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Everything posted by CrackSmack

  1. Have made some more now, but dont have pictures of all of them Newer ones in this gallery https://imgur.com/a/uMNuJXv
  2. In b4 not allowed to make A-team van cuz i aint black.
  3. Nah this totally is the game for it.Open world driving with the car you created. Racing games generally suck, there is something more satisfactory driving in apb.
  4. Driving and racing is literally the only reason i even still play this game lol.
  5. Well since then ive made some more, here have a look. https://imgur.com/a/P6z2s74
  6. idk, read it just fine. Maybe you should be working on your reading skills.
  7. Idk, i dont have any problems with that, been a few times when it has crashed but nothing to write home about.
  8. If you have good designs they sell well, ive sold alot of them, and i asked around 650 -1.2
  9. 4k hours max rank been silver for 2k hours was bronze threat before because i had a shitty laptop running apb at 30fps and during intense firefights it fell to 10fps. Anyway im not in this game for the shooting aspect of it. Way more into this game for the cusomisation aspect, always been. People still call me a dethreater and what not. But truth is i just suck xD. I sometimes achieve gold but loose it in a couple of missions. Not on purpose tho, its just how the game goes. All my friends in this game are playing in bronze districts too so i really have no point to move into silver districts. I personally think they should just remove threat allready then the dethreat problem dissappears.tbh it shouldve been done years ago.
  10. I cant make it today, see you all next week! Have fun!
  11. CrackSmack


    NGL this sound pretty dope, wind under your wings, keep it up!
  12. Am i the only one who uses blowtorch as secondary on weaker players :P?
  13. They should just remove threat allready, extend the misery a bit.
  14. Thats like 5 in the morning for me. Edit: Whoever disliked this, i hope things get better for you in life.
  15. Bruh, ever heard of passive income? and besides taking account how much time it takes to put them on sale after every 24h, symbols make you way more money than 100k/hour of real labor.
  16. More kits for existing ones and/or a Hypercar
  17. Created an album of my growl creations, not all of them there only those that i still have pictures of, lost most of my earlier designs and alot i just havent made pictures of. Well enjoy the view. Click on the picture for the gallery
  18. You get 3 hours instead of 30 minutes if you got premium.
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