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Everything posted by Haganu

  1. I think an ability to import/export character creation data (including clothes) and symbols would be well in place.
  2. Sugar Plum Fairy is definitely the most gorgeous skin they've released sofar. The particle effects and glowy parts on the skin are just too nice to pass up.
  3. Since dethreating is etched so deeply in quite a lot of players I think that's just going to make silver district even worse to play in. The majority of bronze still consists of bronzes and silvers. Golds are usually the exception.
  4. Players not actively playing, aiming for low scores (some idiots think negative score will help them even these days), suicides/TKs/AFK demerits making up for the majority if not the entirety of the medal collection of a player during a mission, to name a few symptoms. It's not that hard really.
  5. I was a bit underwhelmed with the Q&A from the session on LO's channel. Some questions felt repetitive, like we've already asked them before here on the forums, but I guess not everyone in twitch chat has browsed the forums. I wish I watched some other streams, I'm intrigued to see what they asked in the Q&A. It's good that it's happening though, but since we already know it is going to happen, and that there are going to be tons of improvements both on the client and server, I had expected an outlook of a bit further beyond the new contacts.
  6. Because every hairstyle other than the 2 everyone goes to are unattractive to look at. Hell, the only hairstyle for females that has a length you can call somewhat long leaves your character with not a 4, not a 5 but a 6head. APB needs more long hairs. Even though it requires clothing physics calculations it's something the game needs if it wants to have a creative scene that's somewhat redeemable. People won't use what they don't like. Doesn't make them all the same either.
  7. I wonder how effective it is to report garbage threads like these as spam. If you really want to voice your opinion like it matters here, why not use the fucking thread it's meant for? The more garbage threads like these show up, the less likely LO is (or should be) to follow this garbage forum.
  8. they might even use unit game as scapegoat. covid-19 is made in china after all
  9. owner structure as much of a spaghetti as the code base the game runs on
  10. It kinda has something to do with being from the Netherlands I believe. Still, not being able to at least send legendaries between characters on my own account is kinda really inconvenient and makes it pretty pointless for me to have them.
  11. I can't even send any legendaries over to alts because any and all legendaries I do get end up being untradable no matter what. It makes them kinda worthless. If I could at least send them over to my own alts I would actually not mind being unable to trade legendaries due to being dutch :v
  12. both servers are awful in their own special way EU has more players though
  13. Can't blame the people for getting bored of stale, repetitive gameplay, often against people you already know and know to (dis)like over and over.
  14. If the so called glory days of APB are really the days where we were constantly being lied to by the devs, where new players would get stomped on by butthurt vets calling cheats on nearly entirely everything and things like scamming were a thing because the devs were too lazy to implement a trading system that LO implemented in not even a year's time. Then the game never deserves to see the light. It's also really not GTA 5's fault since the polulation was already at an alarming decline before it GTA V Online PC.
  15. The tutorial is very makeshift and not intuitive at all. A good tutorial pulls the player into the very tutorial itself and uses the player's immersion and curiosity to explain crucial mechanics. APB's "tutorial" literally is just a screen with text not many people make sense out of, a few pictures that don't explain a lot to a player, and gives a reward that's not really a reward at all. All that little effort wasted on so many pointless things, and in any random district at that, instead of in a seperate section where a player can take the time to learn the basic and crucial mechanics. Really the only difference from when I joined the game late 2013 is that now instead of being randomly dropped into an action district, I'm randomly dropped in an action district, but with a random window of text I can't care less about. Because that window of text doesn't speak to me. It's formatted like a working instruction you'd see at the office... But in a game. What if we reuse the login screen we have now to create an actual immersive, intuitive and proper explanatory tutorial segment?
  16. rename legendary to SSR or super rRare and add 2 more tiers of weapon rarity below them and call them elite and rare... wait this is already a thing make it an ingame thing that requires 2 kinds of materials each roll and give the weapon a timer that requires another kind of material to skip but make the rarity define how game breaking the mod is SSR ursus gets to shoot 2 boolet at once while an elite volcano just keeps the ramp up and a rare volcano is just essentially a shittier osmaw this post is secretly meant for unit game
  17. with all the rebalances and lack of actual content, i can't really blame them if you look at this forum alone, an imo too significant share of its content goes to complaints about balance it's not that it's wrong to ask or that the game is perfectly balanced, but instead of rebalances every other year it would've been better that the resources went to something that would positively impact the game on a longer term there's been too much of a focus on the competitive aspect, and to this day it still hasn't gotten us anywhere at the same time, the lack of content is probably due to the lack of an engine that allows a lot of content i wonder if ue3.5 has a proper pipeline for new maps, contacts, cars, weapons, gamemodes, missions, mission types and cosmetics when i think of competitive i think of strict set up matches between 2 teams with various objectives and locations to make pvp slightly variable, but still balanced in all aspects for the most part i don't really think of catering to people stomping, ez wins or going all out for something insignificant nonetheless i do think the community as a whole focuses on the competitive aspect too much this game could be a lot more if it could balance competition and immersion in the end, we'll see what happens after ue3.5 if they have good pipelines up to churn out minor and major content in a good pace and build this world up more, then we might just get ourselves an actually fun pvp game
  18. APB has many faces. It has the MMO face, it has the cops vs robbers face, it has the competitive face, it has the open world face (which would be great if this were actually true). I don't know how the RTW days were, but having a leaderboard doesn't immediately mean your game is competitive. Casual MMOs with the majority of the content being PvE have leaderboards too, but since the leaderboards don't play a major role in the game it's not a competitive game. There's competition, but the game doesn't revolve around it. First and foremost when you play this game, your main goal is to level up with contacts and unlock new stuff. The only thing that makes the line between MMO and competitive blurry is that you have to do missions, most of the time against other players, to level up. But leveling up the contacts is still the main goal when you start. Competition is the tool. Leveling up is the goal. As I posted before: if unopposed missions were attractive to do, the majority of the new players wouldn't probably wait for opposition till a certain point. I'm not talking about how players experience this game, but how I think the game is probably supposed to function. Whether this game is competitive or not. I'm convinced that if LO focused more on the competitive aspect of APB, that the game would never really become a good game. I think focusing on the competitive aspect of this game is a bad idea in the long run, especially when you have a dev team that wants everyone to be happy. You simply can't please everyone. There will always be a party that loses.
