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Everything posted by GhosT

  1. Yeah, I mean, you were the first to bring up irrelevant crap. What makes you assume that I get smashed all day long in CQC by N-TECS? Just because I dare to speak the truth about your favourite crutch? I'm not trying to balance guns to my personal skill level because "waaaah I got killed by one waaaaaaah", but more so because it actually is overpowered and the game became absolutely stale. I mean... , lol. Yeah, they did. Not sure why Flaws even tries. It's obvious.
  2. Oh man, here comes the "you're bad" argument. Funny seeing that coming from you, considering your past (or even present? I don't know.) Yeah, some weapons are better than the N-TEC at their intended range, and they are poop outside of it, but it doesn't change the fact that the N-TEC can effectively fight pretty much anything and outgun them at a given situation. The N-TEC is also at an advantage if you get the jump on your oh-so-good OCA user, or the N-TEC has cover - and the OCA doesn't. I mean, there's a reason why almost everyone plays it. It's obvious that it's overpowered and you can defend your crutch all day long, it won't change my opinion about it.
  3. I'm guessing you are a 1 mag 1 kill type of OCA player. Yeah, no. Why are you picking at me? I mean, look at your streams, you're sometimes a 1 mag 1 kill type of N-TEC player.
  4. While I like the changes they're doing, those should be small band-aid patches for when there actually is a playerbase. What we need right now is new content and features. Releasing the next set of contacts would be a good start, and then just focus on getting the engine upgrade stuff done.
  5. Right? Literally no one complained about having to buy ammo before G1 decided to bug it out and ignore it. Now it's some super unnecessary new world feature everyone absolutely hates. These new people...
  6. Citadel is usually one and a half financial, and one waterfront during peak times. Outside of that, it's one financial. I think jericho has been complaining since forever that nobody plays waterfront.. what server are you on exactly?
  7. Stop driving an espacio and your problem is solved. That thing tips over just by looking at it.
  8. Let's turn this around. Can the OCA kill something 60+ meters away from you? No. Can the N-TEC effectively compete with SMGs in CQC? Yes. Why?
  9. Uhhh, what? I wasn't even talking about the Raptor 45 'Condor' at all, I was talking about the update that brought it, which completely changed the way the radar works, as they had to completely rework it, just to allow the raptor to not show up on the radar. And what the hell is this cheating argument all of a sudden, who cares?
  10. No, ever since they added the Raptor 45 'Condor', the radar no longer works how it used to. The dots aren't refreshing as often anymore when people shoot, and when someone stops shooting, the dot eventually still refreshes one more time without the player even doing anything.
  11. Revert the Raptor 45 'Condor' radar change and the radar will no longer be bugged. I kinda miss the old radar behaviour. Though this probably has little to do with the mobile radar tower mod.
  12. Can you at least up the cost of auto-resupplying? That way, you can opt out to buy ammo, or you could buy ammo to save a little cash. Would be great if you could make the game feel less empty by doing so.
  13. Slightly confused. But i'm saying an enforcer at P/N5 killing 25 normal criminals Oh. That makes more sense. Your wording made it sound like you had to kill 25 crims who are N5.
  14. Depends on the situation, the N-TEC is very viable to hold its ground in close quarters against these weapons, while still being effective up to 65m or even more.
  15. Back in the day TTK was a lot slower than what we have now, so you can be happy. Some of the guns in the game already have the potential to kill incredibly fast, which I'm not a fan of. As someone else above said, you should get a kill by your ability to track someone and to compensate things like recoil or bloom, instead of killing someone by flick spraying into them.
  16. I appreciate the use of a fresno in that one news picture.
  17. It used to be a 3 shot to kill until they nerfed it. It was already bad that way, so I don't see why reverting that nerf would be bad.
  18. It's beyond me how such an long time and experienced player can defend the N-TEC so hard. You even play it all day long without ever switching to something else. Can you explain me where exactly the N-TEC is a "high skill cap" weapon? All you need to learn is how to tap fire, and that's learned in a mission or two, or by firing at a wall for a few minutes. Then it's literally just a spam LMB to win at all ranges gun, while still being better than some of the SMGs in this game for close range. Hell just drive through a district, the only thing you ever hear is tap fired ntecs in every direction. The thing is so easy it's not even fun to play with or against it.
  19. Fix the Notoriety/Prestige first so people don't teamkill eachother when they become N/P5 or see one. Literally impossible to do this challenge without farming a friend.
  20. I see that it worked, even years after that. Nice.
  21. Is that why no one ever got it yet?
  22. Yup. Either in game or by deleting the files, as the game doesn't show you whether the filter is on or off. Or you could open the config and search for the values there, though I have no idea which file that actually is.
  23. If bumping is so bad, why did you do it? Besides, I said open a new one. A few of my tickets have been "ignored" before, and making a new one with the exact same text from the first one got me a reply within two to three days. I think it's pretty clear that you've never worked in customer support.
  24. I am reading your responses, but I have a hard time taking them serious as it's mostly just whining. Yes, you explained what you think they should've done different (can't blame them. it happens.) Yet you refuse to say why you didn't do anything for three months.
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