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  1. i have a old accound i used like 2 years ago and cant log into anymore i need help please my steam id is STEAM_1:0:157827813 thanks
  2. I have a account that is logged in with steam but i cant log into it because i have to change the PW. How can i change PW on that account when i cant login with steam on GamersFirst webpage?
  3. Hello! My friend got hacked and can't get any access to his email or to his account on APB. Is there any way that he can get some help to change his Email and username/ password even though he can't access his email?
  4. Hello guys, I was playing APB few years ago, and stop playing because there was many cheaters, now i wanted to play again, but i cant get my account back. The bad thing about this is i no longer have acess to my email account. Cant reset password, but i got there something about 200+ gold criminal with good equipments, so i dont want to play from the start. So please help me to figure this thing out, so i can play again. When i try to reset my password it writes me this : ,, We've discovered an validation error with your email. If you have an issue receiving it please contact us at support@littleorbit.com for more assistance.“ What can i do please, if i dont want to start from the very beginning? Thanks for fast reply and for helping me to solve this problém. Tried to write to official support, but nobody replied for 2 weeks, so i dont know when i will get reply. Chavi
  5. Hello guys, i came back from a long time no playing and i'm already playing for 2 weeks and i'? Still blocked from Buying things on market or trade with other players. Add information: My Account was never shared, i used to play on hoplon (BR Server). How can i fix it?
  6. I lost my access to my steam account. Is there anyway to unlink steam account from apb reloaded. I tried creating ticket on support but I am not able to click submit ticket button after filling all the options as shown on screenshot.
  7. So, after a short absence due to pc issues everything seems to be wrong and I cant log in to my main account. Username not working even with a new password so tried my email and no go with that either. I had this problem a while ago also and suddenly it gave me my main account back. I don't mind starting over for the wiped server but having to start over yet again really bites.
  8. Hello, I lost my APB account registration date and I can't find it. How can I solve this problem? I would be grateful if you could help.
  9. sorry if this was already asked but i didnt maybe catch it.. is it possible to merge ingame accs? i have 2 accounts now and if there is possibility of merging them into one... would love to see an answer directly from @Lixil thanks...
  10. Hello, I did spend over 9000 G1C While the 50% was going on and almost everything went OK, but I made one Mistake and I did order the wrong Weapon. Now i have 2x the almost same Weapon! Is it possible to change it to the Weapon I want? It's Account Lifetime and the Price is the same! Will I get Help if I open a Ticket? @MattScott
  11. Ok so a while back I got the high roller bundle and loved the Shredder DF that it came with. I looked all over for a permanent versooin but all that was available was the EB and SB RD 3. They are both fine and I already own the EB but would like the DF version so I can have one with e drum mag. It's a petty thing but I do like alittle astetics as well as functionality. I know I am wierd xD
  12. Thank you very much for the constant updates, we know the LO staff is working diligently to improve our gaming experience and we appreciate it very much. I understand there are a lot of issues to address and maintain, but it would be greatly appreciated if by any chance you have an approximate date for the battleye patch/unbanning so we just have an idea...doesnt have to be an exact date..approximate would be great. Thank you!
  13. So in my paranoia I had a thought. What if LO decided to add Two-Step Authentication to accounts? I mean with how much money people spend to only have their account compromised or lost you'd think they would implement some sort of extra security measure as a last resort kinda thing. I just can't see a downside to it. Even if it's an email two-step authorizing first time sign ins for the forums or even the game itself it'd make me feel a lot more safe. Just my two cents on it. Thoughts? Opinions?
  14. From today's patch notes: What does this mean? I don't really understand.
  15. Hello I'd like to change my ingame name as but when i add as friend the name i want (just to check if it's available or not) on Citadel it says the character doesn't exist but when i try to create a new character and name with said name it said it's already used. This is kinda frustrating honestly so i want to ask at LO Staff if they are thinking of a name purge in the future because also having lots of names unused could restrict also in new players joining while unable to find their name. Thank you.
  16. Hi everybody! A week ago I asked a question on the social district ingame about the weapon account bound upgrade. Let me clear up the situation. I have 2 chars on my account, one is a crim, the other one is an enfo. I have a char bound weapon on the crim, and if i know it right, i should have the opportunity to upgrade this weapon from char bound to account bound. But i don't have this opportunity. On the social ingame they said that i know it right, and it should work. I tried everything, but i can't see the discounted price for the update on the Armas Marketplace. They told me that i should write a ticket to the support, and i did it. It was a week ago. I got no answer at all... Im so disappointed right now. I don't know its a bug or something on my account, or why i can't see the discount price to upgrade? Please help me to get a proper answer for this, cuz i don't know that its a bug or what. Thanks!
  17. @Lixil- Care to explain the thought process on this (especially if this is forced)? In game, multiple accounts are not against the ToS (with the caution: if you break rules on one, all your accounts can get the hammer)--since coming to G1, this was told to us. Is this wild idea just to make sure the upcoming "Volunteer GMs" can't evade the rules they will have to agree to? You even said earlier that GMs have separate accounts themselves... On the forum rules, it states: Having multiple game accounts pretty much equals to, nearly by default, multiple forum accounts. Merging different accounts sounds ridiculous especially with those who share internet, VPN, or visit forums on free wifi/cell-service. I'm not saying there are not people who have multiple forum accounts with the sole purpose of violating those rules (which justice should be served)...but I rather not have random accounts merged with mine, lose this one, or some other stupid thing that usually happens with half-arsed merges. I have never heard of any forum-like service that merged accounts. Some people purposely separate their game account from their forum account...much like they should do on the internet. For example: If you are dumb enough to share one email to all services you use, you pretty much leave a single-point of entry to your internet life. tl;dr - What is the point of merging accounts? What does it solve? Who thought of this?
  18. I need help, my friend unwittingly linked his account to my steam and every time the game enters his account, can anyone help me?
  19. Hi there. There was a reporting system. I am glad and hope that it works. But quite often there are new accounts that commit chaos in the fight club. for example, here. Yesterday's screenshot: smeared with nicknames so as not to create toxicity. It is obvious who in this screenshot is a cheater. it seems to me that since BE automatically gives bans for 3 days in some cases, then you can automatically block new accounts that play too well + several reports from players. My bad english O_O
  20. I'm new and I was looking through the ARMAS store but really couldn't find a good explanation of what the ACCOUNT LIFETIME PACKAGE text actually means when attached to some purchases. It's not really a clearly defined parameter within the shop. If someone could better explain that, for me that would be great. THANKS!
  21. Who do we have to come in contact with to get an account removed?
  22. Hello APB community, Today we unbanned thousands of accounts that were done by Fair Fight and a few other very specific types of bans. We are going to be doing a second wave of unbans in the near future. We knew that not all accounts that were banned for cheating were going to be hit by this first wave of unbans. These mass unbans, since they hit thousands of accounts, take time to preform and so we split them up into more than one wave. Please be patient till we do the second wave. Thank you all for being understanding. Selali
  23. Back when G1 was still around, some clothing items were made available, mainly some of the items from the Revelations pack. However, now when I look at those items on Armas there's no option to purchase them as account bound. Can we still buy them as account bound or was that feature scrapped all together?
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