showing premium account
  11. Am i the only one, who think that weapons purchased through the joker store, should be account bound and not character?
  12. Hello, I have been disconnected from my account after joining district - everything seems to be fine until the loading screen shows up and boom it just kicks me out of my account I have been trying to reinstall the game and repair the launcher but it doesnt seems to be working.. can someone help me figuring it out?
  13. Hello! My friend got hacked and can't get any access to his email or to his account on APB. Is there any way that he can get some help to change his Email and username/ password even though he can't access his email?
  14. Hey I put a support ticket in about 36 hours ago now, I was just wondering how long it takes to get a reply? As I can't access my account anymore due to Two-Factor Authentication, I've gave them all the info they need etc. I really want to play, What is the rough time frame tickets usually get responded? Many thanks.
  15. Hi. I have a huge problem. My mobile broke and now i cant access to my G1 Account and tho game no more because it wants me to use 2 Factor Authentication. I had google authenticator on my phone. That means i cant open ticket and i cant contact support Please Help me
  16. Hello, game manager.My account can't buy things that others sell.No prompt for unlocking time.Please deal with it in time.Character name TellMeKiller (EU) and XxBlackBreeyxX {NA} thankyou!
  17. Looking forward to see what's new since then. See u all in game! Oh yeah, and shout out to Puzzles !!!!!!!!! Thanks again for your help
  18. Hi, Considering APB's player count during late evening/night hours during weekdays, I think it would be great if contact pledging would not be district-dependent anymore, meaning that I could pledge to a contact situated in Waterfront even though I am currently playing in Financial and could still earn standing for that contact. As I am currently trying to max out a Waterfront contact and only come to play APB past 12am in the middle of the week, things are getting squiffier when trying to find a Waterfront district with enough players the later it gets. I'd have absolutely no problem with playing on Financial where the player counts are stable, but unfortunately, I won't get any standing for the contact I desire to level up. Pros Complete freedom: Play on whatever map you feel like playing at the moment. Not entirely dependent on player count anymore Easy to implement? You'll just need to make pledging across districts possible and count to the earned standing towards the respective contact correctly, and that would be about it. Possible Concerns Both maps are meant to played on: You are supposed to get to learn Financial and Waterfront. I think that attributes quite alot to learning on how to master the game. There is a risk that one district gets completely neglected as everyone favors the other district. Lore and mission context: A Waterfront contact would have no Financial missions for you. That would not make much sense. But f*** it, who reads the mission description anyways. For example: Give me a mission from Justing Teng (Financial) but make it that Orlenz' Moretti (Waterfront) proposed it to me. Doesn't really matter as long as the standing goes to the right contact (in this case, Orlenz' Moretti). What do you think about it?
  19. Is such thing possible at the moment? It would go a long way in terms of upgrades and player satisfaction. I'm certain many of us would like to upgrade their character permanent weapons/vehicles to account wide permanents. Is it doable?
  20. I want to delete my forum account but keep my game accounts
  21. I played on pc and never had this issue and switch to ps4 and this is what I see? Pls I love the game I need help to resolve this issue because the conversation I say on this topic gave no help
  22. Hello everyone, When you from the Netherlands the legendary you brought would be locked on one character. I know its not possible to trade the item because of the government but i think its not fair to punish us and lock it on one character and all others can send it to any character they want so i would really love to see a change who is thinking the same ?. Let the legendary atleast be account wide or its not worth the money.
  23. Hi guys! I was just wondering if it's possible to untie my old apb account (that i don't use anymore) from my steam account ? And if so, how ? Thanks!
  24. Hey so i got 2000G1C and it says my account is not active. i tried to change email like 5days ago so i dont know if its that. The thing is i cant buy stuff from armas marketplace becouse its on a pending my account someone please try to help me
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