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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. to get any sort of connection to the APB server would send a reg flag up for unauthorized entry and the FBI , Interpol and other types of government agency's would be all over this. to the best of my knowledge no such data breach has happened to APB especially in such a manner to win a game when they would steal your identity in real life instead. doing such a breach would take a complete idiot to do it for just winning a match rather than financial gain by stealing your identity and money in real life , which is the only reason those breaches happen. I have seen some suspicious ,however that does not mean they cheated. it could of been lag , it could be better gaming reflexes or it could be a gaming mouse and a better computer. none the less i seen two who decimated a team of 4 golds with 16 kills each and i personally got a single kill from being completely overwhelmed as well (I'm silver on NA) the other golds on their team i believe only had time for 3 kills and the two silvers i am uncertain of once again saying those two were suspicious against my teammates who were trying hard but were completely run over does not make the two on opps cheaters. I only suspect.
  2. you are the one who brought up my bathing lol anyways , this is why i asked about errors. it helps to know details so that people can respond.
  3. I ask if it also gave an error code or if it was just an invalid password and then he says i don't bathe. and it wasn't 3 months its only been 3 weeks since i bathed
  4. some people asked for something different so that it was not the same every year.
  5. new cars , new clothes , a weird giant bobble head , anything
  6. funding = players spending money Little Orbit is not trying to milk us so funding is less compared to how G1 milked us. people who say " dont buy anything until little orbit does as we want" only harms even more so. especially with how some of the people complaining want stuff from gta here , or cows n horses....weird non apb stuff
  7. i think it would be good to have it posted here and there as well. some people made it sound like it is irrelevant out there which is why i posted what i did. you know , covering all the bases? that thing.
  8. twitter is the most common used form of updating peoples lives. it makes sense to give updates via twitter
  9. You know , I'll change my stance on crims having LTL let the crims have the LTL weapons Then they will see how hard it is for arrests when those of us experienced with LTL kill the LTL crims twice as much if not more. Maybe then the crims will stop hating on enforcers using LTL and respect them more lol
  10. blame your government for those laws not the game companies who are forced to obey those laws
  11. how else would new players hear of events and come in to play?
  12. it is a temporary thing until servers are back up the way they are meant to be. work in progress
  13. MattScott said in a post recent;y of holiday stuff. guess this was what was meant by it.
  14. With how many people purchase the weapons Solamente mentioned , I really have no idea where that came from
  15. you were talking like you may of switched. nevermind then on that. try validating files by steam. and try repair by launcher option button.
  16. if there already a thread then yeah id say to not make another. and if there's not then who cares since its not a duplicate but since the very quoted post has an update from 3 hours ago id say go read it since it was updated 4 hours after you posted this. so yeah youre fine.
  17. i cant agree that explosives determines a fair matchup. but yes i do understand your point. buy one for me then? not anyone's fault you cant hit the broadside of a barn move along yourself then lol
  18. i wouldn't counter explosives with explosive anyways. get in close range and osmaw type weapons have a major vunerability with an easier chance of success.
  19. that is not true. many problems that need to be fixed can be done when pc is finished since the pc version is the template to upload to the other systems. honestly a texture bug isnt the most important of problems to fix either considering some people have been getting crashes.
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