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Everything posted by Thial

  1. not still, dead means nobody is playing anymore, there are around 700 people playing therefore it's nearly dead. Words mean things.
  2. Thinking that everyone is cheating is also delusional. I literally had people come to my stream and harass me saying that they have hours of footage proving that I'm cheating. Yet I have never been banned after thousands of hackusations and reports. I wonder why. There are plenty of other veterans who have experienced the same exact thing because people are simply delusional. They see cheaters everywhere. Sure there are tons of cheaters in every game but there are also tons of players who can be insanely good and fully legit. Ignoring that is what it means to be truly ignorant. It's easy to slander people and call everyone cheaters. It's much harder to admit that you are just shit at the game and others are much better.
  3. The real banger was the old login screen before G1 ruined it
  4. Yeah I do know that you can either fine tune everything to seem fully legit or just use cheats to assist with different things. I guess that I just don't like playing with the mindset that people are cheating as having that mindset only leads to being frustrated and playing worse or even quitting the game which I did in 2019 as I just got tired of putting in a lot of effort and so many people effortlessly running around with skill.exe
  5. All I have seen was blatant 4man cheating groups being gone. Good legit players were still being hackusated just as always. That's why I don't think that anything will change. Even with the best anti cheat people will still accuse everyone of cheating. It's just human nature.
  6. While it might be true that people did cheat I feel like the veterans who are left and who wanted to be in SPCT are still here out of their love for the game. That's why I just find it unlikely that they would cheat. Also like I said there's really nothing to gain from it at this point unless someone would be just super sweaty. In general I would assume that the current SPCT have at least few thousand hours in the game which is enough time to cultivate fully legit god tier skill. During my prime after around 2-2.5k hours I was playing so well and I was doing such things that I would ban myself tbh. My flicks were so accurate and my tracking was so consistent that it was scary. But it was the effect of me putting a lot of effort in which I'm sure other veterans were doing as well. Back in the day people were super into being as good as possible, training in aimtastic or csgo. Improving their muscle memory, reviewing their gameplay etc. So if the current SPCT are the remnants of that time then I'm not surprised why people would hackusate them. But of course it's possible that I'm completely wrong and people are in fact running around with macros and triggerbots.
  7. The exact same issue exists with heavy item missions. If by any chance your car gets destroyed in the middle of the street it's over. The items will be just stuck there with both teams infinitely respawning with volcanos and shit and every car brought close to the items being destroyed.
  8. You are welcome to speculate. I just find it unlikely that SPCT would risk their position to cheat in a nearly dead game. If APB was mega active and popular then yeah sure you could get some clout of it but now ? What would even be the purpose of cheating ? Also I'm just tired of people throwing hackusations left and right without any evidence whatsoever which are aimed at veterans. The majority of people hackusate literally anyone who kills them and it takes no effort at all to slander people. Providing evidence on the other hand could expose that they are just shit at the game.
  9. You can also go a step further and just introduce a new deathmatch like gamemode to districts where people who are not in a mission could join in just like it works with events and shoot anyone who's not a part of a mission until they will either quit or they will join a mission. You can even give all of those people a marker above their head and make them visible on the map. Or just play fightclub. That would be way more fun than just randomly being griefed by people. There was nothing good about bounties. No player who ever died from being a bounty or to a bounty said that it was fun. The only people who were having fun were those who were on the griefing end laughing maniacally as they were driving people over or spamming them with opgls and volcanos while carsurfing. Plus another problem with bounties was low pop and bad matchmaking. New players always keep saying that bounties are there to help them win against very good players but the reality is that they should never have been matched against those good players in the first place.
  10. Why not just remove it completely and work whatever advantages it was giving into the base game instead of stripping it off of features to the point where it's unrecognizable ?
  11. I read your first post, not gonna read 13 pages. The whole prestige system should be reworked as it brings literally nothing to the game anymore, nobody cares about it and it's literally unfair due to crims being able to pay off their meter. The meter should be gone while its effects should be just hardcoded into base APB. The bounties should be completely gone in general as it was always a griefing tool by either announcing to everyone where you are so that they could come and grief you during possibly a very important moment of a mission or like I wrote before it was actually abused to grief on purpose which was happening very often in clan / 4 man group matches. If a game punishes you for being too good then that's a shitty design / game.
  12. Removing the marker doesn't fix it. The problem was that the bounties were abused by the opposing team which was calling their buddies to kill the bounty. Also the opposite was happening where bounties were teaming up to grief random people's missions by using things like opgl osmaw hvr etc.
  13. 1. The last thing we need in this game are random pedestrians 1 tapping people with bricks. The game is random enough. 2. Good ideas 3. Kind of goes against the premise of the game. We are the criminals and enforcers, The pedestrians are supposed to be regular people that are caught in the conflict. Also if AI can help you carry items then that's an unfair rng advantage based on npc spawns. Also instead of just defending a point you would have to additionally kill all of the npcs to make sure that they won't help the opposition load the items onto a car faster.
  14. Great, more lunacy about wanting to punish players for being good. Learn how to play and stop asking for / depending on crutches like the bounty system. It's unfair, it disrupts missions, strategy and allows griefing.
  15. Cheaters in SPCT ? Why don't you name a few ? I'm very curious.
  16. Who's gonna tell him that not much is gonna change after EAC is added and that he's still gonna hackusate everyone ?
  17. I have the same issue on an account I've been playing on since 2013. Everything is grayed out.
  18. The issue is that if you will think that people are cheating then you will see cheaters everywhere. Every good legit player will be a cheater in your eyes. That's why I'm telling people to stop hackusating others as a very large chunk of the player base can play like that completely legit so it's better to just assume that you are playing against a really good player. But people don't want to listen to that. In their eyes everyone is cheating and we are defending cheaters here and everyone should be banned. There's no saving people like that. And this is not unique to new players either. I was being hackusated multiple times by players who have 10k+ hours in this game and who were publicly saying on their streams that I'm a crazy aimbotter. Surprise surprise, I was never banned and never will be. The main problem is that people refuse to accept that somebody can play better than them.
  19. Being a realist = being an APB apologist I guess. I don't doubt that there are some cheaters but if you wanna call people cheaters because they have mastered the fire rate of some gun and they can aim then I have some bad news for you, a big chunk of the player base can do that, completely legit.
  20. Oh that's what it is. I was wondering why everything was grayed out. I thought that maybe it was something along the lines of having to play a certain amount of time first.
  21. A classic. Someone is better than me = they are cheating. I used to play with only fbw for like 2 months at one point to master it and because it was fun. My fire rate was perfect and I was barely missing any shots. The amount of triggerbot / macro etc hackusations I got was horrifying. Stop hackusating people and get better instead. If you will keep hackusating you will always see cheaters all around you. You have no idea how much effort some people are putting into getting good at APB. During my prime I was constantly working on my muscle memory, I was practicing using different aim training "games", I was reviewing my own gameplay both in real time and by watching recordings to see what I can correct aim / strategy wise. And of course I was playing an unhealthy amount of hours every day. Many people do that to get better.
  22. UI scales with resolution. The higher the resolution, the smaller the UI.
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