  19. APB is the kind of game that has all the negative aspects of a competitive game without having the good aspects. It has all the toxicity, cheating, exploiting. The shitty culture... But it doesn't have any global rankings, seasonal rewards or anything that makes competition actually attractive. It does have an ELO system that got ruined along the way by just having to press F or being near someone pressing it... But where are the rewards for actually being good? Bragging rights and toxicity aren't rewards. Unopposed missions give less money, standing, don't improve weapon roles and are plain boring. FIx those and nobody will wait for opp anymore. Competition in this game is forced upon players in a way. And more often than not in a poor manner.
  20. I doubt there's anything official behind it at all, too. I don't have a clear memory of it either. I do remember this has been discussed and speculated though, so hearing something official on this would be great. Still, my bad.
  21. While the initial intention was for the game to be APB but on UE4, it first got pushed back to be more like a successor to APB, hence APB2. Like a new game in the same series.
  22. APB 2.1 on 3.5 is the game client version. It's not a brand new IP. APB2 which isn't nearly far enough to be worth of any speculation anyways would be a brand new IP in the series... if it ever manages to reach that status. I don't believe in an APB 2 on UE4 until I see it. LO isn't Reloaded, but I still haven't forgotten APB Vendetta. Only LO can really clear up whether we'll ever see an "APB2" on UE4 or not, so let's not fall back to groundless speculating like we did back in Reloaded. The outlook for it doesn't seem very positive, so I'm not going to hold my breath until LO says black on white it's going to happen. Whether APB2.1 runs on deprecated tech or not is something we'll have to see or hear from the devs. An old engine isn't per say a bad Engine.
  23. Loyalty rewards. The rates on the gold boxes seem a lot higher than the normal boxes, too.
  24. I don't know how long it exactly took for LO to prepare that whole takeover, but before LO stepped in Reloaded was silent on every front for about 2 years straight. The policy of, from how I experienced it at least, to keep things silent and leave everything to the community to speculate about wasn't a great policy. I think Ketog is more talking about future plans. The moment we heard about Riot to bring up his example was when it was already being worked on. The Engine Upgrade and Customer Support tracking are good. A very necessary change in policy from what Reloaded has been keeping prior to LO times, and you see it back in your posts' reactions. We're grateful for it, but that alone wouldn't be enough to save this game. Lixil was a decent GM. I wish we heard more from her, but I can't say she was bad. Sakebee has been alright too, but to me it still looks like you're the main spokesperson here. Maybe it's because what you post is so critical and important to this game and its players, while events we're hearing from from Sakebee are more to keep us busy until the cards come down. Despite the effort I still think there's too much of a wall between developer and community. There's a CM posting events and a CEO tracking UE3.5 and CS progress... but what's beyond that? Other than sometimes GMs answering questions in Social or hanging out at a car club, there's no real interaction going on with the community, unless it's a constructive and someone critical post like Ketog's. At the same time, I feel like this lack of interaction is a two headed monster. It can't say the effect of keeping the playerbase at an arm's length while keeping them up to date with important information has worked out positively sofar. By that same token, that makes a GM showing themselves or even more than that, Sakebee log into the game even to randomly say hi such a big deal, which in turn makes dealing with that like a minefield. I think a possible solution that's somewhat unorthodox but quite underused or half-assed in games like this is to bring players into this. Not just streamers or SPCT, but less known people, too. Reloaded had a couple initiatives such as SPCM but they never did anything with those ideas. They just remained ideas for the most part. You showing your identity up front has done nothing but good to this playerbase. It showed us there was finally someone who truly had the best intentions and a will to carry them out. I get that the Engine Upgrade is priority number 1 right now, and from the last couple posts it looks like the end of the tunnel is nearby for that. However... I've posted it a couple times before, but I'm curious what LO plans to do with this game, its setting, its theme. I'm not just talking about matchmaking, phasing or anything. I wish this game could be more immersive instead of competitive if anything. I honestly would prefer if you wouldn't make the characters be brighter than the rest of the world, for example. It would make the game feel ugly and it would feel like the characters just look out of place. Now that the Engine Upgrade is nearby though, it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to propose some ideas for what comes after. Beyond Lucas van Rooijen and Lynette Casey I mean. Just thinking of this game's setting I can think of thousands of things that could be interesting, and if done right would make this game so much more than it is now. I'm looking forward to what you have envisioned for this game though. If there's one game that has things like future planning and communicating such done right it has to be Phantasy Star. Every month they do a 2 hour long stream in which they announce all the new stuff to come to the game. From the core of the gameplay, to the cosmetics, to QoL improvements, to literally everything else related to the game outside of the game's client. Definitely makes me wish this game had something like that, but before APB can get to such a point it would need a pipeline to create new content worth announcing. And more players, ofcourse.
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