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Everything posted by Thial

  1. That was necessary because it was a merge.Here it's not a merge. You will just be able to go to NA from EU and vice versa. The servers will remain separate as otherwise one continent would have to constantly play with crazy ping. Final Fantasy 14 has this exact system already implemented where you can visit other servers and you have a "Wanderer" added to your name when you are on another server.
  2. Don't know if that counts but when using slower ADS guns around corners you can lean quickscope so fast that people won't be able to react to it. While you lean your hitbox expands therefore when you cancel the lean it shrinks back so combine the hitbox shrinking with walking to get behind cover faster. Combine that together with quickscoping in the following sequence: ADS and lean out of the corner at the same time, instantly aim at someone and shoot (don't waste time trying to correct, this has to be instant), cancel the ads immediately after the shot which cancels the lean too and at the same time walk behind cover. This is incredibly effective on things like scout or obir and other high damage per shot ADS weapons. It is very effective when people are aiming at you waiting for you to come out effectively preventing people from ever hitting you if executed correctly as you will be appearing for just a split second and people's reaction times can't keep up with that. An old clip where someone was arguing with me that strafing is 1.5 times faster than lean quickscope shooting which couldn't be further from the truth. In this clip the strafing approach even had a bit of a head start.
  3. Not just that. People will start stealing identities since you can have any name you want. A server name is a way better solution.
  4. I don't know how you came to a conclusion that you are winning or that I'm losing while you haven't said a single productive thing other than dismissing everything without providing any counter arguments other than "no you're wrong". I have listed a number of valid issues with the bounty system, how people abuse it and what are the consequences yet all you are arguing about is how good it is while ignoring everything else. You also have a severe lack of understanding strategy and you think that the game boils down to who has a gun with a lower TTK since there's no stalling apparently according to you. Yes I have lost... Not to you but my brain cells while reading what you wrote.
  5. Like I said, you are delusional. Every time there are valid arguments for the system being bad you are dismissing everything as either subjective or people being bad. How tf is being car rushed / yolo spammed / hvr tagged by a squad of bounty hunters in the middle of a mission a subjective issue ??? Did you even think for 5 seconds about what you wrote ? No you didn't because all you care about is having the last say. Not to mention the 30 iq backflips about there not being stalling in this game. There absolutely is but looks like you haven't figured that out yet. You can absolutely stall for time by running around and holding good angles while getting cheeky kills as people chase, you can spam nades, use items, block points, put mission items in hard to reach spots, play mind games and more. Once you will understand the psychology of people you can predict what people will do and you can use that to your advantage but we both know that you will dismiss that too with some bullshoot like "yeah you can't do shit when you get pushed by a squad because of timeframes".
  6. You do realize that tf2 is owned by Valve right ? It's in a completely different universe compared to G1 and LO. There's nothing snarky about his comments. We've been here for 10+ years in many cases and we have seen all of the empty promises and mismanagement. Small changes that people have been asking for since the beginning of the game were never implemented and they probably never will at this rate. Of course everyone wants APB to be great but you gotta manage your expectations and actually look at the past.
  7. The levels of your delusion are fascinating. Based on what you are saying you have clearly never participated in very competitive matches consisting of the best players. First of all me saying that I can kill the whole team doesn't invalidate the issues with the bounties. Yes I can kill the whole team but when you are a bounty you are not just dealing with the enemy team, you are also dealing with randoms who can for example rush you with cars as a 4 man, spam nades, 85u with hvrs etc. Even if I will survive a fight with my actual enemies I can just get griefed by a random very easily which in return with the terrible spawn system might spawn me 200 meters away and it's gg. Timeframes, what are you even on about ? You can absolutely stall and play mind games with people, use suppressive fire, spam nades etc. You are going off of an assumption that you are some big hero who just jumps in and kills everyone. Guess what, the best players have respect for each other's skill and they know that they can't do stupid shit or their mistakes will get them punished. Doesn't matter how good you think you are if I'll corner pop you with a csg. Wannabe heroes just get farmed. In high level games people actually stall quite a lot and look for openings to push in an organized fashion. Now let me educate you on mods. Comparing a bounty to a wallhack is perfectly valid. Every veteran knows the exact layout of every spot so just by seeing you on the map they can immediately tell where you are, no need to actually see you through the wall. By that logic a bounty marker is way more damaging than a spotter since you need to first reveal yourself to be spotted which no experienced player will ever do when they are defending. Additionally the effect of both spotter and tagger lasts only a moment unlike the bounty marker. In a competitive match knowing an exact position of someone is a massive advantage as reaction times often are the deciding factor of who wins. And no nobody will just forget about the bounty system. If you are saying that everyone will forget then why do you want it enabled in the first place ? It was disabled for very good reasons after the players were frustrated with how it works and it should stay disabled. Your conclusion is basically "people can grief anyway so who cares if they can grief even more". Truly a great conclusion.
