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Everything posted by GhosT

  1. If you play the HVR the way it's intended to be used, as a sniper rifle, literally nothing has changed for you. This dude is just sad his crouch fired crutch is gone.
  2. Where have I said that it's fine? It previously failed at doing what it should have been, now it does, but it does it too effectively.
  3. probably to be in line with the changes they made to the friends and search features, it wouldn't make sense to have the old /who with the new way those features work Why'd they even change that in the first place?
  4. Yeah but, why though? I haven't seen anyone complaining about that since forever.
  5. It's intended to be a marksman long range shotgun, and people are suddenly complaining about it now that it does what it's supposed to do. It's a little too strong and needs adjusting, but the range itself is fine. Maybe a shot or two more to kill at it's max effective range.
  6. Different walking styles you could choose from would be awesome. Female characters definitely need a new idle animation that doesn't look like a dude with razor blades in his armpits.
  7. We had a population gain due to LO actually doing something with the game, and now we've lost a lot of players due to the absolute garbage shotgun changes.
  8. I have seen people go monkey mode and just move left and right blasting that gun and doing shit load of damage. The guy just a/d while not being in marks man and blasted me away. I've ran a JT lease for the shredder for the past few days, hipfiring was never really effective, at least not effective enough to be overpowered or strong.
  9. Been playing asylum quite a lot recently, and I rarely manage to 2-shot some people with the JG and CSG. I don't understand why, my internet runs perfectly fine, so does the server according to /fps, and my aim is centered onto the enemy most of the time after checking some recordings. Yet most of my deaths in there are me being 2 shotted. I don't get it.
  10. I mean it has a bigger radius then the ntec and you can also strafe with it with the ntec you can not you need to go in marks man. a guy killed me from 25 meters with cj3 with shredder yeah totally on the same level like the ntec /s. Worst part is it's super consistent The shredder requires you to use marksman mode, you don't hip fire that thing, never.
  11. I find it funny when things like the N-TEC exist yet people complain about something that sucks in close range and works well at like 20-30m. It does need a nerf, but I don't get the communities outrage about certain things when other things are far more problematic, yet are rarely mentioned.
  12. I kept saying that the new pellet mechanics just rewards bad players with bad aim with more damage than they deserve. Changes came to live and what do you know, it does exactly that. It's rare that I agree with you, but I do here. Literally everyone running around can 2 shot you if their aim is somewhat close to you. They need to fix that.
  13. Walking animations are fine. Slow run and idle are horrible though.
  14. I think we reached a point where the new shotgun mechanics are just too forgiving, and the only way to rebalance them is to use the old shotgun mechanics.
  15. Don't think that's just you, it's almost a fact? Euryale is already super accurate when MB+HS3'd. Medusa is pretty damn bad for the first 15-20ish bullets, and only becomes good after that - when it's too late.
  16. The S1-NA 'Manic' is pretty damn good. The S1-FA 'Frenzy' and the S1-TIC 'Rabid', not so much.
  17. The best weapons are ironically free weapons, the OCA, HVR and the N-TEC 5. But I gotta agree with Frosi here, hold back on buying weapons until they finished their rebalance.
  18. Hmm, Rainbow Six Siege's test server is fairly populated every time it gets opened, you always get matches in peak times. With a small playerbase like APB though, you need to host these on the live server.
  19. Eh, everyone should get 255 and maxed roles for instant access to weapons. We're already supplied a bunch of cash so there's that. Also, another copy, it's just unnecessary hassle for everyone when we've literally had test districts on the live version before, you know, where people actually tried out things. Can't properly test things with 2 people on OTW.
  20. > Requires you to install another copy of APB. > Servers are in the US so the majority of players can't test ot due to high ping. > No access to mods required to properly test weapons due to them avoiding to give everyone max rank. They should honestly just do it like G1 did it before OTW went public - do it on the live server by using special instances of Baylan. The scripts and everything including the deployables 'Balanced Bundle Box A' and 'B' already exist, too.
  21. They literally used a weapon that's been in the files for years, and made a viable secondary out of it. Theres literally nothing to blame them for.
  22. But 30% of 3 is still less than 1, so all you do is increase reload time. What you really want is Bandolier 3, or if LO allows it, Double-Drum Mag Right, was supposed to say Bandolier. Gotta have to correct you though - "magazine size" of yields is 1 though.
  23. CAP40 was never intended to be an OCA reskin. Stop spreading this misinformation. He never said that. The CAP-40 was introduced as a slower SMG with the same time to kill as the OCA, to give people some alternative that's somewhat a mix of the PMG and the OCA. Since the OCA buff, the CAP-40 is just overshadowed and lost its place.
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