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Everything posted by GhosT

  1. I like the price drops, but not really the random prices nor do I like the price INCREASE on some of the guns. The population is low, increasing prices will make your income even worse.
  2. I don't have a problem with it to be honest. Though for the sake of balance, we could "delay" prestige/notoriety 5 until after the mission ends, and then kicks in. Removing it just makes the game even more basic than it already is. Though something needs to be done against "friendly" kills to prevent getting it.
  3. Oh man I can't wait for all the players coming back for those devil wings.
  4. To effectively farm, you need an empty district and two players per side. Not as easy as just pressing alt on your buddy. Try again.
  5. It would allow farming for roles, events, activities and whatnot. There's a reason why this doesn't work. It's just like private lobbies in other games.
  6. Basically what Kewlin said. It also doesn't help that the community is utterly toxic to eachother and mostly plays overpowered gear and boring strats.
  7. Let me just remind you of the dumb spawns that place you right in front of a bunch of enemies, and the shotgun stairway campers. And the mini lag that causes you to fall down the whole tower.
  8. Back down to 16v16 and use the whole mission pool for it. Item base hold was fun.
  9. Is the armas update live yet? It doesn't look like it, the shredder still costs 40 bucks WITH premium.
  10. Equip and travel time is a thing, so it's not a insta kill. I don't see what's wrong about the old OSMAW being able to insta kill, you had to be almost dead on target and sacrificed a lot in order to use it. The CQC panic suicide is also easily fixed by a higher equip time (which it currently has) and a safe zone so the rocket doesn't explode, like it does with actual rocket launchers. //Edit: Yeah, EOL could use some adjustments. Removal of windup, for example.
  11. Why would anyone ever want to use mouse acceleration?
  12. All explosive weapons excluding that one screechy boi from armas are balanced perfectly. Before they nerfed the osmaw once again, you could blow up most vehicles with one shot. Tthe only vehicles that could survive a OSMAW shot were the Pioneer and the Espacio, which began smoking when hit. The two vegas variants started burning once hit by a rocket. Everything else was one shotted. ... though I wouldn't mind if they'd go back and remove the wind-up timer. It makes literally no sense balance wise and was only a band-aid fix to stop people from insta-shooting after jumping out of cars. //Edit: Lowering the health of civilian cars and leaving personal vehicles stronger just makes things a lot more confusing and inconsistent.
  13. Or just don't play with randoms if you can't accept losing because of random teammates. Let others play the way they want to. Speaking of LTL, it is so far away from being OP. The only thing regarding LTL that could be called op is the pig and perc combo, but even that is weak sauce compared to other guns in the game. LTL is only annoying when 2 or more people play it, and even then, they need coordination to do well. Stunning someone takes way longer than just shooting someone, and then you have to get to your stunned enemy and arrest them, and then guard them so they don't get uncuffed.
  14. Well, it's still G1/LO after all, not too many employees, especially not in the support team. They're also being flooded by trade stuff and bans/unbans, so there's that.
  15. That's a nice change. Though I still hope you plan on adding some other downside to it, it needs one.
  16. Which RTW employee. But G1 did add a new fart sound at one time...
  17. The real MVP. Thanks, makes it a lot less confusing!
  18. Thanks for clearing that up. Though you should add a further explanation to that, or remove the codes altogether since they're not required in the first place.
  19. Literally pay2win! Did the downvoters really think I was serious? You guys are smart.
  20. Not sure why you wrote down hex codes, APB uses HSL.
  21. Didn't we already have that? But as Sadira said, it's easy to spoof them and effectively doesn't do much.
  22. Well, that's what the Remote Detonator pretty much is.
  23. You are aware that the old threat system is still around, right? Only difference is that there's only 4 displayed ranks instead of 30. Gold for example goes all the way from Silver 6 up to Gold 10.
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