  8. ok this is an absolute silver take. I could absolutely take out whole enemy teams on my own and so could many other people. You won't go far in this game if you will underestimate people just because you can see them on the map. Even if I won't kill everyone I can at least attempt to stall enough for the team to respawn but giving enemies a wallhack is an unfair disadvantage. Not to mention all randoms being able to rush me now while I'm trying to salvage the mission. In a good and fair environment there should be no outside influence which could affect a mission. If there is, it will always be abused without exceptions. If you manage to use a spotter or a tagger on me then that's fine but giving people a free wallhack for no reason just because some redundant meter happened to reach level 5 is just bad design. Give me 1 actual good reason why the bounty system should be brought back without mentioning bs like "it would make districts more active" because that was never a thing. All I see is people desperately trying to enable griefing tools again.
  9. I still fail to see how earning a tiny bit more money or JT justifies dealing with all of the griefing and unfairness which the bounty system brought to the game. To me it looks like people are looking for stupid excuses to just give themselves a free wallhack and allow better players to be griefed instead of getting better themselves. Also there's nothing subjective about the demerits. The bounty system was straight up a griefing tool abused by many to either intrude on other missions and ruin them by using things like hvrs, opgls, volcanos etc or by cheaters to just drive around / speedhack with a bounty and kill everyone in sight. It can be used as a free wallhack and griefing tool to kill someone who's for example the last person stopping the enemy team from scoring a win. It was also abused in very competitive matches where people were calling their buddies with bounties to help with the mission or to hunt down the bounty on the oppoising team. I really fail to see how small rewards justify bringing all of that back. Not to mention randomly getting your bounty pop because of whatever reason and suddenly you have the whole district against you while you are let's say transporting team items. It was random, it was dumb, unfair and highly abused. No thanks. It makes me laugh when people are attributing somehow making the districts more alive and better because of bounties. No, you just want to grief other people's missions by either being a bounty or killing the other bounty which only adds to the toxicity of the game, that's all.
  10. Exactly. The bounties didn't make the game better in any way. Getting a bounty didn't have anything to do with stomping either most of the time. You would just randomly get it when you least expected it. Oh you got it while there's another mission next to you and suddenly there are 10 enemies around you and you were finishing the last objective ? Well sucks for you. Oh you were defending an item and you got a bounty due to a singular kill. Guess what, free wallhack for your enemies and a chance for some random to just kill you during a crucial moment of the mission. Oh you are transporting team items ? Guess what. Not anymore. Oh you lost the bounty ? Guess what, here comes some random dude with a bounty surfing with an alig or a volcano who decides to hang around and starts griefing. What a great system.
  11. ok dude, it was all a non issue because you say so basically or because it wasn't mentioned on the forums enough. Sounds valid.
  12. Anyone claiming that it's a good idea to turn the bounty system back on has clearly never been a bounty before. Not only was the system highly abused by cheaters who were either driving around or speedhacking around the map and killing everyone from the opposing faction when they got a bounty. It was also a griefing tool used especially in very competitive matches where people were either calling their buddies or random people were coming to kill the bounty effectively killing the person who was for example defending team items / points effectively ruining the mission for everyone on that team. Or non mission people were getting bounties themselves which allowed them to camp missions and grief effectively making you play vs 2 teams. There was nothing good about that system. All it was doing was either punishing you for being good or it was used by others to grief. Get good and stop crying and asking for crutches like the bounty system to carry you.
  13. I have a crazy idea. Get a good anti cheat, rebuild the community, fix the matchmaking, rework the spawns, redesign some badly designed / outdated spots on the maps. Oh wait people have been asking for that for 10 years. My bad.
  14. no thanks, had enough of bounty speedhackers killing everyone or griefers ruining missions
  15. Trust me there are even worse screenshots floating around, 7-8 low rank bronzes and trainees vs 7-8 max rank golds.
  16. Don't know if it's allowed but ReShade can easily achieve that look.
  17. That's why you just ignore people and play the game. It's not just new players that are being harassed. Veterans are also being hackusated and called names all the time by both new players and those thinking that they are the best and everyone else sucks.
  18. Don't waste your time. There have been thousands of posts with ideas yet nothing was ever implemented. Not to mention that implementing any matchmaking changes requires a large community to begin with.
  19. This will not fix anything. Plenty of ways to fake your phone number same as any other proof if identity. Asian countries are a perfect example of that. You literally need to register with your real ID to play games yet people have no issues with using stolen ID data to play games. The only thing you will add is extra hassle for legit players.
  20. Would love to see something happen. I quit in 2019 strictly because of me putting in crazy effort to hone my skills to be able to take on the best players but the game was riddled with so many blatantly cheating 4 man groups cheating for weeks/months that I just lost the motivation since anyone with skill.exe could be better than me with just a few clicks and yes sure sometimes you can outplay cheaters but I can't do anything against wallhacks with triggerbots who beat me simply because their bot's reaction was faster and they are using a low ttk gun. APB is an amazing game but it got absolutely ruined by cheating. Would love to see LO tackle that problem once and for all as that would be the first step to reviving the game.
  21. Nothing since it's already 2020 and the upgrade is still not done. The game is already pretty much dead with only veterans playing and the problems go far far deeper than the upgrade itself. Better performance won't fix anything since most people are running rigs with 2080Ti anyway where performance was never an issue. Shitty servers, non existent matchmaking, phasing, active gms and many many more are the real issues. People need to understand that the engine itself won't change anything.
  22. @MattScott @Lixil I hope that this will possible to get in the future as I'm one of many RTX gpu owners who can't even play the game without crashing all the time.
  23. I think you would have a very hard time playing Path of Exile.
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